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This study aimed to investigate the educational technologies built and/or used to promote Papillomaviridae vaccination. An integrative literature review was undertaken in the CINAHL, Pubmed, Scopus, LILACS, BDENF and Adolec databases, using the descriptors technology, vaccination, Papillomaviridae, educational technology and health education. The final sample consisted of 11 original articles published in English. Of these, six were found in Pubmed; four came from 2011 and eight were developed in the United States. In more than half (6), the level of evidence was four and, concerning the methodological rigor, almost all (10) presented level A. The video was the most cited educational technology (5), besides electronic device messages, web pages, computer program, radio serial and print materials. Future research should be developed to identify technologies, aiming to improve compliance with the vaccination schedule against Papillomaviridae.

Technology; Health education; Vaccination; Papillomaviridae; Pacient compliance.


Objetivou-se investigar as tecnologias educativas construídas e/ou utilizadas para promoção da vacinação contra o Papilomavírus Humano. Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura, nas bases de dados CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, BDENF e Adolec, utilizando os descritores tecnologia, vacinação, Papilomavírus Humano, tecnologia educacional e educação em saúde. A amostra final foi de 11 artigos originais, publicados em língua inglesa. Destes, seis foram encontrados na PubMed; quatro eram de 2011 e oito foram desenvolvidos nos Estados Unidos. Em mais da metade (6), o nível de evidência foi quatro e, de acordo com o rigor metodológico, quase todos (10) apresentaram nível A. O vídeo foi a tecnologia educativa mais citada (5), além de mensagens de dispositivos eletrônicos, páginas da internet, programa de computador, radionovela e materiais impressos. Futuras pesquisas devem ser desenvolvidas para identificação de tecnologias, visando melhoria da adesão ao esquema vacinal contra o Papilomavírus Humano.

Tecnologia; Educação em saúde; Vacinação; Papillomaviridae; Cooperação do paciente.


Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las tecnologías educativas construidas y/o utilizados para la promoción de la vacunación contra el Papillomaviridae. Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura, en las bases de datos CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, BDENF y Adolec, utilizando los descriptores de la tecnología, la vacunación, el VPH, la tecnología educativa y la educación sanitaria. La muestra final de 11 artículos originales publicados en Inglés. De estas sales se encontraron en PubMed; cuatro eran 2011 y ocho fueron desarrollados en los Estados Unidos. En más de la mitad (6), el nivel de evidencia era cuatro y, de acuerdo con el rigor metodológico, casi todos (10) tenían nivel A. El video era la tecnología más citado de la educación (5), y los dispositivos electrónicos de mensajes, páginas web, programa de ordenador, la telenovela y materiales de impresión. La investigación futura debe ser desarrollado para la identificación de tecnologías, con el fin de mejorar la adherencia al programa de vacunación contra el Papillomaviridae.

Tecnología; Educación para la salud; Vacunación; Papillomaviridae; Cooperación del paciente.


The human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for almost all cases of cervical cancer and a variable fraction of vaginal, vulvar, penal and anal cancer of serotypes 16 and 18, classified as high-risk HPV.11. Bragagnolo A, Eli D, Haas P. Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV). Rev Bras Anal Clin. 2010 Abr-Jun; 42(2):91-6.-22. Rosa MI, Medeiros LR, Rosa DD, Bozzeti MC, Silva FR, Silva BR. Papilomavírus humano e neoplasia cervical. Cad Saúde Pública [internet]. 2009 [cited 2014 Jul 13]; 25(5):953-64. Available from:
To try and reduce the incidence and mortality due to these tumors, the prophylactic vaccines against HPV were created, which offered the possibility to act at the primary care level, limiting the infection by the virus.33. Borsatto AZ, Vidal MLB, Rocha RCNP. Vacina contra o HPV e a prevenção do câncer do colo do útero: subsídios para a prática. Rev Bras Cancerol [internet]. 2011 [cited 2014 Jul 14]; 57(1):67-74. Available from:

Implementing this vaccine involves the need to organize educative activities for the population about the agent responsible for one of the main sexually transmitted infections, including measures to raise awareness and acceptability, reduce the stigma and gain reliability to vaccinate the girls in the age range indicated before the sexual initiation.44. Sanches EB. Prevenção do HPV: a utilização da vacina nos serviços de saúde. Rev Saúde Pesquisa [internet]. 2010 [cited 2014 Jul 12]; 3(2):255-61. Available from:

The health education actions stimulate the discussions in this group and involve the parents' participation. They are processed through interpersonal orientations or through strategies that do not permit interaction among the participants. These should be devised in view of the context the stakeholders are in.55. Amorim VL, Vieira NFC, Monteiro EMLM, Sherlock MSM, Barroso MGT. Práticas educativas desenvolvidas por enfermeiros na promoção à saúde do adolescente. RPBS [internet]. 2006 [cited 2014 Jul 12]; 19(4):240-6. Available from:

The technologies, tools used in the educative actions, contribute to the production of knowledge, aiming to transform an empirical into a scientific approach. They target behaviors to achieve health involving learning, in which knowledge, attitudes and skills are added for care in the health-disease process, in the problems that demand permanent or temporary changes and in the perception of risk and/or vulnerability among the groups that demand more attention.6

Thus, the knowledge produced in enriched by the action of man, beyond the mere construction and use of artifacts or equipment, as they are not limited to the use of means, but also represent a facilitating tool. They are focused on the logical organization of activities, in order to be observed, understood and transmitted systematically and permit the planning, execution, control and monitoring involved in any and all education processes.77. Nietsche EA, Backes VMS, Colomé CLM, Ceratti RN, Ferraz F. Tecnologias educacionais, assistenciais e gerenciais: uma reflexão a partir da concepção dos docentes de enfermagem. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2005 Mai-Jun; 13(3):344-53.

These tools are important components for the immunization programs, employed in the health interventions developed. Different approaches can be applied to disseminate the knowledge on the vaccine against HPV to the target public and country. The distribution of educative material, presentation of immunobiological material by professionals and reproduction of videos in waiting rooms can be used for that end. Investments in knowledge enhancement can also contribute to further the attendance of health services.88. Gowda C, Schaffer SE, Dombkpwski KJ, Dempsey Af. Understanding attitudes toward adolescent vaccination and the decision-making dynamic among adolescents, parents and providers. BMC Public Health [internet]. 2012 [cited 2014 Jul 12]; 12:509. Available from:

In addition, the dissemination of knowledge on HPV and vaccination in the school context is part of the development of health promotion and education programs, as this is a space of teaching-learning, social contact and growth, in which fundamental values are acquired, which influence the students in the formation and most important phases of their lives.9 Being one of the main types of social equipment nowadays, the school is challenged to articulate the content addressed in the classroom with the young people's social reality.

The identification of the educative technologies on HPV that contribute to the capitation for vaccination, developed and used by the health teams and other areas to work with young people and family members, can guide the professionals' work process, as they join support to plan interventions. This survey also intends to disseminate the knowledge produced on the theme, so as to cooperate with the target population's adherence to the immunization against the virus.

This study also intended to expand the list of references that contribute to evidence-based women's health care. Hence, the goal was to investigate the educative technologies constructed and/or used to promote the vaccination against HPV.


To achieve the proposed objective, the integrative review was used as a research method that permits the search, critical assessment and synthesis of available evidence on the research theme, presenting the state-of-the-art of this theme in the end result, as well as the implementation of effective interventions in health care, the reduction of costs and the identification of gaps to be completed in future studies.1010. Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enferm [internet]. 2008 [cited 2014 Jul 15]; 17(4):758. Available from:

To elaborate the study, the following phases were operated: 1) elaboration of the research question; 2) sampling or literature search for primary studies; 3) data extraction; 4) assessment of primary studies; 5) analysis and synthesis of results; 6) presentation of final study.1111. Galvão CM, Mensdes KDS, Silveira RCCP. Revisão integrativa: método de revisão para sintetizar as evidências disponíveis na literatura. In: Bravidelli MM. TCC-Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: guia prático para docentes e alunos da área da saúde. São Paulo: Látria; 2010. The following research question was established: what educative technologies have health professionals constructed and/or used to promote vaccination against HPV?

The following criteria were adopted to include the studies: theme of publication HPV and vaccination: discuss the construction and/or use of educative technology on HPV to contribute to vaccination adherence; be an original study; be published in Portuguese, English and Spanish between 2006 and 2014, as the first vaccine against HPV (Gardasil(r)) was approved in 2006.12 The exclusion criteria were: studies in the form of a dissertation, thesis, book or book chapter, editorial, reflexive study and experience report; and studies that did not respond to the objective of the review.

As regards the evidence level, the studies were classified according to the hierarchical system that ranks the studies in six levels: level 1, meta-analysis of multiple controlled studies; level 2, individual study with experimental design; level 3, study with experimental design, such as a non-randomized study with a single pre and post-test group, time series or case-control; level 5, case report or systematically obtained data whose quality can be verified or program assessment data; level 6, opinion of respectable authorities based on clinical competency or the opinion of an expert committee, including interpretations of information not based on research.1313. Galvão CM. Níveis de evidência. Acta Paul Enferm [internet]. 2006 [cited 2014 Oct 06]; 19(2). Available from:

The bibliographic survey was undertaken between July 1st and December 31st 2014. A search was undertaken of articles indexed in the databases Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PubMed, Scopus, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF) and Adolec. The Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were consulted to identify the following descriptors in English and their respective correspondents in Portuguese: technology, vaccination, HPV, educational technology and health education. The descriptor educational technology was found in DeCS only.

Initially, the search was done by peers, with a view to standardizing the order of the descriptors and their combinations in the databases. Next, the searches were done separately. The results were compared to identify possible disagreements and correct any errors in this phase.

In the selection phase of the primary studies, the title and abstract of the 2,830 publications identified were carefully read (Table 1). As a result, 2,796 were excluded because they did not address the study theme (2,365); could not be accessed (2); corresponded to a dissertation (2), thesis (1) and book chapter (1); were repeated (8) and were integrative or systematic reviews of the literature (417). The articles found in more than one database were included only once. The full text of the remaining 34 publications was read to check whether they responded to the research question and complied with the inclusion criteria, leading to the exclusion of 23 articles. Thus, the final sample consisted of 11 original articles (Table 2).

Table 1
Publications between 2006 and 2014 about educative technologies to promote vaccination against HPV. Recife-PE, 2014

Table 2
Selected publications on educational technologies to promote vaccination against HPV. Recife-PE, 2014

To extract the data, a validated and adapted form was completed, including the identification of the original article, the institution where the study was developed, type of scientific journal and methodological characteristics of the study.1414. Ursi ES. Prevenção de lesões no perioperatório: revisão integrativa da literatura [dissertação]. Ribeirão Preto (SP): Departamento de Enfermagem Geral e Especializada, Universidade de São Paulo, Programa de Enfermagem Fundamental; 2005. To assess the methodological rigor of the selected studies, a tool was used adapted from the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP).1515. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. 10 questions to help you make sense of a review [internet]. 2013 [cited 2014 Oct 06]. Available from:
This tool was adapted due to the fact that it offers an alternative to assess the quality of quantitative and qualitative studies objectively, systematically and easy to understand. The studies were classified in two categories, according to the instrument score: A (6 to 10 points) - studies with good methodological quality and limited bias and, B (at least 5 points) - studies with satisfactory methodological quality but with increased potential bias. Therefore, the studies were fully read and reread. To permit a better understanding and visualization of the collected information, tables were elaborated with the search results.

The articles were attached to the tools, properly completed to create a database. The software IBM(r) SPSS(r), version PASW Statistics 18 was used to process the data surveyed. The further presentation and analysis of the data were based on the absolute frequencies obtained.


In the analysis of the 11 publications selected, it was verified that more than half (6) of the studies were published in the database PubMed, followed by Scopus (3), as shown in tables 1 and 2. The year 2011 showed the largest number of articles (4) and the United States was the country that most developed studies on the theme (8). The prevailing language was English (11).

Most of the journals the manuscripts were published in came from other areas (7) than medicine or nursing. In total, three publications were exclusively medical and only one came from nursing. Some studies discussed the construction and/or use of more than one educative technology. Among all technologies found, the video was the most mentioned (5) to promote knowledge on HPV and contribute to better vaccination adherence against the virus in the target public (Table 3).

Table 3
Synthesis of the studies that presented the construction and/or use of educational technologies about HPV and vaccination

About the classification of the evidence found, evidence level 4 was predominant (6), followed by four level 2 studies and only one level 3 study. As regards the assessment of methodological rigor, ten studies presented level A and only one level B.


The final sample resulted in recent publications, as a search for the last ten years showed studies published between 2008 and 2013.1616. Vallery LA, Roberts SA, Kitchener HC, Brabin L. Informing adolescents about human papillomavirus vaccination: What will parents allow? Vaccine. 2008 Mar; 26:2203-10.

17. Thomas TL, Stephens DP, Blanchard B. Hip Hop, Health, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Using Wireless Technology to Increase HPV Vaccination Uptake. J Nurses Practitioners. 2010 Jun; 6(6):464-70.

18. Smalley HK, Keskinocak P, Engineer FG, Pickering LK. Universal Tool for Vaccine Scheduling: Applications for Children and Adults. Interfaces. 2011 Set-Out; 41(5):436-54.

19. Kepka DL, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Development of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine awareness and knowledge among latino parents. Public Health Reports. 2012 Jan-Fev; 127:130-8.

20. Tozzi AE, Buonuomo PS, Atti MLC, Carloni E, Meloni M, Gamba F. Comparison of quality of internet pages on human papillomavirus immunization in Italian and in English. J Adolescent Health. 2010; 46:83-9.

21. Chapman E, Venkat P, Ko E, Orezzoli JP, Carmen MD, Garner EIO. Use of multimedia as an educational tool to improve human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability - A pilot study. Gynecologic Oncology. 2010 Mai; 118:103-7.

22. Kepka DL, Coronado GD, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine and knowledge among hispanic parents. J Community Health. 2011 Mar; 36:957-65.

23. Kharbanda EO, Stockwell MS, Fox HW, Andres R, Lara M, Rickert Vaughn. Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination. Vaccine. 2011 Fev; 29:2537-41.

24. Merzouk MD, Courtney P, Garrett-Albaugh S, Janoo J, Hobbs G, Vernon M. Knowledge of HPV in west virginia high school health students and the effects of an educational tool. J Pediatr Adolesc Gyinecol. 2011; 24:278-81.

25. Krawczyk A, Lau E, Perez S, Delisle V, Amsel R, Rosberger Z. How to inform: comparing written and video education interventions to increase human papillomavirus knowledge and vaccination intentions in young adults. J American College Health. 2012 Mai-Jun; 60(4):316-21.
-2626. Humiston SG, Serwint JR, Szilagyi PG, Vincelli PA, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand CM, et al. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013 Abr; 52(8):710-20. This reflects how the new technologies have been incorporated into the education process established nowadays, contributing to the democratization of communication, education and knowledge, based on the individuals' cultural reality.2727. Goméz GO. Comunicação, educação e novas tecnologias: Tríade do século XXI. Comunic Educ. 2002 Jan-Abr; 23:57-70.

A considerable number of manuscripts originated in research developed in the United States, totaling 72.7% of the studies found.1717. Thomas TL, Stephens DP, Blanchard B. Hip Hop, Health, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Using Wireless Technology to Increase HPV Vaccination Uptake. J Nurses Practitioners. 2010 Jun; 6(6):464-70.

18. Smalley HK, Keskinocak P, Engineer FG, Pickering LK. Universal Tool for Vaccine Scheduling: Applications for Children and Adults. Interfaces. 2011 Set-Out; 41(5):436-54.
-1919. Kepka DL, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Development of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine awareness and knowledge among latino parents. Public Health Reports. 2012 Jan-Fev; 127:130-8.,2121. Chapman E, Venkat P, Ko E, Orezzoli JP, Carmen MD, Garner EIO. Use of multimedia as an educational tool to improve human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability - A pilot study. Gynecologic Oncology. 2010 Mai; 118:103-7.

22. Kepka DL, Coronado GD, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine and knowledge among hispanic parents. J Community Health. 2011 Mar; 36:957-65.

23. Kharbanda EO, Stockwell MS, Fox HW, Andres R, Lara M, Rickert Vaughn. Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination. Vaccine. 2011 Fev; 29:2537-41.
-2424. Merzouk MD, Courtney P, Garrett-Albaugh S, Janoo J, Hobbs G, Vernon M. Knowledge of HPV in west virginia high school health students and the effects of an educational tool. J Pediatr Adolesc Gyinecol. 2011; 24:278-81.,2626. Humiston SG, Serwint JR, Szilagyi PG, Vincelli PA, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand CM, et al. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013 Abr; 52(8):710-20. The interest in developing educative technologies focused on HPV, intended to promote the vaccination of the target-public in this location, is justified by the low adherence and low vaccination coverage rates, as the records showed that only one third of the young girls received at least one dose of the vaccine and that 30% of the girls who started the scheme did not complete it.2828. CEDIPI. Esquemas reduzidos de vacinação para HPV são possíveis? [internet]. 2014 [cited 2014 Nov 10]. Available from:
In addition, the incidence and mortality rates due to cervical cancer in that country are high in the population, with estimated numbers of 12,360 new cases and 4,020 deaths caused by this cancer in 2014.2929. Siegel R, Ma J, Zou Z, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2014. CA Cancer J Clin [internet]. 2014 [cited 2014 Nov 10]; 64:9-29. Available from:
This reality does not differ much from the reality found in Brazil, in which 15,590 new cases of the same cancer were expected in the same year.3030. Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva. Coordenação de Prevenção e Vigilância. Estimativa 2014: Incidência de câncer no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: INCA; 2014.

Among the educative technologies constructed and used in interventions involving the population, the video technology stood out.1616. Vallery LA, Roberts SA, Kitchener HC, Brabin L. Informing adolescents about human papillomavirus vaccination: What will parents allow? Vaccine. 2008 Mar; 26:2203-10.,2121. Chapman E, Venkat P, Ko E, Orezzoli JP, Carmen MD, Garner EIO. Use of multimedia as an educational tool to improve human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability - A pilot study. Gynecologic Oncology. 2010 Mai; 118:103-7.,2424. Merzouk MD, Courtney P, Garrett-Albaugh S, Janoo J, Hobbs G, Vernon M. Knowledge of HPV in west virginia high school health students and the effects of an educational tool. J Pediatr Adolesc Gyinecol. 2011; 24:278-81.

25. Krawczyk A, Lau E, Perez S, Delisle V, Amsel R, Rosberger Z. How to inform: comparing written and video education interventions to increase human papillomavirus knowledge and vaccination intentions in young adults. J American College Health. 2012 Mai-Jun; 60(4):316-21.
-2626. Humiston SG, Serwint JR, Szilagyi PG, Vincelli PA, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand CM, et al. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013 Abr; 52(8):710-20. The use of audiovisual techniques has increased in experimental studies recently. This resource permits reconsidering care strategies, as part of the therapeutic process in many approaches.3131. Bteshe M, Estellita-Lins C. Os diferentes usos do vídeo no cuidado à saúde materno-infantil. R Eletr de Com Inf Inov Saúde. 2011 Jun; 5(2):53-64.

To investigate the use of this tool as educative material in different clinical situations, a review of randomized controlled studies evidenced a positive impact in 13 out of 22 publications found.3232. Jeste DV, Dunn LB, Folsom DP, Zissok D. Multimedia educational aids for improving consumer knowledge about illness management and treatment decisions: a review of randomized controlled trials. J Psychiatr Res. 2008 Jan; 42(1):1-21. Two studies that used video are also highlighted. One of them promoted a pilot vaccination campaign against flue before the exhibition of movies in cinemas, with good results, suggesting studies to prove the efficacy of publicity messages in health communication.3333. Peddecord KM, Jacobson IG, Elgelberg M, Kwizera L, Macias V, Gustafson KW. Can movie theater advertisements promote health behaviors? Evaluation of a flu vaccination pilot campaign. J Health Commun. 2008 Set; 13(6):596-613. The other was focused on anti-tetanus vaccination for women in Cambodja, in which the use of this technology showed a positive effect.3434. Painvin C, Schlumberger M, Chhem DB, Savannarom D, Phong P, Gilberg S. Impact positif d'un documentaire vidéo-TV sur la vaccination antitétanique des femmes au Cambodge et causes de non-vaccination. Bull Soc Pathol Exot. 2011; 104:29-37.

Besides the video, other technologies elaborated and used were electronic messages (mobile phone, BlackBerry(r) and iPhone(r)),1717. Thomas TL, Stephens DP, Blanchard B. Hip Hop, Health, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Using Wireless Technology to Increase HPV Vaccination Uptake. J Nurses Practitioners. 2010 Jun; 6(6):464-70.,2323. Kharbanda EO, Stockwell MS, Fox HW, Andres R, Lara M, Rickert Vaughn. Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination. Vaccine. 2011 Fev; 29:2537-41.,2626. Humiston SG, Serwint JR, Szilagyi PG, Vincelli PA, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand CM, et al. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013 Abr; 52(8):710-20. software,1818. Smalley HK, Keskinocak P, Engineer FG, Pickering LK. Universal Tool for Vaccine Scheduling: Applications for Children and Adults. Interfaces. 2011 Set-Out; 41(5):436-54. radio serial,1919. Kepka DL, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Development of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine awareness and knowledge among latino parents. Public Health Reports. 2012 Jan-Fev; 127:130-8.,2222. Kepka DL, Coronado GD, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine and knowledge among hispanic parents. J Community Health. 2011 Mar; 36:957-65. websites2020. Tozzi AE, Buonuomo PS, Atti MLC, Carloni E, Meloni M, Gamba F. Comparison of quality of internet pages on human papillomavirus immunization in Italian and in English. J Adolescent Health. 2010; 46:83-9. and print materials (pamphlets and manuals),2525. Krawczyk A, Lau E, Perez S, Delisle V, Amsel R, Rosberger Z. How to inform: comparing written and video education interventions to increase human papillomavirus knowledge and vaccination intentions in young adults. J American College Health. 2012 Mai-Jun; 60(4):316-21.-2626. Humiston SG, Serwint JR, Szilagyi PG, Vincelli PA, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand CM, et al. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013 Abr; 52(8):710-20. some of which permitted the participants' interaction in the learning process through the use of hypermedia.1717. Thomas TL, Stephens DP, Blanchard B. Hip Hop, Health, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Using Wireless Technology to Increase HPV Vaccination Uptake. J Nurses Practitioners. 2010 Jun; 6(6):464-70.-1818. Smalley HK, Keskinocak P, Engineer FG, Pickering LK. Universal Tool for Vaccine Scheduling: Applications for Children and Adults. Interfaces. 2011 Set-Out; 41(5):436-54.,2020. Tozzi AE, Buonuomo PS, Atti MLC, Carloni E, Meloni M, Gamba F. Comparison of quality of internet pages on human papillomavirus immunization in Italian and in English. J Adolescent Health. 2010; 46:83-9.,2323. Kharbanda EO, Stockwell MS, Fox HW, Andres R, Lara M, Rickert Vaughn. Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination. Vaccine. 2011 Fev; 29:2537-41.,2626. Humiston SG, Serwint JR, Szilagyi PG, Vincelli PA, Dhepyasuwan N, Rand CM, et al. Increasing adolescent immunization rates in primary care: strategies physicians use and would consider implementing. Clinical Pediatrics. 2013 Abr; 52(8):710-20. Information and communication technologies like the internet or mobile telephony have been part of several age groups' lives, including the youngest ages, and represent the main means to search information nowadays.35

In line with these interactive technologies, a smartphone application was found that was specifically developed for the rural province of Sichuan, China, to improve the local childhood immunization coverage through updated vaccination records, leading to a list of children who had not been vaccinated and the forwarding of health education information to physicians.3636. Chen L, Wang W, Du X, Rao X, Velthoven MH, Yang R, et al. Effectiveness of a smart phone app on improving immunization of children in rural Sichuan Province, China: study protocol for a paired cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2014 Mar; 14:262-70.

The construction of tools adapted to certain population groups' culture highlighted the radio serial, widely known among Americans with Latin origins and which presented satisfactory results in knowledge dissemination and in the modification of beliefs and concepts on the HPV vaccine,1919. Kepka DL, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Development of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine awareness and knowledge among latino parents. Public Health Reports. 2012 Jan-Fev; 127:130-8.,2222. Kepka DL, Coronado GD, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine and knowledge among hispanic parents. J Community Health. 2011 Mar; 36:957-65. besides the text messages with Hip Hop music files for young Afro-descendant Americans, which showed good acceptance.1717. Thomas TL, Stephens DP, Blanchard B. Hip Hop, Health, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Using Wireless Technology to Increase HPV Vaccination Uptake. J Nurses Practitioners. 2010 Jun; 6(6):464-70. These technologies used the Grounded Theory and the Theory of Rational Action for the construction, respectively. Similarly, the use of a constructivist theoretical framework was observed in the design and analysis of educative interfaces, using a software for geometry teaching as a model.3737. Gomes AS. Referencial teórico construtivista para avaliação de software educativo. Rev Bras Inform Educ. 2008 Mai-Ago; 16(2):9-21.

The participation of the target public in the development of the educative technology, mainly students and parents, was present in some publications, involving the completion of questionnaires on the theme, the execution of individual interviews and focus groups.1616. Vallery LA, Roberts SA, Kitchener HC, Brabin L. Informing adolescents about human papillomavirus vaccination: What will parents allow? Vaccine. 2008 Mar; 26:2203-10.-1717. Thomas TL, Stephens DP, Blanchard B. Hip Hop, Health, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): Using Wireless Technology to Increase HPV Vaccination Uptake. J Nurses Practitioners. 2010 Jun; 6(6):464-70.,1919. Kepka DL, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Development of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine awareness and knowledge among latino parents. Public Health Reports. 2012 Jan-Fev; 127:130-8.,2222. Kepka DL, Coronado GD, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine and knowledge among hispanic parents. J Community Health. 2011 Mar; 36:957-65.-2323. Kharbanda EO, Stockwell MS, Fox HW, Andres R, Lara M, Rickert Vaughn. Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination. Vaccine. 2011 Fev; 29:2537-41. Only one publication presented the nursing professional's contribution in the elaboration of the educative material.1616. Vallery LA, Roberts SA, Kitchener HC, Brabin L. Informing adolescents about human papillomavirus vaccination: What will parents allow? Vaccine. 2008 Mar; 26:2203-10.

The use of participatory design, based on the constructivist learning theory and involving the subjects of the teaching-learning process, could also be seen on a study was intended to propose an educational technology in the context of histology teaching. The students' learning needs were surveyed through two focus groups involving students and individual interviews with the teachers.3838. Santa-Rosa JG, Struchiner M. Tecnologia Educacional no contexto do ensino de histologia: pesquisa e desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de ensino e aprendizagem. Rev Bras Educ Médica. 2011 Fev; 35(2):289-98. As opposed to these findings, materials stood out that were elaborated without the influence of representatives from the target population, produced vertically and treating the target public as something closed or homogeneous.3939. Nogueira MJ, Modena CM, Schall VT. Materiais educativos impressos sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva utilizados na atenção básica em Belo Horizonte, MG: caracterização e algumas considerações. Rev Eletr de Com Inf Inov Saúde [internet]. 2009 Dez [cited 2014 Nov 10]; 3(4):169-79. Available from

Some studies developed educative interventions focused on HPV and vaccination, mainly involving the parents' participation. These actions contributed to improve the knowledge on HPV, the vaccination intent and immunization rates against the virus, with increased percentages after the execution of the activities.2121. Chapman E, Venkat P, Ko E, Orezzoli JP, Carmen MD, Garner EIO. Use of multimedia as an educational tool to improve human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability - A pilot study. Gynecologic Oncology. 2010 Mai; 118:103-7.

22. Kepka DL, Coronado GD, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine and knowledge among hispanic parents. J Community Health. 2011 Mar; 36:957-65.

23. Kharbanda EO, Stockwell MS, Fox HW, Andres R, Lara M, Rickert Vaughn. Text message reminders to promote human papillomavirus vaccination. Vaccine. 2011 Fev; 29:2537-41.

24. Merzouk MD, Courtney P, Garrett-Albaugh S, Janoo J, Hobbs G, Vernon M. Knowledge of HPV in west virginia high school health students and the effects of an educational tool. J Pediatr Adolesc Gyinecol. 2011; 24:278-81.
-2525. Krawczyk A, Lau E, Perez S, Delisle V, Amsel R, Rosberger Z. How to inform: comparing written and video education interventions to increase human papillomavirus knowledge and vaccination intentions in young adults. J American College Health. 2012 Mai-Jun; 60(4):316-21. This demonstrates the impact of using educative tools in the interventions, as health education strategies, clarifying doubts, completing knowledge gaps, bringing about behavioral changes and stimulating decision making.4040 0. Barbosa SM, Dias FLA, Pinheiro AKB, Pinheiro PNC, Vieira NFC. Jogo educativo como estratégia de educação em saúde para adolescentes na prevenção às DST/AIDS. Rev Eletr Enf [internt]. 2010 Jun [cited 2014 Nov 10]; 12(2):337-41. Available from:
In line with these results, the findings from a study that investigated whether an approach using information technology could enhance the pneumococcal vaccination rates at an adult health service. The use of a computerized reminder system increased the vaccination rates from 38.8% to 45.4% among the elderly.4141. Dexheimer JW, Talbot III TR, Ye F, Shyr Y, Jones I, Gregg WM, et al. A computerized pnemococcal vaccination reminder system in the adult emergency depertment. Vaccine. 2011 Jul; 29:7035-41.

In one of the studies, some weakness was diagnosed in the parents' knowledge on the HPV vaccine to permit their daughters' immunization. This shortage was acknowledged, as well as the need to implement educative programs in schools. In addition, mistaken concepts exist about the vaccine, including that its administration can make the young girls start sexual activity early.1616. Vallery LA, Roberts SA, Kitchener HC, Brabin L. Informing adolescents about human papillomavirus vaccination: What will parents allow? Vaccine. 2008 Mar; 26:2203-10. In Brazil, studies to enhance the knowledge on the theme and sensitize the target public of the vaccination against HPV and the parents could cause an increase in the adherence rates, which have been lower in the second phase of the vaccination coverage (only 45% of the adolescents between 11 and 13 years were vaccinated).4242. Laboissière P. HPV: menos da metade das meninas de 11 a 13 anos recebeu segunda dose da vacina. Agência Brasil [internet]. 2014 [cited 2014 Nov 11]. Available from:


The educative technologies focused on HPV, which particularly affected the vaccination, produced and/or applied in interventions involving the population, mainly parents and girls in the age range indicated at the different locations, used videos, electronic messages, websites, software, radio serial and print materials (such as pamphlets) as communication vehicles. The construction of this material produced creative, reliable and useful tools for health education. Their use revealed a positive impact in the studies found.

No publications on the research theme were located in Brazil. This can be related to the fact that the vaccine was only included in the National Immunization Program as from 2014, and studies that intend to elaborate and verify the effect of these technologies are either incipient or have not been developed. Based on previously published experiences, other studies need to be developed, mainly randomized clinical trials, in developing and underdeveloped countries, with a view to granting the population access to knowledge on the virus and the prevention forms, thus contributing to improve the adherence to the vaccination scheme against HPV.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    10 June 2015
  • Accepted
    12 Feb 2016
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós Graduação em Enfermagem Campus Universitário Trindade, 88040-970 Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brasil, Tel.: (55 48) 3721-4915 / (55 48) 3721-9043 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil