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Intersectionality, human rights and reproductive justice: critical assessment in sexual and reproductive health


In this text, the concepts of intersectionality, human rights and reproductive justice are discussed, from a critical perspective that can contribute to studies and research in the context of evaluating interventions – policies, programs, projects, services – aimed at sexual and reproductive health of the women and other people who have uterus. The reflection presented here focuses on the issue of sexual and reproductive rights, although it can be extended to other related themes. To this end, it proposes that health assessment – understood as an academic and political space – considers intersectionality as an analytical tool for identifying and confronting vulnerabilities; establish human rights as a transversal axis of analysis, that is, as an instrument of evaluative processes in the search for dignity in health care; cultivate reproductive justice as an ethical horizon for reflection and action in evaluative spaces.

Health evaluation; Human rights; Reproductive rights; Intersectional framework; Social justice

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