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Teleworking in the public social security service: repercussions on the health of INSS workers in Rio Grande do Sul


The repercussions of teleworking on the worker’s health is the transversal guideline of this article, highlighted by the changes in work, through managerialism in the INSS. Through a study with civil servants, it is demonstrated that management practices and technologies are new threats in the face of the intensification of contradictions in teleworking. They reflect neoliberal guidelines that affect working conditions, the health of workers and the population using social security.

Public service; Worker’s health; Teleworking

Cortez Editora Ltda Rua Monte Alegre, 1074, 05014-001 - São Paulo - SP, Tel: (55 11) 3864-0111 , Fax: (55 11) 3864-4290 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil