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Ecotourism in Puraquequara River: support for social inclusion and environmental protection

This work focuses on a brief analysis of potential ecotourism in the Puraquequara river, localized in transitions area of the city Manaus in state of Amazonas, as support for social inclusion and environmental communities living in neighborhood of this river. Three communities: Igarapé of Florest, Santa Luzia and São Francisco do Mainã, for information was used to interview and observations of the local environment (Direct Observation Intensive). There were sixty interviews, raising socioeconomics informations, protected areas and tourism. The results indicate the need for action by the state government and the municipal area for improvement in basic infrastructure (education, health, safety, energy, water and transport), and a strong work with communities to understand the functioning of protected areas and their role in environmental conservation, highlighting the importance of local activity that can be socially inclusive and enviromentlly correct. The activity of ecotourism seems to be promising and appropriate for the communities of the Puraquequara river according to its aspects related to social and environmental issues in order to promote local well-being, the use of natural resources through community organization and participatory planning. However, there is a need of other activities that may promote the relationship man-nature, without putting in risk the development ecotourism.

Community riparian; Tourism; Local development

Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - EDUFU Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 - Bloco 5M – Sala 302B, 38400902 - Uberlândia - Minas Gerais - Brasil, +55 (34) 3239- 4549 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil