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La nueva gramática democrática frente a la integración autónoma latinoamericana y caribeña

The "market's democratization and the liberal democratization's" purpose it's to soften the systemic and global crisis of Latin America, a region whose historical memory registers harsh processes of market authoritarianism over its political systems. The procedural democracy and the multiparty political system monopolize the representation, pretending to be the cure against authoritarianism and source of a future prominent development. In the mean time, the neo-liberal speech praised the advantages of the free market, the no regulation, the privatization and based on the Washington Consensus established this ideological model as the conductor for the integration and the condition for the democratic and macroeconomic stability. Never the less, the liberal-procedural democracy in the region, associated to the neo-liberal integration process, produced a conflictive triangle State-Society-Market where the imposition of a particular model of political organization and a homogenous American European system of values promoted as global democracy was the main speech. As a response to the inequity and segregation produced from this model, new post-neo-liberal approaches emerge oriented to re-think the democratic integration in a Latin-American context. From the social movements, political projects raise with a new democratic grammar of resistance and the acknowledgement of social agendas oriented to an autonomous Latin-American integration.

democracy; regional integration; social movements; autonomy

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900 - Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil