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The environmental visibility from a sociological perspective: a Brazil-Portugal comparative study

This article deals with the analysis of the social production of public image of environmental issues in Brazil and Portugal in recent contexts. For this purpose the paper takes the perspective of the media coverage, highlighting the role of television. The aim is to examine how the socio-analytic arrangements were constructed by the media entities, from setting the agenda and the subject of environment , based on the following questions: (a) what are the environmental issues highlighted by the media in both countries? (b) how do the media studies focused on the environmental agenda relate to the analytical perspective of the social sciences? (c) what social actors are favored in these studies? (d) how are the discursive arrangements of these actors exhibited by the media? The study was based on literature review, document analysis and systematic review of academic studies on environmental mediatization and history of ecological ideas, focusing on the convergence of sociology of communication and environmental sociology. The conclusions reveal the ambiguous nature of media coverage, as part of the logic of interpretive templates that guide public opinion.

Environment mediatization; Environmental sociology; Media and environment; Environmental Culture; Communication sociology

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Prédio 43111 sala 103 , 91509-900 Porto Alegre RS Brasil , Tel.: +55 51 3316-6635 / 3308-7008, Fax.: +55 51 3316-6637 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil