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The path to plurality: alternatives and possibilities in social sciences


In social sciences, some authors stood out in their attempts to interpret social reality, becoming references for research in various fields of knowledge. Despite theoretical divergences, these authors had some features in common: all men, white, from European countries – or, at most, born in North America. However, efforts to understand social relations were not restricted to the production of those who gained notoriety and to whom great prestige had been granted. In several disciplines, the last few decades have been marked by the discovery, emergence, and visibility of possibilities which differ from those established in the hegemonic model of Western modern intellectuality. Regarding social sciences, the sociologist and anthropologist Celso Castro published a work in 2022 that moves in the same direction. Além do cânone: para ampliar e diversificar as ciências sociais demonstrates that established approaches are not the only possibility. In the book, Castro presents his readers with a selection of social scientists who, from different territories, sought to understand society – societies, actually – proposing original ways to explain them. The collection brings to Brazil unpublished texts, excerpts from the works produced by the sixteen selected authors. The main objective of the work is to arouse the interest and curiosity of Brazilian researchers about new and plural possibilities for interpreting social phenomena. In this text, we seek to highlight Castro’s commitment, aligning him with the broad movement towards overcoming modern reason as the only alternative for understanding societies.

social science; decoloniality; diversity; plurality

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Prédio 43111 sala 103 , 91509-900 Porto Alegre RS Brasil , Tel.: +55 51 3316-6635 / 3308-7008, Fax.: +55 51 3316-6637 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil