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Soils and Rocks, Volume: 47, Número: 3, Publicado: 2024
  • The 7th Bishop Lecture: The mechanics of coarse-grained geomaterials at meso- and micro-scales Lecture

    Coop, Matthew

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In order to move towards discrete analyses of soil behaviour, we need to develop a new range of apparatus and testing techniques. The lecture describes attempts to develop these new apparatus and presents data for a range of coarse-grained geomaterials at the single particle scale. The roles of the particle morphology and hence geological origin are discussed and are shown to influence both the contact mechanics and particle breakage behaviour. The mechanics of single particles are shown to be more complex than generally assumed and will require new means of modelling to account for the significant plasticity that occurs at particle contacts and patterns of breakage that are strongly influenced by the origins of particles and their effect on their morphology.
  • Micro to macro investigation of clays advising their constitutive modelling - part I Article

    Cotecchia, Federica; Guglielmi, Simona; Cafaro, Francesco; Gens, Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This keynote lecture discusses the results of a long lasting experimental research, devoted to the investigation of clay microstructure and its evolution upon loading. Micro-scale analyses, involving scanning electron microscopy, image processing, mercury intrusion porosimetry and swelling paths to test the clay bonding, are presented on clays subjected to different loading paths, with the purpose of providing experimental evidence of the processes at the micro-scale which underlie the clay response at the macro-scale. Data from the literature on clays of different classes, either soft or stiff, are compared to original results on two stiff clays, Pappadai and Lucera clay, both in their natural state and after reconstitution in the laboratory. The results presented herein allow building a conceptual model of the evolution of clay microstructure upon different loading paths, providing microstructural insights into the macro-behaviour described by constitutive laws and advising their mathematical formalization in the framework of either continuum mechanics or micro-mechanics. For editorial purposes, the research results are presented in two parts. The first part, presented in this paper, concerns the results for reconstituted clays, whereas a second part, concerning the corresponding natural clays, is discussed in a second companion paper.
  • In-situ and laboratory characterisation of stiff and dense geomaterials for driven pile analysis and design Article

    Liu, Tingfa; Vinck, Ken; Ushev, Emil R.; Jardine, Richard J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Integrated field and laboratory characterisation of geomaterial behaviour is critical to foundation analysis and design for a wide range of offshore and onshore infrastructure. Challenges include the need for high-quality sampling, addressing natural and induced micro-to-macro structures, and applying soil and stress states that represent both in-situ and in-service conditions. This paper draws on the Authors’ recent research with stiff glacial till, dense marine sand and low-to-medium density chalk, and focuses particularly on these geomaterials’ mechanical behaviour, from small strains to failure, their anisotropy and response to cyclic loading. It considers a range of in-situ techniques as well as highly instrumented monotonic and cyclic stress-path triaxial experiments and hollow cylinder apparatus tests. The outcomes are shown to have important implications for the analysis of large driven piles under monotonic-and-cyclic, axial-and-lateral loading, and the development of practical design methods. Also highlighted are the needs for approaches that integrate field observations, advanced sampling and laboratory testing, numerical and theoretical modelling.
  • Micro to macro investigation of clays advising their constitutive modelling – part II Article

    Cotecchia, Federica; Guglielmi, Simona; Cafaro, Francesco; Gens, Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper reports the second part of the keynote lecture, whose part I has been already published in this journal, presenting extensive experimental research on the investigation of clay microstructure and its evolution upon loading. Whether the first part focused on the micro to macro behaviour of different reconstituted clays, this part instead concerns the microscale features of the corresponding natural clays, their changes under different loading paths and the ensuing constitutive modelling implications. The experimental investigation is carried out according to the methodology outlined in the part I-paper, hence micro-scale analyses are presented on natural clays subjected to macro-scale mechanical testing, with the purpose to provide experimental evidence of the processes at the micro-scale which underlie the clay response at the macro-scale. As for the reconstituted clays in the part I-paper, original results on stiff Pappadai and Lucera clay, this time in their natural state, are compared to literature results on clays of different classes, either soft or stiff. The results presented in this paper, together with those discussed in the part I, allow for a conceptual modelling of the microstructure evolution under compression of natural versus reconstituted multi-mineral clays, providing microstructural insights into the macro-behaviour described by constitutive laws and advising their mathematical formalization in the framework of either continuum mechanics or micro-mechanics.
  • Soil testing at different scales: from micro-experiments to field tests in earthworks Article

    Romero, Enrique

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Examples of upscaling phenomena with experimental techniques are presented and discussed within the framework of compacted soils for hydraulic and environmental earthworks and engineered barriers for the energy sector. A series of laboratory experiments at different scales are presented and interpreted to focus on the need for experimental upscaling in compacted soils since distinctive behavioural features can only be detected at specific length scales. Permeability results on fine-grained soils and artificially prepared sand/bentonite mixture at different scales will be discussed with microstructural tests regarding ‘dry’ or ‘wet side’ compaction, element and mock-up tests on compacted soils in the laboratory, and field tests on a compacted trial embankment and demonstration test to explore anisotropic and heterogeneous features. The presented examples will help to motivate new experimental research subjects and promote experimental protocols at different scales ranging from mm-scale (micro), cm-scale element tests, dm-scale mock-ups and m-scale (trial/demonstration tests) to help understand and approach some fundamental questions observed at the application scale of compacted soils.
  • Emerging technologies and advanced analyses for non-invasive near-surface site characterization Review Article

    Abbas, Aser; Aimar, Mauro; Yust, Michael; Cox, Brady R.; Foti, Sebastiano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The in-situ small-strain shear modulus of soil and rock materials is a parameter of paramount importance in geotechnical modeling. It can be derived from non-invasive geophysical surveys, which provide the possibility of testing the subsurface in its natural and undisturbed condition by inferring the velocity of propagation of shear waves. In addition, for soil dynamics and earthquake engineering applications, the small-strain damping ratio plays a relevant role, yet its estimation is still challenging, lacking consolidated approaches for its in-situ evaluation. Recent advancements in instrumentation, such as distributed acoustic sensing (DAS), combined with advanced analysis methodologies for the interpretation of seismic wave propagation (e.g., machine learning and full waveform inversion), open new frontiers in site characterization. This paper presents and compares some advanced applications of measuring 1D and 2D variations in shear wave velocity and attenuation in-situ with reference to a specific case history.
  • Investigating the Martian soil at the InSight landing site Review Article

    Delage, Pierre; Caicedo, Bernardo; Golombek, Matt; Spohn, Tilman; Schmelzbach, Cédric; Brinkman, Nienke; Marteau, Eloise; Murdoch, Naomi; Warner, Nicholas; Ansan, Véronique; Banerdt, Bruce; Castillo-Betancourt, Juan-Pablo; Edme, Pascal; Gomez, Annabel; Grott, Matthias; Hurst, Ken; Lemmon, Mark; Lognonné, Philippe; Piqueux, Sylvain; Robertsson, Johann; Sollberger, David; Stähler, Simon; Verdier, Nicolas; Vrettos, Christos; Williams, Nathan

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The InSight mission is a geophysical mission aimed at better understanding the structure of Mars and of the other rocky planets of the solar system. To do so, a lander accommodating two cameras, a very sensitive seismometer, and a dynamic self-penetrating heat probe nicknamed the mole were placed on the Mars surface by the Instrument Deployment Arm (IDA). Besides geophysical data (which definitely enriched the existing knowledge on the structure of Mars), the InSight instruments significantly increased the knowledge of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the surface material at the InSight site. Small strain (elastic) parameters were derived from wave velocity measurements during the hammering sessions between the self-penetrating probe and the seismometer. A detailed observation of the soil profile along a depth of 37 cm was made possible thanks to the photos taken by the cameras, and to a detailed analysis of the mole penetration process. Further information was provided by an intense campaign of scraping and piling conducted by the IDA on the surface sand/dust layer. It was shown that the soil profile was composed of a surface 1 cm thick sand/dust layer, overlaying an around 20 cm thick loose duricrust made up of a cohesive matrix containing some pebbles, located above a 12 cm layer of sand overlaying a gravel/sand deposit. It is believed that the geology and soil mechanics data provided by the InSight mission will help for further robotic exploration of Mars.
  • Measuring deformation processes in granular materials from intragranular to bulk scales Review Article

    Hall, Stephen Alexander

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Granular materials (assemblies of contacting grains with inter-granular porosity) form a vast family of materials important in both natural and industrial contexts. Under mechanical loads such systems show complex behaviours relating to the inter- and intra-granular stresses, strains and force transmission as well as the individual grain kinematics and interactions leading to multi-scale, heterogeneous behaviour. To understand such systems requires detailed understanding of these different structures and processes at the pertinent scales. This paper provides a brief overview of some new opportunities for enhanced experimental description of structures and mechanisms relating to the deformation of granular materials exploiting the penetrating power of x-rays for both imaging, giving access to granular structures and their evolution, and diffraction-based measurements, giving access to intra-granular grain structure and changes as well as inter- and intra-granular force transmission.
Associação Brasileira de Mecânica dos Solos Av. Queiroz Filho, 1700 - Torre A, Sala 106, Cep: 05319-000, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel: (11) 3833-0023 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil