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Intellectual elites and social imaginaries contrasted in the era of the “Mexican miracle” and their expression in the journal Cuadernos Americanos


In this paper, I propose the concept of sociocultural imaginaries as background ideas and assumptions that define the cultural limits of an era in a given society. The hypothesis that guides the paper is that these ideas and assumptions are multiple, and that before a “same” situation, different groups can hold opposing imaginaries. The period under study comprises the 1940s and early 1950s in Mexico, which is known as the era of the “Mexican miracle”, when the Mexican Revolution was institutionalized and the primary objective of governments was the modernization of the country. The groups studied are some of those belonging to the intellectual elites of the time.

Key words:
Sociocultural Imaginaries; Intellectual elites; Mexico; Imaginary of Whiteness; Imaginary of Indians

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