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Francis Galton: eugenia e hereditariedade

The eugenic proposals have been frequently interpreted as racist and prejudiced positions, based in a pseudoscientific vision of the specificities of human beings. However, Francis Galton, founder of the eugenic, looked for to present it as the science that would supply the theoretical bases not only to understand the mechanisms of the transmission of the characters between the generations, as well to contribute positively for the improvement of the characteristics of the population set. This text, therefore, intends to approach the proposal of Galton looking for to present it as the attempt of elaboration of a theory worried not only in offering beddings for the understanding of the heredity, as also indicating selecting procedures of them to improve characteristics, fomenting its proliferation, and of the considered degenerative characteristics, with the intention to hinder its occurrence in the population set.

Galton; Eugenic; Heredity; Reproductive control; Genetic improvement

Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Filosofia Rua Santa Rosa Júnior, 83/102, 05579-010 - São Paulo - SP Brasil, Tel./FAX: (11) 3726-4435 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil