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Conhecimento sobre ação coletiva e movimentos sociais: pontos para uma análise dos protestos sociais em África


The text aims to analyze a range of issues relevant to the research field on collective actions, especially as developed in the United States, and about social movements, as predominantly developed in Europe. It aims to highlight issues, principles and concepts related to these issues. Further, it, seeks to identify trends and perspectives present in the tradition of research on collective action and social movements in Africa, taking into consideration the question of the use of these traditions, their relevance and limits. The procedure is to identify a repertoire for the construction of avenues for the analysis of social protest. Starting from the literature produced in the subject field of collective action and social movements, the paper aims to indicate possible analytical avenues guiding the development of research for the analysis of social protest, understood as a form of collective action or moment of visibility for a social movement. An analysis of social protest aids in the recognition of the theoretical and methodological legacy of the analysis of collective action and social movements. As well, it enables the identification of themes and issues that emerge from the social contexts themselves and which are not problematized in the field of theory.

collective action; social movements; social protests; private-universal; production of meaning; Africa

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil