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Health care coordination by primary health care and its implications for users' satisfaction

The present article analyzed the possible relationships between care coordination by the Primary Health Care and users' satisfaction in four towns in Brazil - Aracaju, Belo Horizonte, Florianópolis, and Vitória. Some indicators selected to evaluate two dimensions of coordination - integration among care and strengthening levels of the Primary Health Care - were compared with those related to users' satisfaction with Family Health team performance. Both results revealed that the changes introduced by the Brazilian's Family Health Strategy are reflected in an overall satisfaction with the Primary Health Care, thus they show improvements as compared with care provided by 'traditional' services.

Primary Health Care; Family Health Strategy; Coordination; Satisfaction

Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde Av. Brasil, 4036, sala 802, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel. 55 21-3882-9140, Fax.55 21-2260-3782 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil