2021 Turkey18 |
Site Web Sexual Health |
Site evaluated by experts and people with visual impairment. Accessibility, quality and content considered appropriate, and can be used as an education method for people with visual impairment. |
Does not apply |
2020 Portugal19 |
Interactive primer online/ Occupational Safety and Health |
Online digital resource development that used web accessibility guidelines and audio and audio description features. Online digital resources can become inclusive when adjusted with accessibility features. |
Does not apply |
2020 Iran20 |
Game, Music, audio features and touch models Oral Health |
The effect of different resources was evaluated. The technique mediated by audio and tactile features is an effective method to improve the oral health status of visually impaired students. |
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2018 India21 |
Audio features, and touch models Oral Health |
A new health education technique (audio and tactile resources) was shown to be in equality with the traditional method of combining audio and text in Braille in the maintenance of oral health. |
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2018 India22 |
Audio features, Braille and touch models Oral Health |
The combination of audio, Braille and tactile models is an effective way to provide oral health education and improve the oral health status of visually impaired children. |
2018 Brazil23 |
Online course/ Hypertension |
Completed course construction stage. The course was structured through accessibility criteria, offering knowledge and contributing to the inclusion of digital educational materials. |
Does not apply |
2018 Brazil24 |
Manual in Braille and ink with embossed figures/ Female reproductive system |
Blind learning was evaluated through the use of an educational manual. There was an increase in correct answers in the post-test. Manual allowed learning of participants after use. |
Does not apply |
2017 United States25 |
Exergame with auditory feedback Yoga |
Participants practiced yoga more consistently; frequency and time of physical activity. |
VI |
2017 Brazil26 |
Online audio string literature Breastfeeding |
Technology validated by the target audience that considered it appropriate, with good general organization, structure, presentation strategy and coherence, appropriate understanding. |
Does not apply |
2017 Brazil27 |
Audio text/ Psychoactive Substances |
After validation process, the technology was considered valid and reliable to inform people with visual impairment about psychoactive substances. |
Does not apply |
2017 India28 |
Brushing technique with music, dental plaster model and Braille booklet Oral Health |
Results of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices index was higher in the post-intervention period, as well as a significant decrease in oral plaque. |
2016 Brazil29 |
Audio-rhymed text/ Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
Technology validated by experts in relation to content, showing adequate objectives, structure, presentation and relevance. |
Does not apply |
2015 Brazil30 |
Tactile prototype simulates vaginal canal with audio instructions/ Female condom |
Technology evaluated by experts who considered it appropriate. Low cost instrument and valid for health promotion. |
Does not apply |
2013 Brazil31 |
Tactile educational game/ Psychoactive substances |
According to the evaluation of experts and blind people, the game proved to be adequate to the target audience, as it provides information on psychoactive substances in a playful and accessible way. |
Does not apply |
2009 United States32 |
Materials with enlarged printed letters, braille and audio/ Diabetes |
Changes made to educational materials and programs about diabetes, leaving them in a format accessible to people with visual impairment. |
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2005 Brazil33 |
Anatomical prototype of the breast and audio CD Breast cancer |
The use of hearing and touch facilitated the learning and assimilation of informative content by the participants. |
Does not apply |
2003 Brazil34 |
Anatomical heart cut Hypertension |
Blind people considered the tactile model very didactic, easy to handle and helped in understanding hypertension. |
Does not apply |
1999 Brazil35 |
Recording text on K7 tape and materials for tactile exploration Contraceptive methods |
Self-instructional material evaluated by blind people who considered it with adequate content and language contributed to knowledge and communication. |
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