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Authoritarianism and state of exception in Brazil


The article examines interpretations of authoritarian practices in Brazil. It analyzes the attacks on democracy and the implementation of a state of exception, elucidating persistent anti-democratic aspects in the State-society relationship. Through a literature review, it starts from the period after the 2016 coup that removed Dilma Rousseff from the Presidency of the Republic, follows the years of Temer’s administration and reaches the attacks of January 2023, passing through the period corresponding to Jair Bolsonaro’s government.

Authoritarianism; Democracy; State of exception

Cortez Editora Ltda Rua Monte Alegre, 1074, 05014-001 - São Paulo - SP, Tel: (55 11) 3864-0111 , Fax: (55 11) 3864-4290 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil