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Security, human security and Latin America

This paper aims to advance the discussion on how to deal with new internal and external security problems in Latin America, both old and new. Part I examines the concept of human security, particularly in Latin America, and considers criticisms in international literature. We argue that human security is more than a normative framework and must be reformulated into an operational and analytical tool. Human security-oriented analysis needs to have a clearer focus on armed violence; the institutional dimensions must also be taken in consideration, within a perspective of variable geometry of international security problems. Part II begins with a short review of the current security problems in Latin America - and the new situation produced by United States anti-terrorism policies. Here we also discuss some of the difficulties in consolidating a common Latin American international agenda. The final section lays out some of the main issues that could be taken on by researchers, civil society and policy makers in Latin America.

Human security; Violence; Latin America; Human rights

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