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Review: Hauke Brunkhorst, Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions. Evolutionary Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury, 2014, 471 pp.


Based on an attempt of harmonization of the possibilities of observation (external and internal) that systems and critical theory offer, Hauke Brunkhorst deploys in Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions a particular understanding of social evolution. In accordance with the mentioned traditions, his comprehension of the evolution of society takes into account not only the existence of evolutionary changes of gradual character (by growth of systemic complexity) but also of rapid or revolutionary character (through structural social conflict). Whilst the latter need the former in order to be stabilized and, with that, to generate new normative constraints that act as direction-givers of the general social evolution, they are, however, not exempted from being part of what Brunkhorst resumes with his reminiscence of the dialectic of enlightenment. Here it is clear that cognitive moral progress or social and legal advances can always be read and used so as to produce new forms of oppression and domination.

Social Evolution; Revolution; Normative Constraints; Managerial Mindset; Kantian Mindset

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