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Sensible Co-Labor-Active Methodologies: Producing knowledges ‘together with’ social movements and territories for the paradigmatic transition


This essay discusses the methodological dimension in qualitative research in supporting movements of paradigmatic transition in public health. It reflects on the limits, needs, challenges and advances that the authors have been building to ‘work together’ with territories, community organizations and social movements that act within them, based on sensible collaborative methodologies. One of the main objectives of these methodologies involves the power of agency in instituting processes of the subjects who live, work and mobilize within the territories, in particular in recognizing, validating and supporting the production of knowledges aimed at social transformation, the struggle for rights, the search for dignity and well living. From the construction of Sustainable and Healthy Territories in the context of an agenda marked by socio-environmental crises, we propose a retrieval of epistemology with wisdom that combines ontological, methodological, pedagogical, artistic and affective dimensions. In this sense, social transformation also implies changing a hegemonic model of science that, in the name of objectivity, excludes knowledge systems and experiences born in other spheres of community life, including traditional ones. We end with a brief presentation of recent experiences of knowledges encounters and research projects that illustrate the proposed sensible methodologies.

Epistemology; Sustainable and Healthy Territories; Sociocultural territory; Participatory methodology; Art

Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde Av. Brasil, 4036, sala 802, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel. 55 21-3882-9140, Fax.55 21-2260-3782 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil