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The Municipal Health Council of Vitória and its internal rules: a case report


The objective of this article was to compare the assignments in the internal Rules of Procedure from the Municipal Health Council of Vitória (CMSV) with the activities documented in the meeting agendas held between February 2010 and April 2011. The organization of the Council and its assignments described in the Internal Rules of Procedure were listed. The parity was a weak point noted in the meeting agendas, and the most recorded activities were related to the following focus of analysis: Municipal Health Fund, the Municipal Health Council (CMS), Municipal Health Conference, Municipal Health Plan (PMS), Public Hearing (AP), Health Care Provision Services (PSS), Management Annual Report and Others. The conclusion showed that the CMSV acts according to the Rules of Procedure, but must be encouraged the active participation of CMSV on: the PMS, AP and PSS, as well as redefining the activities of this Council on the focus of analysis CMS.

Health Councils; Internal Rules; Social Participation

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