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Crack’s systematic review: aspects related to the use and abuse


This is a systematic review of articles with the aim of analyzing the aspects related to the use and abuse of crack. The analysis was performed from 126 articles and followed the steps proposed by Minayo (2000)MINAYO, M.C. O Desafio do conhecimento: pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. São Paulo; Rio de Janeiro: Hucitec-Abrasco, 2000.: sorting, sorting the data and final analysis. The results relate primarily to the consequences of using health (42.8%). Besides these, it was possible to trace the user’s profile (22.2%). Studies appeared on the psychological and social approach (13.4%). The drug leads to sex and prostitution (9.52%), crime and violence (3.17%) in addition to the treatment options used (8.73%). This review gathered important data on the drug Crack between 2000-2010.

Crack cocaine; Review; Substance Related Disorders

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