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Cuidado metodológico: signo crucial da qualidade

This article focus on the importance of scientific methodology in the process of production and formation of knowledge. Concerning this process, the importance of scientific methodology is related to scientifity that can be easily observed in the classics: all of them were worried with issues of scientificity. Concerning the process of knowledge formation, one may conclude that knowing how to develop knowledge with formal and political quality results in a visibility growing autonomy, which represents one of the most important horizons of knowledge in human history. Therefore, it is crucial to consider scientificity in order to develop knowledge with quality. In doing so, one improves the capacity of questioning the world and mainly oneself.

scientific methodology; knowledge as autonomy; knowledge construcion; formal and political quality; to know how to think

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil