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Instrumentality, modern reason and fetishism: an ontological rescue


The aim of this essay is to elucidate the ontogenesis of instrumentality and its relationship with modern reason and fetishism. Appeal to historical-dialectical materialism, based on the ontology of social being, is used to categorically unveil instrumentality. It then looks at the influence of formal-abstract and fetishistic rationality on this category. It is found that the de-fetishization carried out by dialectical reason is the only one capable of counteracting the fetishism of formal-abstract reason.

Instrumentality; Reason; Fetishism; Method; Ontology

Cortez Editora Ltda Rua Monte Alegre, 1074, 05014-001 - São Paulo - SP, Tel: (55 11) 3864-0111 , Fax: (55 11) 3864-4290 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil