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Animal turn, human turn: another pact

This article was composed from a communication presented in the cycle of conferences "Humans and animals: the limits of humanity", promoted by IEA/USP. Amply modified since then, the text incorporates commentaries of interlocutors from different areas or perspectives of knowledge, so as making explicit both the difficulties and the promising character of such interdisciplinary efforts. In the same time, the reflections of the article emerge from the use of a heterogeneous bibliography, but that, in conformity with the treatment here used, converges to the contemporary urgency of conceiving and practicing another pact between modern humans and the animals. Without this pact humanism itself will be menaced. For other humanism, another nature insists in asking its place.

Humanism; Naturalism; Emergence; Animal turn; Pact; Nets; Hesitation; Correspondence

Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia Rua Santa Rosa Júnior, 83/102, 05579-010 - São Paulo - SP Brasil, Tel./FAX: (11) 3726-4435 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil