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Diabetic child of type 1 and family life: repercussions in the management of the disease


The research aimed to write the repercussion of the family life of the diabetic child in the management of the disease. This is a descriptive qualitative study, type case study with a diabetic child followed in an outpatient follow-up at a university hospital, through a focus group. Analysis of data by content analysis of thematic type. Adriana (fictitious name), 11 years old, does not adhere to the guidelines and treatments proposed by the health team, resulting in inadequate management of diabetes and high glycemic indexes. Disharmonious relationship with the family and the lack of health services management could contributed with this situation. Chronic health conditions influence the family daily life and make treatment difficult, especially for children. Primary Health Care should use tools such as case management and the singular therapeutic project so that, together with family and child, it can obtain better adherence to the treatment.

Diabetes Mellitus; Child; Case reports; Comprehensive health care

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