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The territory and health: conceptual notes for the proposal of sustainable and healthy territories


This article aims to discuss the analytical and operational potential of the concept of territory to formulate proposals and promoting the creation of healthy and sustainable territories. The debate about the territory concept is related to the globalization process and the networks of socioeconomic relations that have been shaping new spaces, producing conflicts and raising local identities. Globalization and these spaces have been aggravating social and health inequalities, promoting flows but also building barriers for human relations. The relationship territory-network is a process of production of a new spatial form that brings together several territories simultaneously and is associated with power, the micro and macropolitical properties of social relations that manifest themselves from the territorialization of social actors. Ways of conceiving territory arise from the body, expanding the scale and its understanding as a synonym of living space, human and non-human, in a relational and integrate perspective. The concept of territory contributes to the approach of healthy and sustainable territories as a basis for analysis, action, interaction, solidarity and cooperation among the individual’s body, society, living beings and the planet, which are the foundations for emancipatory practices and producers of autonomy and health.

Territory; Sustainable; Health promotion; Globalization; Health

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