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Analysis of scientific production on audit and public health based on the Virtual Health Library database

This is a literature review of basis depicted from a broader literature research carried on the platform of the Virtual Library in Health with the aim to characterize the research so far produced on SUS auditing. The survey comprised the national publications on audit for the period 2000-2010 identifying fourteen documents to compose the study sample. The research findings were then classified as for the topic investigated and the categories applied to the methodological aspects. Results showed the dearth of studies focused on this topic and the need for dissemination of reports as a consolidation element for the public health working process.

Public Health; Health Management; Unified Health System

Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde Av. Brasil, 4036, sala 802, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel. 55 21-3882-9140, Fax.55 21-2260-3782 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil