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Effects of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Joints



This work established a process window aimed at minimizing discontinuities and improving mechanical properties in dissimilar friction stir welded joints between AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 alloys. A different set of rotational and traverse speed value combinations were experimentally evaluated using graphical analysis, which was compared to information from the literature. Microstructure characterization of the welded joints was conducted using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and SEM-EDS. Microhardness measurements were performed, and an experimental design statistical analysis was carried out to establish the correlation between the process parameters and tensile properties. The results showed that a speed ratio of 1800/163 (R=ω/v rev/mm) produced discontinuity-free welded joints with higher microhardness and tensile strength values, being 159 MPa for ultimate strength.

Friction stir welding; Dissimilar welded joints; Process parameters; Mechanical properties; Microstructure

1. Introduction

Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process that was developed and patented in 1991 by The Welding Institute [11 Thomas WM, Nicholas ED, Needham JC, Murch MG, Templesmith P, Dawes CJ. Inventor: Friction stir welding. United Kingdom patent GB2306366A. 1997 May 7.]. Due to the highlighted manufacturing advances that the FSW process has achieved in recent years, important applications have been developed for welding alloys with good strength-to-weight ratios [22 Soori M, Asmael M, Solyall D. Recent development in friction stir welding process: a review. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing. 2020;14(1):63-80.
]. Several alloys, including aluminum alloys, have difficult weldability using conventional fusion welding processes. However, the FSW process has demonstrated the feasibility of joining these kinds of materials [33 Isa MSM, Moghadasi K, Ariffin S, bin Muhamad MR, Yusof F, Jamaludin MF, et al. Recent research progress in friction stir welding of aluminium and copper dissimilar joint: a review. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2021;15:2735-2780.
]. The FSW process uses a tool consisting of a pin coupled to a shoulder. The tool rotates while it contacts the surface of the joint line of the components to be welded until the two parts of the tool come into simultaneous contact with the parts to be welded. Once the rotation and penetration of the tool are stabilized, it advances longitudinally along the welding line. The mixture and extrusion of plasticized material occurs due to the shoulder and pin friction [44 Mishra RS, Ma ZY. Friction stir welding and processing. Materials Science and Engineering R Reports. 2005;50(1-2).
]. Currently, optimization strategies are being implemented in material selection for applications in the aerospace, marine, and automotive industries. New design challenges have led to the use of dissimilar aluminum joints to have better performance by combining properties of two different alloys and saving energy costs due to their good strength-to-weight ratio [55 Patel V, Li W, Wang G, Wang F, Vairis A, Niu P. Friction stir welding of dissimilar aluminum alloy combinations: state-of-the-art. Metals. 2019;9(3):270.
]. However, despite the increasing use of these kinds of joints, several difficulties arise during and after the process, such as cracking, lack of fill, tunneling, or the formation of intermetallic compounds, which can be controlled by choosing suitable variables, such as rotational speed, traverse speed, positioning of the base materials, and tool geometry, among others [66 Mastanaiah P, Sharma A, Reddy GM. Dissimilar friction stir welds in AA2219-AA5083 aluminium alloys: effect of process parameters on material inter-mixing, defect formation, and mechanical properties. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. 2016;69(7):1397-1415.

Most of the outcomes of FSW research deal with both similar and dissimilar welded joints of aluminum alloys and their relationships with process parameters, tensile strength, and microstructure observations, in accordance with bibliometric studies [77 Magalhães VM, Leitão C, Rodrigues DM. Friction stir welding industrialisation and research status. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 2018;23(5):400-409.
]. It is well-known that discontinuity-free FSW welded joints exhibit better mechanical properties due to the improvement in joint quality. Therefore, the interaction between rotational and traverse speeds, and their relationships with geometrical and dimensional parameters, results in the control of heat generation, which is key to controlling the emergence of discontinuities [88 Arbegast WJ. A flow-partitioned deformation zone model for defect formation during friction stir welding. Scripta Materialia. 2008;58(5):372-376.
]. The aforementioned is less complicated in similar welded joints; however, when dealing with dissimilar joints, variables such as the kinetics of precipitation, the difference in phase transformation temperature, and disparity in mechanical properties increase the problem.

The Aluminum-Magnesium (Al-Mg) alloy, commonly referred to as the AA5xxx series, and Aluminum-Magnesium-Silicon (Al-Mg-Si), generally referred to as the AA6xxx series, are groups of aluminum alloys widely used in the aerospace, naval, and automotive industries. Characteristics such as high extrudability, excellent corrosion resistance, good strength-to-weight ratio, and acceptable weldability make these alloys ideal replacements for ferrous materials. Recently, promising naval and automotive applications have been projected with the utilization of dissimilar welded joints between the AA5xxx and AA6xxx series [99 Selamat NFM, Baghdadi AH, Sajuri Z, Kokabi AH. Friction stir welding of similar and dissimilar aluminium alloys for automotive applications. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. 2016;13(2):3401-3412.
,1010 Wahid MA, Siddiquee AN, Khan ZA. Aluminum alloys in marine construction: characteristics, application, and problems from a fabrication viewpoint. Marine Systems and Ocean Technology. 2020;15(1):70-80.
]. Table 1 summarizes the mechanical properties of several dissimilar welded joints between the AA5xxx and AA6xxx series. The joint efficiency of these welded joints was calculated by taking the ratio of the tensile strength of the welding joint to the tensile strength of the weaker base material [1717 Torzewski J, Łazińska M, Grzelak K, Szachogłuchowicz I, Mierzyński J. Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir Welded Joint AA7020/AA5083 with different joining parameters. Materials (Basel). 2022;15(5):1910. PMid:35269144.

Table 1
Mechanical properties summary of AA5xxx and AA6xxx dissimilar welded joints.

Table 1 shows that discontinuities-free welded joints with the highest efficiency were produced with the AA5xxx series located on the retreating side and using a cylindrical or conical tool. The highest values of efficiency joint were obtained when was used AA5052-H32 (∼92%). The lowest hardness recorded in the cross-section of the joint was located in the heat-affected zone of the AA6061-T6 alloy side. Additionally, by increasing the rotation speed, the hardness in the agitation zone was lower [1818 Ghaffarpour M, Kolahgar S, Dariani BM, Dehghani K. Evaluation of dissimilar welds of 5083-H12 and 6061-T6 produced by friction stir welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 2013;44(8):3697-3707.
]. An adequate process window for AA5xxx-AA6xxx has been identified among 800 to 1200 rpm of rotational speed, and 45 to 85 mm.min-1 of traverse speed to obtain free-discontinuities friction stir welded joints [1919 Palanivel R, Laubscher RF, Dinaharan I, Murugan N. Developing a friction-stir welding window for joining the dissimilar aluminum alloys AA6351 and AA5083. Materiali in Tehnologije. 2017;51(1):5-9.

Latent interest in AA6063-T6 aluminum alloy utilization is increasing due to possible use in electric-car battery structural and naval applications [1010 Wahid MA, Siddiquee AN, Khan ZA. Aluminum alloys in marine construction: characteristics, application, and problems from a fabrication viewpoint. Marine Systems and Ocean Technology. 2020;15(1):70-80.
,2020 Patel V, De Backer J, Hindsefelt H, Igestrand M, Azimi S, Andersson J, et al. High speed friction stir welding of AA6063-T6 alloy in lightweight battery trays for EV industry: influence of tool rotation speeds. Materials Letters. 2022;318:132135.
]. Several studies developed on similar FSW AA6063-T6 joints show that maximum tensile strength efficiency is around 60% - 80% under diverse geometrical conditions [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.

22 Khan NZ, Khan ZA, Siddiquee AN. Effect of shoulder diameter to pin diameter (D/d) ratio on tensile strength of friction stir Welded 6063 aluminium alloy. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2015;2(4-5):1450-1457.
-2323 Rajkumar T, Radhakrishnan K, Rajaganapathy C, Jani SP, Ummal Salmaan N. Experimental Investigation of AA6063 Welded Joints Using FSW. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2022;2022:1-10.
], even when it was welded at high rotational speeds [2020 Patel V, De Backer J, Hindsefelt H, Igestrand M, Azimi S, Andersson J, et al. High speed friction stir welding of AA6063-T6 alloy in lightweight battery trays for EV industry: influence of tool rotation speeds. Materials Letters. 2022;318:132135.
], and welded with acoustic assisted [2424 Subramaniam S, Narayanan S, Denis AS. Acoustic emission-based monitoring approach for friction stir welding of aluminum alloy AA6063-T6 with different tool pin profiles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2013;227(3):407-416.
], respectively. Due to its potential use and available limited information [2525 Patel VK, Kumar P, Bhattacharya S. Mechanical, microstructural and sliding wear properties of friction stir welded AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 aluminium alloys. Materials Focus. 2018;7(1):50-58.
] is interesting to study different process windows of dissimilar welded joints between AA6063-AA5052 aluminum alloys. Considering this, this research aims to establish experimental values of rotation and traverse speed, aiming to produce minimum discontinuities and maximum FSW welded joint efficiency between AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Base materials properties

Commercially obtained sheets of AA6063-T6 and AA5053-H-32 aluminum alloys with dimensions of 145 mm × 100 mm × 3 mm were used. Table 2 shows the chemical composition of both base materials, which were experimentally determined using optical emission spectrometry, and their mechanical properties are presented in Table 3.

Table 2
Chemical composition of used base materials.
Table 3
Mechanical properties of used base materials.

2.2. Friction stir welding process parameters

Figure 1c shows the geometrical and dimensional details of the tool and samples used to produce dissimilar welded joints. The AA6063-T6 alloy was placed on the advancing side (AS) to plasticize with higher heat generation because it is the hardest material, on the other hand, the AA5052-H32 alloy was placed on the retreating side (RS) because it is less hard and allows better fluidity in plasticized state [2626 Huang Y, Wan L, Meng X, Xie Y, Lv Z, Zhou L. Probe shape design for eliminating the defects of friction stir lap welded dissimilar materials. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2018;35:420-427.
]. A search was carried out on studies of FSW joints similes of aluminum alloys of the 5xxx and 6xxx series, both in dissimilar joints between these two series. The tool geometry that best macroscopic appearance in the welds was the conical profile, therefore, a tool was designed by the methodology proposed by [2727 Carrasco JC, Berdugo I, Ospina R, Unfried JS. Optimización del diseño y fabricación de herramienta con pin cónico roscado para soldadura por fricción-agitación. Revista Visión Electrónica. 2013;7(2):135-144.]. A tool-tapered conical with a slotted shoulder was used with a tilt angle of 1.5 degrees, which was fabricated from quenched and tempered AISI H13 steel. After tool fabrication, this was the treated with plasma nitriding hardening.

Figure 1
Experimental setup. (a) Dimensions and disposition of samples in welded joints. (b) microhardness locations. (c) and (d) Details of shoulder and pin of the tool.

Welding of coupons were carried out in a conventional adapted milling machine Cervinia® model 250 with 4 HP of power. Process parameters were selected according to literature information, the speed setting of the milling machine, and experimental validations using a range of values of rotation speed between 900 to 1800 rpm and 30 to 252 mm.min-1 of traverse speed.

2.3. Microstructure and x-ray diffraction analysis

Cross-section samples for microstructure analysis (Figure 1) were extracted from the welded joints aiming to explore using optical (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Samples were prepared in accordance with ASTM E3-11 procedure [2828 American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM E3-11: Standard Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens. West Conshohocken: ASTM; 2011]. Observation surfaces were polished with 1 µm alumina, and after that were attacked with HF 5% v/v. Samples were explored using a stereoscope Motic® SMZ-171-TLED, and an optical microscope Olympus® model PME3B. Scanning electron microscopy was carried out in a Jeol® JSM-7100F SEM using an energy range of 15 to 20 keV, which was coupled to EDS Oxford X-Max® 51-XMX1178 detector for chemical microanalysis. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were performed to characterize phases in studied welded joints. Samples had dimensions of 8 mm × 8 mm × 3 mm, which were duly grounded, and polished with 1200 abrasive paper. DRX test were carried out in a PANalytical® X’Pert Pro. A 2-theta scanning interval comprised between 30° and 90° was established using a step of 0.03 °/s, implemented a Cu-Kα target setting the energy within the range of 15 - 25 keV.

2.4. Microhardness and tensile tests

Microhardness tests were developed using a microindenter HVS-100A using a load of 0.1 kg was used for 10 seconds in each indentation, according to ASTM E384-22 procedure [2929 American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM E384-22: Standard Test Method for Microindentation Hardness of Materials. West Conshohocken: ASTM; 2022.]. Measurements were done along a row located at a half thickness of the cross-section of the weld, keeping 0.5 mm of each indentation covering all welding regions, such is shown in Figure 1b. Tensile samples were extracted from welded joints using water jet cutting (see Figure 1). Tensile tests were developed in a universal machine MTS Criterion® C45.305, using a stroke speed of 0.03 mm/s and 300 kN load cell, according to ASTM E8/E8M-24 procedure [3030 American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM E8/E8M-24: Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials. West Conshohocken: ASTM; 2024.]. Tensile test results were analyzed using an ANOVA statistical design, aiming to establish relationships with process parameters traverse and rotational speeds.

3. Results and Discussion

The process variables window is shown in Figure 2, which has been sketched using both experimental and reference data. With the aim to develop an accurate graphical analysis. In accordance with literature information [88 Arbegast WJ. A flow-partitioned deformation zone model for defect formation during friction stir welding. Scripta Materialia. 2008;58(5):372-376.
], the regions with higher rotational and traverse speeds, produce hot and cold stir regions respectively, which consequently, generate welded joints with discontinuities. Experimental data obtained from previously welding joints developed in this work are represented with filled squares and literature data with filled circles. It can be noticed in Figure 2, that literature data, which are based on general information about AA5xxx-AA6xxx welded joints, displayed a discontinuities-free region between 750 to 1500 rpm, and 20 to 100 mm.min-1, approximately. Experimental data contributed by this work extend these ranges between 25 to 250 mm.min-1, and 900 to 1800 rpm, when was explored the AA5052-H32 and AA6063-T6 welded joints. Basically, the extension of parameters values in the process window is due to metallurgical characteristics of FSW welded AA6063-T6 alloy [2020 Patel V, De Backer J, Hindsefelt H, Igestrand M, Azimi S, Andersson J, et al. High speed friction stir welding of AA6063-T6 alloy in lightweight battery trays for EV industry: influence of tool rotation speeds. Materials Letters. 2022;318:132135.
,2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.
,2525 Patel VK, Kumar P, Bhattacharya S. Mechanical, microstructural and sliding wear properties of friction stir welded AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 aluminium alloys. Materials Focus. 2018;7(1):50-58.

Figure 2
Process window obtained combining literature data and experimental data.

Figure 3 are shown the experimentally obtained welded joints, which were developed using the process window values aforementioned. There are observed the cross-section and top view aspects of welded joints carried out with rotation speeds of 900 and 1800 rpm, and traverse speed sets of 30, 36, and 56 mm.min-1, and 112, 163, and 252 mm.min-1, respectively. All welding beads have an acceptable appearance, with a moderate burr, and regular surface. The smoother surfaces on the top of the welding beads were obtained with higher traverse speeds. All welded joints exhibited a common mix pattern of the wine-glass profile, and it is predominantly visible a remnant line at the stir region [88 Arbegast WJ. A flow-partitioned deformation zone model for defect formation during friction stir welding. Scripta Materialia. 2008;58(5):372-376.
]. At the bottom of welding, a little tunnel discontinuity was observed in the cross-section (yellow arrows) when the parameters 900 rpm – 56 mm.min-1, and 1800 rpm - 112 mm.min-1 were used, which are a lack of filling caused by the lack of heating due to inadequate thermal generation [88 Arbegast WJ. A flow-partitioned deformation zone model for defect formation during friction stir welding. Scripta Materialia. 2008;58(5):372-376.
]. After an inspection of several cross-section cuts, was possible to verify that these discontinuities were not extended along the welding bead, as observed in other works [2222 Khan NZ, Khan ZA, Siddiquee AN. Effect of shoulder diameter to pin diameter (D/d) ratio on tensile strength of friction stir Welded 6063 aluminium alloy. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2015;2(4-5):1450-1457.
]. It can be noticed that the aforementioned values are on the boarding on the process window for defect-free FSW joints of aluminum alloys studied, as shown graphical analysis in Figure 2. Thereby, is reasonable the formation of discontinuities.

Figure 3
Top view and the cross-section of welded joints developed using studied process window.

Microstructure details of welded joints obtained with 900 rpm ad 30 mm.min-1, and 1800 rpm and 112 mm.min-1, are shown in Figures 4a and 4b, respectively. In the first case (Figure 4a) is observed a mixing pattern of overlapping layers produced by the plasticization of each base material. The abovementioned, is comparable to observed behavior in the SZ in dissimilar welded joints of AA6082-AA2024, as reported in other work [3131 Cavaliere P, de Santis A, Panella F, Squillace A. Effect of welding parameters on mechanical and microstructural properties of dissimilar AA6082-AA2024 joints produced by friction stir welding. Materials & Design. 2009;30(3):609-616.
]. In the second case is observed a remnant line in the SZ, which has an S-shape and delimits the plasticized proportions of both base materials, similar to the results observed by other researches [3232 Da Silva AAM, Arruti E, Janeiro G, Aldanondo E, Alvarez P, Echeverria A. Material flow and mechanical behaviour of dissimilar AA2024-T3 and AA7075-T6 aluminium alloys friction stir welds. Materials & Design. 2011;32(4):2021-2027.
,3333 Zuiko IS, Malopheyev S, Mironov S, Kaibyshev R. Dissimilar friction stir welding of AA2519 and AA5182. Materials (Basel). 2022;15(24):8776. PMid:36556581.
]. Thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ) displayed an expected metallurgical behavior. The retreating side (RS) (see Figures 4b and 4f) exhibited AA5052-H32 aluminum alloy with elongated grain with changes in direction without apparently coarsening of grain [3434 Lim Y-B, Lee K-J. Microtexture and microstructural evolution of friction stir welded AA5052-H32 joints. Journal of Welding and Joining. 2019;37(2):35-40.
]. On the other hand, the advancing side (AS) displayed AA6063-T6 aluminum alloy (see Figures 4d and 4g) with apparently coarsening of grain produced by located overheating and deformation, as has been observed in other works [2222 Khan NZ, Khan ZA, Siddiquee AN. Effect of shoulder diameter to pin diameter (D/d) ratio on tensile strength of friction stir Welded 6063 aluminium alloy. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2015;2(4-5):1450-1457.

Figure 4
Microstructure of welded joints with 900 rpm and 30 mm.min-1: (a) macrograph image, (b) TMAZ and HAZ details of RS, (c) SZ (d)TMAZ and HAZ of RS. Microstructure of welded joints with 1800 rpm and 112 mm.min-1: (e) macrograph image, (f) TMAZ and HAZ details of RS, (g) SZ (h)TMAZ and HAZ of RS. (i) XRD analysis of BM and FSW welded joints. (j) Precipitates of welded joints with 900 rpm and 30 mm.min-1 (k) Precipitates of welded joints with 1800 rpm and 112 mm.min-1. Optical and SEM images of (l) BM AA5052-H32, (m) BM AA6063-T6.

Aiming to identify the phases in both base metals and stir zone (SZ) of selected welded joints, was developed the analysis of diffraction pattern results, which are shown in Figure 4i. From XRD analysis shows that both base metals AA5052-H32 and AA6063-T6 predominantly have a primary α Al-rich phase. Additionally, AA5052-H32 shows peaks of Al3Fe phase [3535 Soto-Díaz R, Sandoval-Amador A, Unfried-Silgado J. Experimental evaluation of rotational and traverse speeds effects on corrosion behavior of friction stir welded joints of aluminum alloy AA5052-H32. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021;115(9–10):3213-3223.
,3636 Wang B, Chen XH, Pan FS, Mao JJ, Fang Y. Effects of cold rolling and heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 5052 aluminum alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2015;25(8):2481-2489.
]. On the other hand, AA6063-T6 exhibits Al8Fe2Si, Al5FeSi, and Mg2Si phases [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.
]. For comparison to base materials, there are shown the XRD analysis of FSW welded joints obtained with 900 rpm and 30 mm.min-1 and 1800 rpm and 112 mm.min-1, respectively. The intensity of DRX peaks changes in the welded joints due to the influence of texture change, level of residual stresses, and recrystallization in the SZ [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.

During the FSW process probably occur two well-known phenomena dissolution of particles of second phases and the formation of new phases due to the strong thermomechanical influence of pin in the mixing [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.
,3737 Elangovan K, Balasubramanian V. Influences of pin profile and rotational speed of the tool on the formation of friction stir processing zone in AA2219 aluminium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007;459(1-2):7-18.
]. Besides the abovementioned phases observed in each base metal, in the XRD analysis of the welded joints were probably detected, Al8FeMg3Si6 [3838 Belov NA, Eskin DG, Avxentieva NN. Constituent phase diagrams of the Al-Cu-Fe-Mg-Ni-Si system and their application to the analysis of aluminium piston alloys. Acta Materialia. 2005;53(17):4709-4722.
], and Al8Fe2Si [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.
,3939 Que Z, Fang C, Mendis CL, Wang Y, Fan Z. Effects of Si solution in θ-Al13Fe4 on phase transformation between Fe-containing intermetallic compounds in Al alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023;932:167587.
]. However, the intensity of DRX peaks of these phases is low, and it is necessary to do additional research to clear up this subject. Figures 4j and 4k show optical and SEM-EDS image analyses of FSW welded joints obtained with 900 rpm and 30 mm.min-1 and 1800 rpm and 112 mm.min-1, respectively. It can be observed the possible presence of intermetallic particles of the Al3Mg2, Al5FeSi, and Al3Fe phases, some of those were detected in XRD analysis. Finally, Figures 4l and 4m show details of each metal base.

Figure 5 shows the microhardness profiles for each one selected combination of rotational and traverse speed. The trend of all microhardness profiles follows a characteristic shape, showing asymmetry at the ends, decreasing in the heat-affected zones (HAZ), and increasing in the stir zone (SZ), as observed in other works [1212 Ghaffarpour M, Kazemi M, Mohammadi Sefat MJ, Aziz A, Dehghani K. Evaluation of dissimilar joints properties of 5083-H12 and 6061-T6 aluminum alloys produced by tungsten inert gas and friction stir welding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2017;231(3):297-308.
,1818 Ghaffarpour M, Kolahgar S, Dariani BM, Dehghani K. Evaluation of dissimilar welds of 5083-H12 and 6061-T6 produced by friction stir welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 2013;44(8):3697-3707.
]. The asymmetry of microhardness profiles can be understood from the point of view of the hardening mechanisms of each of the alloys used and the mixing pattern of welded joints. In HAZ of the advancing side (AS), the AA6063-T6 alloy softened due to its aging treatment. Considering that the microhardness measurements were performed more than a week after the FSW process. It is possible that the temperature peaks reached and the recrystallization led to coalescence and dissolution of the precipitates found, decreasing the microhardness of the welded zone [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.

22 Khan NZ, Khan ZA, Siddiquee AN. Effect of shoulder diameter to pin diameter (D/d) ratio on tensile strength of friction stir Welded 6063 aluminium alloy. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2015;2(4-5):1450-1457.

23 Rajkumar T, Radhakrishnan K, Rajaganapathy C, Jani SP, Ummal Salmaan N. Experimental Investigation of AA6063 Welded Joints Using FSW. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2022;2022:1-10.
-2424 Subramaniam S, Narayanan S, Denis AS. Acoustic emission-based monitoring approach for friction stir welding of aluminum alloy AA6063-T6 with different tool pin profiles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2013;227(3):407-416.
,4040 Dos Santos JF, et al. Metallurgy and weld performance in friction stir welding. In: Lohwasser D, Chen Z, editors. Friction stir welding: from basics to applications. USA: Elsevier Ltd; 2009. p. 314-410.]. Similarly, the phenomenon was observed in the HAZ of the retreating side (RS) where the AA5052-H32 free stored energy, the majority in accumulated deformation form [3535 Soto-Díaz R, Sandoval-Amador A, Unfried-Silgado J. Experimental evaluation of rotational and traverse speeds effects on corrosion behavior of friction stir welded joints of aluminum alloy AA5052-H32. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2021;115(9–10):3213-3223.
,3636 Wang B, Chen XH, Pan FS, Mao JJ, Fang Y. Effects of cold rolling and heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 5052 aluminum alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2015;25(8):2481-2489.
]. When the R-ratio increases, the hardness in the stir region is increased, such as is the case of the welded joints with 900/30 and 900/36. These welded joints presented mixing patterns with marked crosslinking of layers of both plasticized base materials in the SZ, which favors the hardness values in the agitation zone [3232 Da Silva AAM, Arruti E, Janeiro G, Aldanondo E, Alvarez P, Echeverria A. Material flow and mechanical behaviour of dissimilar AA2024-T3 and AA7075-T6 aluminium alloys friction stir welds. Materials & Design. 2011;32(4):2021-2027.

Figure 5
Cross-section microhardness profiles of studied FSW welded joints.

Figure 6 shows summarized results of yield strength (Sy), ultimate strength (Su), and percentage elongation (ε) of each combination of FSW process parameters. All welded joints displayed similar values of Sy, ranging from 94.5 to 106 MPa, which represent approximately 51% and 40% regarding Sy of AA5052-H32 and AA6063-T6, respectively. Welded joints with the rotational speed of 900 rpm presented similar values of Su and ε. On the other hand, the highest efficiency and ductility were presented by the welds with the R-ratios of 1800/112 and 1800/163 rev/mm, while the lowest efficiency and ductility were obtained with 1800/252 rev/mm. Table 3 is shown the comparative summary of the mechanical properties of welded joints and respective joint efficiencies regarding the base materials.

Figure 6
Tensile strength test results on FSW welded joints.

The highest joint efficiency was observed in welded joints with R-ratio of 1800/112 and 1800/163, being 67.5% and 67.7%, respectively. These results are similar to those obtained by [1818 Ghaffarpour M, Kolahgar S, Dariani BM, Dehghani K. Evaluation of dissimilar welds of 5083-H12 and 6061-T6 produced by friction stir welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 2013;44(8):3697-3707.
], in which the highest efficiencies shown were 72.4% in FSW joints of AA5083-H12 and AA6061-T6, and they were 10% greater than TIG welded joints with the same base alloys.

Failures of all tensile specimens occurred at the center of the stir zone (SZ), which is consistent with some discontinuities found at the root of the welded joints and the presence of the remnant line that formed at the junction boundary of the two materials [1212 Ghaffarpour M, Kazemi M, Mohammadi Sefat MJ, Aziz A, Dehghani K. Evaluation of dissimilar joints properties of 5083-H12 and 6061-T6 aluminum alloys produced by tungsten inert gas and friction stir welding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2017;231(3):297-308.
,1717 Torzewski J, Łazińska M, Grzelak K, Szachogłuchowicz I, Mierzyński J. Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir Welded Joint AA7020/AA5083 with different joining parameters. Materials (Basel). 2022;15(5):1910. PMid:35269144.
,4141 Naumov A, Morozova I, Rylkov E, Obrosov A, Isupov F, Michailov V, et al. Metallurgical and mechanical characterization of high-speed friction stir welded AA 6082-T6 aluminum alloy. Materials (Basel). 2019;12(24):4211. PMid:31847433.
]. In this work, the welding process was carried out without axial force control, which could produce the formation of discontinuities, such as cavities in welded joints [4242 Ortega F, Fernandez W, Santa JF, Unfried-Silgado J. Effects of tool shoulder geometry on mechanical properties and microstructure of friction-stir welded joints of AA5083-0 aluminium alloys. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2020;14(4):7507-7519.
]. Mechanical properties were affected by the formation of cavities, and the generation of the "zig-zag" or "S" shaped remnant line generated in some of the joints [3232 Da Silva AAM, Arruti E, Janeiro G, Aldanondo E, Alvarez P, Echeverria A. Material flow and mechanical behaviour of dissimilar AA2024-T3 and AA7075-T6 aluminium alloys friction stir welds. Materials & Design. 2011;32(4):2021-2027.
]. The remnant line could contain an oxide layer that favors the formation of micro-cracks around. which has been reported by other works [2121 Ozan S. Effect of friction stir welding on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AA 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. 2020;51(8):1100-1119.
,4141 Naumov A, Morozova I, Rylkov E, Obrosov A, Isupov F, Michailov V, et al. Metallurgical and mechanical characterization of high-speed friction stir welded AA 6082-T6 aluminum alloy. Materials (Basel). 2019;12(24):4211. PMid:31847433.

Figure 7 shows an analysis of the fracture surfaces of the failure of tensile specimens welded joints obtained with 1800/112 and 900/30 R-ratio. In the first case (Figure 7a), is observed a heterogeneous fracture surface, which shows three types of fracture. In the region of the bead face: (A) a fracture without any apparent deformation, which presented some scattered cavities which could be kissing bond, lack of fill, or plasticized material. Region (B) presented dimples with heterogeneous shapes, which could have been caused by their own coalescence [1111 Doley JK, Kore SD. A study on friction stir welding of dissimilar thin sheets of aluminum alloys AA 5052-AA 6061. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2016;138(11):114502.
]. Region (C) shows a possible quasi-cleavage micro mechanism, possibly originating from the flow of plasticized material at the root of the welded joint [4343 Sahu PK, Pal S. Mechanical properties of dissimilar thickness aluminium alloy weld by single/double pass FSW. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017;243:442-455.
]. In this welded joint there is a wide area corresponding to region B, in which a ductile fracture predominates. Figure 7b shows the heterogeneous fracture surface presented by the FSW-900/30 joint. It can be observed that in the zone of the chord face (A) there is a mixed fracture behavior, in which it is possible to distinguish a region where no deformation occurred and another region with the formation of dimples [1111 Doley JK, Kore SD. A study on friction stir welding of dissimilar thin sheets of aluminum alloys AA 5052-AA 6061. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2016;138(11):114502.
]. In region (B), a ductile fracture behavior can be observed due to the formation of dimples that present coalescence along the surface [1111 Doley JK, Kore SD. A study on friction stir welding of dissimilar thin sheets of aluminum alloys AA 5052-AA 6061. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2016;138(11):114502.
] also, it is possible to observe particles inside, which correspond to the second phases [4242 Ortega F, Fernandez W, Santa JF, Unfried-Silgado J. Effects of tool shoulder geometry on mechanical properties and microstructure of friction-stir welded joints of AA5083-0 aluminium alloys. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2020;14(4):7507-7519.
]. In region (C), it is possible to observe the fracture in the form of quasi-cleavage influenced by the flow of plasticized material [4343 Sahu PK, Pal S. Mechanical properties of dissimilar thickness aluminium alloy weld by single/double pass FSW. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017;243:442-455.
], combined with the deformation of some zones that resemble dimples, indicating certain ductility in the fracture. In this welded joint, several failure micromechanisms are present with a considerable proportion of ductile fracture.

Figure 7
Fracture surface analysis of tensile test specimens. A: face, B: center, and C: the root of welded.

Because in this work was not possible to measure experimentally thermal cycles, it is necessary to establish relationships between process parameters and mechanical properties. For this, it is going to use the concept of "heat pseudo-index" [44 Mishra RS, Ma ZY. Friction stir welding and processing. Materials Science and Engineering R Reports. 2005;50(1-2).
], which relates to the square of rotational speed (ω) and welding speed (v) values as shown in Equation 1.

w = ω 2 v (1)

Using values of process parameters shown in Table 4 and typical formulation of analysis of variance ANOVA [4444 Kurt HI, Oduncuoglu M, Yilmaz NF, Ergul E, Asmatulu R. A comparative study on the effect of welding parameters of austenitic stainless steels using artificial neural network and taguchi approaches with ANOVA analysis. Metals. 2018;8(5):326.
], there were calculated the effects and significance of heat pseudo-index, rotation speeds, and combinations of the previous two on Su values of each FSW welded joint. The ANOVA analysis results are shown in Table 5.

Table 4
Tensile strength properties of welded joints vs. base materials.
Table 5
Summary of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for Sut at 95% confidence.

From the results shown in Table 5, it is deduced that the pseudo heat index – w and the combination of rotational speed and the pseudo heat index are the most significant variables for obtaining maximum values of Su. This analysis is coherent with the results shown in Table 4 and the obtained results in other works [2525 Patel VK, Kumar P, Bhattacharya S. Mechanical, microstructural and sliding wear properties of friction stir welded AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 aluminium alloys. Materials Focus. 2018;7(1):50-58.

4 Conclusions

According to the results and analysis obtained in this work, it is possible to elucidate the following remark conclusions:

A process window was determined to generate free-discontinuities and reasonable values of mechanical properties of dissimilar welded joints between AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 aluminum alloys was developed. Minimization of macroscopic discontinuities of welds was possible using a balance of rotation and welding speed values, aiming to produce a sufficient operating temperature that guarantees a better mixing of the base materials. The mixing pattern determined the location of tensile test failure, which always was observed in the stir zone, and was related to emerging of the remnant line.

Both, the pseudo heat index and the rotation speed had a significant effect on the measured mechanical properties, which affects also the microstructure of the welded joint. It was evidenced that an increase in the heat index improved mechanical properties in the stir zone. The speed combinations (R=ω⁄v) that obtained a higher value of ultimate tensile strength was1800/163 rev/mm, with 159 MPa. The maximum joint efficiency obtained was 68%.


The authors wish to be grateful to Universidad de Córdoba for financial supporting this investigation through FI-06-19 project, to Universidad del Valle and Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano by using of welding and microscopy facilities.

  • How to cite:

    Osorio Díaz MA, Franco Arenas A, Unfried-Silgado J. Effects of process parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of AA6063-T6 and AA5052-H32 dissimilar friction stir welded joints. Soldagem & Inspeção. 2024;29:e2911.


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Marco Antonio Osorio Díaz.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Oct 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Mar 2024
  • Accepted
    18 June 2024
Associação Brasileira de Soldagem Rua Dr Guilherme Bannitz, 126 conj 42, 04532-060 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3045 5040, Fax: (55 11) 3045 8578 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil