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Discussion of “Proposition of correlations for the dynamic parameters of carbonate sands”* * Appears in Barroso, F.O.P., & Moura, A.S. (2023). Soils and Rocks, 46(1), e2023001422.

The reader appreciates the authors’ development of equations to predict the dynamic behavior of carbonate sands. The main reason that makes it difficult to accurately predict G/Gmaxγ is the existence of other independent variables.

The equation proposed by the authors has a structure similar to that of Ishibashi & Zhang (1993)Ishibashi, I., & Zhang, X. (1993). Unified dynamic shear moduli and damping ratios of sand and clay. Soil and Foundation, 33(1), 182-191.
. It is essentially the product of a function only of γ and a power function of the confining stress. In the reader's opinion, the main difference between the two proposals is the fact that the authors' equation uses constant exponents, instead of functions of γ. This means the authors' equation, despite presenting good results, is not capable of providing G/Gmax1 for γ0 (Ishibashi & Zhang; 1993Ishibashi, I., & Zhang, X. (1993). Unified dynamic shear moduli and damping ratios of sand and clay. Soil and Foundation, 33(1), 182-191.
; Ishihara, 1996Ishihara, K. (1996). Soil behaviour in earthquake geotechnics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.).

It is actually possible to find approximate equations for the curves from Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.
and Javdanian & Jafarian (2018)Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.
tests, using a similar structure. Disregarding the influence of the relative density, the basic equation could be assumed as:

G / G m a x = 1 1 + γ σ 0 a γ (1)

where aγ is a hyperbola. Through linear regression, aγ is given by:

aγ=γ0.0979+1.5575γ for σ0=50kPa (Cataño & Pando, 2010)(2)

aγ=γ0.8677+2.8783γ for σ0=300kPa (Cataño & Pando, 2010Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.

aγ=γ0.2347+2.1738γ for σ0=200kPa (Javdanian & Jafarian, 2018Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.

aγ=γ0.3956+2.3519γ for σ0=400kPa (Javdanian & Jafarian, 2018Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.

aγ=γ0.6650+2.3786γ for σ0=800kPa (Javdanian & Jafarian, 2018Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.

Figure 1 compares the test results with the curves obtained by the proposed equations.

Figure 1
Comparison between Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.
(Dr=21 %) tests, Javdanian & Jafarian (2018)Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.
tests, and approximate equations.

Despite the good agreement, it is very difficult to predict these equations. The Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.
test with a confining stress of 300 kPa resulted in G/Gmax values higher than those from the Javdanian & Jafarian (2018)Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.
tests with confining stress of 800 kPa, for the same shear strains. Although it is not known exactly which characteristics most influenced these results, it can be observed the unit weight of the Cabo Rojo carbonate sand is much lower.

Let one assume there is a single ideal equation capable of predicting G/Gmaxγ, defined as the following product:

G / G m a x = f 0 γ i = 1 n f i A i , γ (3)

Where Ai is each of the independent variables, n is the number of independent variables, and fi is each function of only one independent variable.

Consider that two tests I and II are carried out on the same soil, changing only one of the independent variables Aj – for instance, the confining stress σ0. Dividing Equation 3 for test I by the same equation for test II, all terms cancel out except the ones for the independent variable that changed. That is:

G / G m a x I G / G m a x I I = f j A j , γ I f j A j , γ I I (4)

Now consider tests III and IV performed on the same soil. These tests also differ from each other only on the same variable Aj, with the same values from tests I and II. Carrying out the same previous process, a relation identical to Equation 4 is obtained:

G / G m a x I I I G / G m a x I V = f j A j , γ I I I f j A j , γ I V (5)

Assume the only difference between the pairs of tests I-II and III-IV is another independent variable Ak – for instance, the relative density Dr. Thus, tests I and II have the same Ak, and tests III and IV also have the same Ak, but a different value.

Since AjI=AjIII and AjII=AjIV, one can write:

f j A j , γ I f j A j , γ I I = f j A j , γ I I I f j A j , γ I V G / G m a x I G / G m a x I I = G / G m a x I I I G / G m a x I V (6)

The two pairs of tests by Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.
fit this analysis. According to Equation 6:

G / G m a x σ = 300 ; D r = 91 G / G m a x σ = 50 ; D r = 91 = G / G m a x σ = 300 ; D r = 21 G / G m a x σ = 50 ; D r = 21 (7)

To verify the validity of Equation 7, the points of the curves G/Gmaxγ were interpolated so that the G/Gmax values could be estimated for the same γ values for both pair of tests. Then, for each γ, the ratio between both G/Gmax from each pair of tests were calculated. Figure 2 compares the results.

Figure 2
Ratio of G/Gmax for each pair of Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.

Despite showing the same growth trend, the two curves clearly do not coincide, which indicates that Equation 6 does not hold true. This does not necessarily mean that Dr is actually relevant for the Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.
tests. Instead it means that either another unforeseen independent variable has changed between the tests, or the ideal G/Gmaxγ equation – if it exists – cannot be represented by Equation 3.

List of symbols

D damping ratio

Dr relative density

G shear modulus

Gmax maximum shear modulus

γ shear strain

γr reference shear strain when G/Gmax = 0.5

  • *
    Appears in Barroso, F.O.P., & Moura, A.S. (2023). Soils and Rocks, 46(1), e2023001422.


  • Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In D.O. Fratta, A.J. Puppala & B. Muhunthan (Eds.), GeoFlorida 2010: advances in analysis, modeling & design (pp. 842-851). Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Ishibashi, I., & Zhang, X. (1993). Unified dynamic shear moduli and damping ratios of sand and clay. Soil and Foundation, 33(1), 182-191.
  • Ishihara, K. (1996). Soil behaviour in earthquake geotechnics Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.

Author’s reply

The authors are grateful for the reader's contribution, enriching the discussion on the dynamic behavior of soils. The comment made proceeds in the search for a better correlation for the prediction of the soil dynamic parameter G/Gmax, since the equation proposed in Barroso & Moura (2023)Barroso, F.O.P., & Moura, A.S. (2023). Proposition of correlations for the dynamic parameters of carbonate sands. Soils and Rocks, 46(1), e2023001422.
predicts less concordant G/Gmax values for very small shear strains.

However, the equations presented by the reader, despite having more consistent results in relation to the original study for G/Gmax when γ → 0, were much subdivided in relation to the original research, so that the best convergence of results was already expected.

In addition, the good result of G/Gmax predictions is restricted to the field of application of each equation, so that the application of a specific equation, for different soil or confining pressure, can provide G/Gmax predictions that are less concordant than by the equations of the original study.

In Figure 1, the G/Gmax obtained in the laboratory by Javdanian & Jafarian (2018)Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.
, when σ0 = 200 kPa, is compared with the G/Gmax predictions by the equation proposed in Barroso & Moura (2023)Barroso, F.O.P., & Moura, A.S. (2023). Proposition of correlations for the dynamic parameters of carbonate sands. Soils and Rocks, 46(1), e2023001422.
and by one of the equations proposed by the reader. The equation developed by the reader for the soil by Cataño & Pando (2010)Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In Proceedings of the GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling & Design (pp. 842-851). Orlando: ASCE.
was applied, when σ0 = 300 kPa, because this is the equation in which the confining stress is closest to the tests by Javdanian & Jafarian (2018)Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.
when σ0 = 200 kPa.

Figure 1
Comparison between the tests by Javdanian & Jafarian (2018)Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.
, the equation from the original study, Barroso & Moura (2023)Barroso, F.O.P., & Moura, A.S. (2023). Proposition of correlations for the dynamic parameters of carbonate sands. Soils and Rocks, 46(1), e2023001422.
, and one of the equations proposed in the discussion for σ0 = 200 kPa.

From Figure 1, it can be seen that the equations proposed by the reader may result in less consistent predictions than those proposed by the original study for higher shear strains.

The authors of the original study agree with the reader about the difficulty of obtaining equations for predicting soil dynamic parameters. Thus, more studies and discussions are necessary to better understand this subject.

List of symbols

G Shear modulus

Gmax Maximum shear modulus

γ Shear strain

σ0 Confining stress


  • Barroso, F.O.P., & Moura, A.S. (2023). Proposition of correlations for the dynamic parameters of carbonate sands. Soils and Rocks, 46(1), e2023001422.
  • Cataño, A.J., & Pando, M.A. (2010). Static and dynamic properties of a calcareous sand from Southwest Puerto Rico. In Proceedings of the GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling & Design (pp. 842-851). Orlando: ASCE.
  • Javdanian, H., & Jafarian, Y. (2018). Dynamic shear stiffness and damping ratio of marine calcareous and siliceous sands. Geo-Marine Letters, 38(4), 315-322.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    06 Apr 2023
  • Accepted
    26 May 2023
Associação Brasileira de Mecânica dos Solos Av. Queiroz Filho, 1700 - Torre A, Sala 106, Cep: 05319-000, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel: (11) 3833-0023 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil