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Mapping and assessment of Ecosystem Services between 1985 and 2019 in the Arroio Passo Fundo Watershed (Guaíba / RS)


This article analyzes the Ecosystem Services provided by the Arroio Passo Fundo Watershed, located in Guaíba City, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. To analyze the transitions that occurred in land use and land cover classes between 1985 and 2019, MapBiomas Collection 5 Project data were used, as well as the transformations that occurred in this interval of 34 years, which supported the elaboration trend scenario for 2030 and 2050, through the free software Dinamica EGO. The results show that the watershed provided around US$ 21,020,441 in Ecosystem Services in 1985, decreasing to US$ 19,635,767 in 2019, and an estimated value of US $ 19,059,616 in the 2050 trend scenario. The most evident change was the conversion of grassland to soy bean cultivation. The identification of land use and land cover classification associated with multiple Ecosystem Services is an effective alternative for public managers and decision- makers to develop proactive and efficient strategies for improving the environmental quality in the watershed.

LULC lassification; MapBiomas Project; Dinamica EGO; Ecosystem function; Scenarios for land use

Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - EDUFU Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 - Bloco 5M – Sala 302B, 38400902 - Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brasil, +55 (34) 3239- 4549 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil