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Lucien Goldmann's genetic structuralism and the study of the Social Work practice** ** As ideias de Lucien Goldmann trabalhadas neste texto se encontram explicitadas principalmente em Dialética e cultura (2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1979, tradução de Luiz Fernando Cardoso); Ciências humanas e filosofia (8. ed. São Paulo: Difel, 1980, tradução de Lupe Cotrim Garande e José Arthur Gianotti); Epistémologie et philosophie politique (Paris: Denöel/Gonthier, 1978); Dialética e ciências humanas (Lisboa: Presença, 1972, tradução de João Arsênio Nunes); A sociologia do romance (2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1976, tradução de Álvaro Cabral).


The article deals with the social workers' professional practice and its study, and it aims at reflecting over the use of Lucien Goldmann's idea of significant structure as a work method in Social Work in order to apprehend the existing qualitative relations between "the external ambience of the practice and its internal categories", from the social and historical analysis. In this process, it emphasizes the totality category, which is central in the dialectic thinking, as well as the basis for the goldmannian analysis.

Social Work; Professional practice; Genetic structuralism; Significant structure; Totality

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