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The right that came out of the closet: the cosmovision of the opinion makers of the brazilian right-wing protesters


The article seeks to unveil the cosmovision (weltanschauung) of the main opinion-formers of the Brazilian right-wing protesters, who went to the streets during the year 2015. The work was based on multi-method research, built from the survey of Facebook posts created by these social actors, during the year in focus, as well as articles from their authorship published on blogs, newspapers and magazines, with their authorship, videos of their interviews and hangouts. The analysis was based on two focus groups composed of frank supporters and participants in the protests, in order to understand how the cosmovision of these opinion leaders was effectively shared by the right-wing protesters of 2015. In this data analysis, the systematization of certain semantic fields was applied, constituted by certain force-ideas, which present themselves in a regular and repetitive way in the discourse of such social agents. They therefore functioned as "keys of reading" for their interpretations of the national political conjuncture and as guides for their actions. These are: antipetism, moral conservatism and neoliberal principles.

cosmovision (weltanschauung); right-wing; opinion formers; 2015 protesters; semantic fields

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil