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Sociologias, Issue: 14, Published: 2005
  • Untitled document Editorial

  • Espaços da latinidade Dossiê Sociologia Na (En) América Latina, Alas

    Tavares-dos-Santos, José Vicente; Baumgarten, Maíra
  • The Latin American Sociology Association: a history of its first congresses

    Blanco, Alejandro

    Abstract in Spanish:

    El examen de las asociaciones nacionales y regionales de sociología de América Latina, de su estructura y composición como de sus transformaciones es, todavía hoy, una asignatura pendiente en la historia de la disciplina. Este trabajo reconstruye la historia de los primeros años de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología, intentando caracterizar su contexto de emergencia, sus principales rasgos y su papel en la formación de la sociología de la región.

    Abstract in English:

    National and regional sociology associations in Latin America, their structure and makeup, as well as their changes remain to be examined in the history of the discipline. This paper traces the history of the early years of the Latin American Sociology Association, in order to characterize the context of its emergence, its core traits and its role in the formation of sociology in the region.
  • The origins of the Latin American Sociology Association: a few notes through the outlook of Alfredo Poviña

    Scribano, Adrián

    Abstract in Spanish:

    El presente articulo pretende mostrar, a través de la narración de Alfredo Poviña, la posible atmósfera de los primeros Congresos de ALAS. No se limita a una mera reproducción de los dichos del autor, sin embargo a partir de éstos últimos, por supuesto parciales e interesados, se intentan plantear de modo muy preliminar algunas preguntas que posibiliten continuar la indagación sobre la génesis de ALAS. (Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología) Para logra la meta propuesta se sintetizan algunos textos que posibilitan conocer la Fundación de ALAS. Se presentan brevemente algunos datos sobre los seis primeros congresos de ALAS. Se reseña la idea de Poviña sobre la sociología y se finaliza con una breve sistematización de los nudos centrales que emergen del trabajo, y que posibilitarían una indagación más adecuada sobre los orígenes de ALAS. El presente ensayo es muy sencillo y tiene un carácter provisional y preliminar; sólo busca encender algunas luces que permitan explorar el pasado para que su oclusión no deforme el futuro, bajo el convencimiento de que la sociología debe ser una disciplina científica que hace de la vigilancia epistémica y la reflexividad sus actividades centrales.

    Abstract in English:

    This article intends to show, through Alfredo Poviña' narrative, the possible atmosphere of the first congresses of the Latin American Sociology Association (ALAS). It is not restricted to a mere reproduction of the authors words; rather, based on them - which are seen as partial and interested - it attempts to show in a very preliminary way a few questions that allow to move on with the interrogation about the genesis of ALAS. To achieve the proposed aim, some texts are summarized, which allow to get to know ALAS' foundation. Data are briefly presented about the six first ALAS congresses. Poviña's idea of sociology is reviewed, closing with a brief systematization of the core points that emerge from his work, which would allow a more adequate interrogation about the origins of ALAS. This essay is very simple and has a provisional and preliminary character. It only seeks to shed some light to explore the past in order for its occlusion not to deform the future, based on the conviction that sociology must be a scientific discipline that makes epistemic vigilance and reflexivity its central activities.
  • Latin American and Caribbean multinational integration: an approach from the critical and participatory perspective

    Salazar, Luis Suárez

    Abstract in Spanish:

    A partir de los principales enunciados teórico-prácticos de la denominada "prospectiva crítica", luego de tomar posición frente a las discusiones que se están desarrollando en la actualidad en torno a las implicaciones de "la globalización" y del "fenómeno imperialista", así como de realizar una síntesis de los diferentes componentes de lo que su autor ha venido denominando "un nuevo orden panamericano", el artículo realiza un análisis crítico del estado actual de los diferentes proyectos de integración multinacional que se están desarrollando en América Latina y el Caribe: el Sistema de Integración Centroamericano (SICA), la Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM), la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) y el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR). A partir de ese análisis -y tomando en cuenta algunos de los enunciados de la Iniciativa Bolivariana para las Américas (ALBA), recientemente dados a conocer por los presidentes de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez y Fidel Castro, respectivamente- el autor propone algunas ideas vinculadas a lo que denomina "un nuevo paradigma para la integración multinacional de América Latina y el Caribe" que, al unísono, sea capaz de confrontar la "integración coercitiva" que (a través del ALCA y de los TLC) está impulsando el gobierno de los Estados Unidos en consuno con algunos gobiernos del hemisferio occidental, así como de superar los limitados resultados del "regionalismo abierto" impulsado, desde hace una década, por la Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL).

    Abstract in English:

    Based on the main theoretical-practical enunciations of the so-called "critical perspective", after taking stances in face of debates now under way about the implications of "globalization" and the "imperialist phenomenon", as well as conducting a synthesis of the distinct components of what its author has been calling "a new Pan-American order", this article carries out a critical analysis of the distinct projects of multinational integration under development in Latin America and the Caribbean: the System of Central American Integration (SICA), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Andean Community (CAN) y el Common Market of the south (MERCOSUR). Based on that analysis - and taking into account some of the enunciations of the Bolivarian Initiative for the Americas and the Caribbean (ALBA), recently made public by the presidents of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and Fidel Castro, respectively - the author proposes some ideas linked to what he calls "a new paradigm for multinational integration in Latin America and the Caribbean", which, in unison, would be able to confront the "coercive integration" encouraged by the US government (through the FTAA and the other FTAs) with other Western governments, as well as to overcome the limited results of "open regionalism" encouraged since a decade ago by the Economic commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL).
  • Intermittent dialogues: relations between Brazil and Latin America Dossiê Sociologia Na (En) América Latina, Alas

    Oliveira, Lúcia Lippi

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    A América chamada latina viveu, desde a segunda metade do século XIX, obcecada pelo futuro e com dificuldades para consolidar suas comunidades nacionais. Diferentes correntes modernizadoras, entre elas o cientificismo, se defrontaram-se com correntes nacionalistas, preocupadas com a identidade, com o passado representado pelas culturas indígena e ibérica. É nesse quadro histórico-cultural que são mencionadas as relações de identidade e de diferenciação entre o Brasil e demais países da América Latina. O artigo vai destacar a sociologia dos anos 1950 e 1960 como desdobramentos da matriz da Cepal, e a constituição de duas variantes do fazer sociológico: a concepção mertoniana e a mannheiniana. Por fim, apresenta o CLAPCS e a Revista América Latina, atrelando-os à FLACSO, como espaços de atuação e circulação de uma elite de sociólogos mertonianos.

    Abstract in English:

    The America we call Latin has lived under an obsession with the future and facing a hard time to consolidate its national communities since the second half of the 19th century. Distinct modernizing thoughts, including scientism, faced nationalist ones concerned about identity, with the past being represented by Indian and Iberian cultures. It is within this historical-cultural framework that relations of identity and differentiation between Brazil and the other countries in Latin America are approached. The article will focus on 1950s and 1960s sociology as a development of the CEPAL matrix, and the constitution of two variants of sociological making: the Mertonian and the Mannheimian Conceptions. Finally, CLAPCS and the América Latina Magazine are presented, relating to FLACSO as a space for action and circulation of an elite of Mertonian sociologists.
  • Legacies of and future directions for knowledge in Latin America

    Elízaga, Raquel Sosa

    Abstract in Spanish:

    En América Latina, el estudio de las determinaciones sociales del conocimiento, o lo que pudiera llamarse una sociología de los modos de pensar, es poco frecuente. Podemos, sin temor a equivocarnos, asumir que se trata de un campo prácticamente inexplorado. El nuestro es un subcontinente en que la vida social transcurre a velocidades difícilmente captadas por la investigación social, y los responsables de elaborar conocimiento se colocan por detrás de los cambios realmente existentes. Las razones tienen que ver con la pérdida de la memoria histórica, el conservadurismo y la soberbia académica, que desconoce o menosprecia conocimientos producidos por sus colegas en otras partes de la región, en otros períodos, o aún en sitios ajenos a sus propios centros de investigación. Tienen que ver también con los plazos que se fijan para la entrega de resultados, pero, sobre todo, con la dinámica de experiencias sociales intensas que aún testigos y participantes universitarios se muestran renuentes a recoger con amplitud en sus estudios. Nuestro ensayo se dirige a evaluar el peso de las orientaciones dominantes, como las perspectivas de construcción de un pensamiento crítico en la América Latina contemporánea. El ejercicio que realizaremos pudiera reproducirse, si se considera útil, en prácticamente cada campo de conocimiento social, previsto que se reconozca como tarea necesaria la de la elaboración de instrumentos de conocimiento que se sitúen más allá de las perspectivas establecidas por un pensamiento acotado y ahogado por la presión de incorporarse a la mayoritaria corriente de los reproductores de lo hecho por otros.

    Abstract in English:

    In Latin America, the study of social determinations of knowledge, or what we could call a sociology of ways of thinking, is not common. We can, without mistaking it, assume that such field is virtually unexplored. Life in our subcontinent develops at paces that are hardly captured by social investigation, and those responsible for producing knowledge stay behind really existing changes. The reasons are related to the loss of historical memory, the conservatism and academic haughtiness, which ignores or downplays knowledge produced by their colleagues in other parts of the region, in other times, or also in places that are distant from their own investigation centers. They are also related with the deadlines set for delivering results, but, most of all, to the dynamics of intense social experiences that university witnesses and participants are still reluctant to broadly collect in their studies. Our essay is aimed at evaluating the weight of predominant orientations, such as the perspectives of the construction of a critical thinking in contemporary Latin America. The exercise we carry out can be reproduced - if it is useful - in virtually every field of social knowledge, as long as it necessarily includes the task of producing knowledge tools that go beyond the perspectives established by a way of thinking tormented and suffocated by the pressure to be incorporated into the majority group of reproducers of what others have done.
  • Nós que amávamos tanto o capital: fragmentos para a história de uma geração Dossiê Sociologia Na (En) América Latina, Alas

    Sader, Emir
  • Sociology's contribution in Latin America to sociological imagination: analysis, critique, and social commitment Dossiê Sociologia Na (En) América Latina, Alas

    Tavares-dos-Santos, José Vicente; Baumgarten, Maíra

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    O artigo aborda o papel desempenhado pela Sociologia na análise dos processos de transformação das sociedades latino-americanas, no acompanhamento do processo de construção do Estado e da Nação, na problematização das questões sociais na América Latina. São analisados seis períodos na Sociologia na América Latina e no Caribe: I) a herança intelectual da Sociologia ; II) a sociologia da cátedra; III) O período da "Sociologia Científica" e a configuração da "Sociologia Crítica"; IV) a crise institucional, a consolidação da "Sociologia Crítica" e a diversificação da sociologia; V) a sociologia do autoritarismo, da democracia e da exclusão; VI) a consolidação institucional e a mundialização da sociologia da América Latina (desde o ano de 2000), podendo-se afirmar que os traços distintivos do saber sociológico no continente foram: o internacionalismo, o hibridismo, a abordagem crítica dos processos e conflitos das sociedades latino-americanas e o compromisso social do sociólogo.

    Abstract in English:

    The article focuses on the role played by Sociology in the analysis of processes of change in Latin American societies, in the process of construction of Nation and State, in the debate of social issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Six periods in Sociology in Latin America and the Caribbean are examined: I) sociology's intellectual legacy; II) sociology as a cathedra; III) the period of "Scientific Sociology"; IV) the institutional crisis, the consolidation of "Critical Sociology", and the diversifying of sociology; V) sociology of authoritarianism, democracy and exclusion; VI) institutional consolidation and globalization of Latin American sociology (since 2000). It may be said that the distinctive features of sociological knowledge in the continent were: internationalism, hybridism, the critical approach to processes and conflicts of Latin American societies, and the sociologist social commitment.
  • Novelty in Latin American sociology Dossiê Sociologia Na (En) América Latina, Alas

    Costilla, Lucio Oliver

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    O artigo analisa varias caraterísticas atuais das ciências sociais latino-americanas em paralelo ao desenvolvimento da América Latina nos últimos anos. O ponto de partida é o sinal de que a combinação contraditória no continente latino-americano entre uma intelectualidade que tem um elevado nível cultural e a existência de movimentos sociais e políticos numa situação social explosiva, gera amplas possibilidades para o desenvolvimento da sociologia. A crise das ciências sociais acompanha estas mudanças significativas, na busca de novas perspectivas analíticas capazes de explicar o ritmo de mudanças contemporâneas. A rigor, no artigo, tenta-se demonstrar que o que a sociologia latino-americana tem como novo é um regresso ao pensamento crítico que a caracterizou no passado. Uma das mais importantes heranças da história sociológica latino-americana é o estudo e a classificação, desde uma perspectiva de totalidade, das estruturas sociais e dos processos sociopolíticos como fundamento para analisar o posicionamento dos atores e a dinâmica das instituições sociais. Assim, abre-se espaço para uma saudável tendência nas ciências sociais: superar o empirismo, reencontrando-se com a teoria. Uma necessidade fundante, hoje, para a América Latina é atualizar a sua procura de desenvolvimento: como estar à altura do mundo, como universalizar-se para viver o momento histórico atual com todas as potencialidades sociais possíveis, superando formas de produção e de vida atrasadas e caducas. E mais: como co-participar na crítica das novas formas modernas e pós-modernas, vislumbrando novos modelos de civilização, fazendo a crítica da democracia liberal e dos Estados nacionais de concorrência de latino-americanos, e impulsionando a recuperacão do público democrático perante a tendência ao autoritarismo estatal. Os aportes que a América Latina pode dar à crítica e à renovação da democracia política, à reforma da produção e da vida, ao humanismo e ao comunitarismo radical renovado, têm que se encontrar com os velhos objetivos de libertação nacional e social do mundo atual, adaptados às novas condições.

    Abstract in English:

    The paper examines several current characteristics of social sciences in Latin America, in parallel to the development of the subcontinent in recent years. The starting point is the sign that the contradictory combination in Latin America of an intellectuality that has a high cultural level and the existence of social and political movements in an explosive social situation creates wide possibilities for the development of sociology. The crisis of social sciences follows those significant changes, seeking new analytical perspectives able to demonstrate the pace of contemporary changes. Strictly speaking, the article tries to demonstrate that what Latin American sociology sees as novelty is a regression to the critical thinking that characterized it in the past. One of the most important legacies of Latin American sociological history is the study and classification, from a perspective of totality, of social structures and sociopolitical processes as a basis to examine actors' stances and the dynamics of social institutions. Therefore, there is room for a healthy trend in social sciences: overcoming empiricism, regaining theory. A founding need for Latin America today is to update its search for development: how is it possible to be up to the world, to universalize in order to live a historical moment with all its social potential, overcoming backwards and age-worn ways of production and life. And more: how to co-participate in the criticism of new modern and postmodern ways, envisaging new models of civilization, criticizing liberal democracy and Latin Americans' national States of competition, and encouraging the recovery of the democratic public in face of the tendency to state authoritarianism. The contributions that Latin America can give to the criticism and the renewal of democratic politics, to the reform of production and life, and to humanism and renewed radical communitarianism have to meet the old aims of national and social liberation of today's world, adjusted to the new conditions.
  • Social Sciences, Sociology, and poverty in Guatemala

    Mendoza, Edgar S. G.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Desde una perspectiva de la sociología del conocimiento de Karl Mannheim se puede comprender el estado del arte de los estudios de pobreza en Guatemala en un escenario entre 1980 y 2004. La justificación del trabajo se debe a la ausencia de una investigación que trate de entender el desarrollo del tema en las Ciencias Sociales en Guatemala y que demuestre su importancia a través de experiencias teóricas y metodológicas. Se puede decir que la investigación sobre la pobreza no ha sido sistemática ni continua debido al proceso social y político que ha vivido el país, no obstante se afirma con toda certeza que existe un corpus bibliográfico heterogéneo y considerable entre 1980-2004. La investigación tuvo como objetivo realizar un balance de las tendencias teóricas y metodológicas de los estudios en los últimos 20 años. Debo apuntar que la bibliografía sobre pobreza es bastante amplia e inevitablemente mereció seleccionar una muestra de los trabajos más representativos e innovadores, no sólo en las dos décadas analizadas, sino también en sus temas. No se puede entender los estudios de pobreza alejados de la Ciencias Sociales y de los procesos históricos, políticos, económicos y sociales de Guatemala y la relación con otros campos de conocimiento en Centroamérica y América Latina.

    Abstract in English:

    From the perspective of Karl Mannheim's sociology of knowledge, it is possible to understand the state of the art of poverty studies in Guatemala between 1980 and 2004. This work is justified by the lack of investigations looking into the development of Social Sciences in Guatemala and it demonstrates its importance through theoretical and methodological experiences. Investigation on poverty can be said to have been neither systematic nor continued, due to the social and political process the country has undergone. Nevertheless, it can also be sustained that there is a heterogeneous and considerable bibliographic corpus between 1980-2004. This investigation aimed at a taking stock of the theoretical and methodological trends of the studies in the last 20 years. I shall point out that bibliography on poverty is quite broad and a selection of a sample of the most representative works was inevitable, not only in the decades examined, but also in terms of the issues. It is not possible to understand poverty studies detached from Social Sciences and historical, political, economic, and social processes of Guatemala and their relation to other fields of knowledge in Central America and Latin America.
  • The development of sociology in Peru: introductory notes

    Navarrete, Julio Mejía

    Abstract in Spanish:

    El trabajo es una síntesis de la evolución de la sociología en el Perú desde su incorporación como cátedra universitaria en 1896. Se elabora un discurso que busca vincularse con los avatares propios del desarrollo de la modernidad en el país y, al mismo tiempo, se apoya en el debate teórico resultado del lento proceso de institucionalización de la disciplina y de la emergencia de una mayor conciencia, en los últimos años, acerca de la pluralidad de paradigmas, perspectivas metodológicas y posibilidades interpretativas de la realidad social.

    Abstract in English:

    This work is a synthesis of the evolution of sociology in Peru since its incorporation as a university cathedra in 1896. A discourse is build in order to link to the changes that are typical of the developments of modernity in the country and, at the same time, it is supported on the theoretical debate resulting from the slow process of institutionalization of the discipline and the emergence of a higher awareness of the plurality of paradigms, methodological perspectives, and interpretive possibilities on social reality in recent years.
  • The pathways towards a Sociology in Cuba: historical, theoretical and professional changes

    Gutiérrez, Teresa Muñoz

    Abstract in Spanish:

    La ponencia realiza un panorama de la Historia de la Sociología en Cuba, a partir de la combinación de los enfoques de la Historia de las Ideas y de la Historia de la Ciencia. Brinda una caracterización de las etapas fundamentales por las que ha atravesado la ciencia sociológica en el país, combinando una mirada de lo universal, lo regional y lo nacional, destacando las especificidades de los procesos en Cuba, así como sus correlatos en Europa y en América Latina. Se atiende a los procesos de construcción de un pensamiento, de su institucionalización y de la formación de una comunidad científica.

    Abstract in English:

    This article presents an overview of the History of Sociology in Cuba, combining approaches from History of Ideas and History of Science. It offers a characterization of the fundamental stages sociological science has undergone in Cuba, combining a look at the universal, the regional, and the local, underlining specificities of Cuban processes as well as their correlates in Europe and Latin America. It attends to the processes of construction of a type of thinking, its institutionalization, and the formation of a scientific community.
  • Sociology in Brazil: history, theories, and challenges Dossiê Sociologia Na (En) América Latina, Alas

    Liedke Filho, Enno D.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Este estudo focaliza a história da sociologia no Brasil e as recepções de tradições sociológicas européias e norte-americana pela sociologia brasileira. As etapas e os períodos da evolução da Sociologia e de sua institucionalização como disciplina acadêmico-científica no Brasil são apresentados em seus traços principais, assim como a situação atual da sociologia nas universidades, os principais campos de pesquisa da sociologia brasileira e os novos temas e novas abordagens que vieram a ser propostos para a explicação e/ou compreensão da situação social brasileira.

    Abstract in English:

    This study focuses on the history of sociology in Brazil and receptions of European and North American sociological traditions by Brazilian sociology. The stages and periods of development of Sociology and its institutionalization as an academic-scientific discipline in Brazil are presented in their main features, as well as sociology's current situation at universities, the main fields of research of Brazilian sociology, and the new themes and approaches that came to be proposed for explaining and/or understanding Brazil's social situation.
  • Donald Pierson and the Sociological School of Chicago in Brazil: urban studies in the city of São Paulo (1935-1950) Artigos

    Mendoza, Edgar S.G.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    O artigo, em termos amplos, trata da influência de Donald Pierson, formado na Escola Sociológica de Chicago, que teve maior repercussão na pesquisa urbana no Brasil, nos anos 30 e 50, tanto na Sociologia quanto na Antropologia, na cidade de São Paulo. A pesquisa urbana no Brasil tanto sociológica quanto antropológica teve referenciais teóricos que deixaram sua marcas nos trabalhos da época. No meu argumento, se pensarmos nos campos científicos da Antropologia e da Sociologia Urbana no Brasil, uma das tendências teóricas em um momento histórico e teórico foi a Escola Sociológica de Chicago. Um resgate de pesquisas precursoras de estudos urbanos na cidade de São Paulo poderiam comprovar a influência da Escola de Chicago. Apesar de serem pesquisas isoladas, enfatizaram fortemente questões propriamente urbanas. Seria arriscado defini-las nesta época como uma Sociologia Urbana propriamente dita, em São Paulo. O motivo de trazê-las é demonstrar que realmente foram um antecedente dos estudos urbanos no Brasil, entre 1935-1950. Assim, posso dizer que a Sociologia da Escola de Chicago teve influência em três campos no Brasil: a) relações raciais (negros, brancos e imigrantes), b) estudos de comunidade (pequenas cidades rurais) e c) estudos na cidade (principalmente São Paulo). Portanto, estou pensando a cidade de São Paulo como um cenário em termos gerais, como uma agenda de pesquisa institucional nos anos 35-50. Entre as poucas e modestas pesquisas de Sociologia na cidade de São Paulo tomada como objeto de estudo, foi feita uma etnografia na cidade ou uma etnografia urbana diferente dos clássicos estudos de comunidades em pequenas cidades rurais. Temos inicialmente oito trabalhos que foram publicados principalmente como artigos em revistas, sendo o objeto de pesquisa alguns bairros da cidade ou em outras cidades. O ponto central do artigo está na ampla bibliografia que foi encontrada, e apresentada no final do texto sobre a influência da Escola de Chicago e sua repercussão no Brasil.

    Abstract in English:

    This paper is an overview of the influence of Donald Pierson, formed in the Sociological School of Chicago, which had more repercussion on urban research in Brazil in the 1930s and 1950s, both within Sociology and Anthropology, in the city of São Paulo. Urban research in Brazil - both sociological and anthropological - had theoretical references that left their marks on the works of that time. According to my argument, regarding the scientific fields of anthropology and urban Sociology in Brazil, one of the theoretical trends in a certain historical and theoretical context was the Sociological School of Chicago. Revisiting pioneer urban studies in São Paulo could assert the influence of the School of Chicago. In spite of being isolated studies, they have strongly stressed properly urban issues. It would be risky to define them these days as Urban Sociology in its own right, in São Paulo. The reason for bringing them up is to demonstrate that they really represented antecedents to urban studies in Brazil between 1035-1950. Therefore, I can say that the sociology of the School of Chicago had its impact on three fields in Brazil: a) racial relations (blacks, whites, and immigrants); b) community studies (small rural towns); and c) studies in the city (especially in São Paulo). Therefore, I think of the city of São Paulo as a scenario in general terms, as an agenda for institutional research in 1935-1950. Among the few and modest sociology studies having the city of São Paulo as their object, an ethnography of the city or urban ethnography was conducted that was different from classic studies on communities or small rural towns. Initially, we have eight works published mainly as journal articles, and their research object was some neighborhoods in São Paulo or other cities. The main feature of the article is the extensive bibliography found and presented at the end of the text, about the impact of the Scholl of Chicago and its repercussion in Brazil.
  • Sociology of labor at the University of Havana

    Guilarte, Euclides Catá

    Abstract in Spanish:

    El artículo da una breve panorámica del desarrollo de la Sociología en Cuba. De forma particular se realiza un análisis de la docencia de la Sociología del Trabajo en la Universidad de la Habana, enfoques, áreas de influencia y las instituciones que han participado en la docencia e investigación de la esfera laboral en Cuba. Finalmente se dedica un espacio a las perspectivas y retos de la Sociología del Trabajo en Cuba.

    Abstract in English:

    The article is a brief overview of the development of Sociology in Cuba. In a particular way, an analysis is conducted about Sociology of Labor in the University of Havana, its approaches, areas of influence, as well as the institutions that took part in teaching and research within the labor field in Cuba. Finally, the perspective and directions of Sociology of Labor in Cuba are examined.
  • Sociopoética Interfaces

    Mendoza, Edgar S. G.
  • About a master: Gino Germani, founder of sociology in Argentina

    Izaguirre, Inés
  • The passing of Octávio Ianni: sociology loses a master Interfaces

    Porto, Maria Stela Grossi
  • Alain Touraine: a new paradigm or the end of social discourse on social reality

    Rojo, Raúl Enrique
  • XX Congreso de ALAS, 1995 - México

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Prédio 43111 sala 103 , 91509-900 Porto Alegre RS Brasil , Tel.: +55 51 3316-6635 / 3308-7008, Fax.: +55 51 3316-6637 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil