The study begins with the emergence of medical schools that base their syllabuses on active methodologies. It had the goal of mapping Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica (Brazilian Journal of Medical Training) based on the scientific articles about the connections between medical training and active methodologies. The bibliographic survey included 53 articles, which were grouped into four categories of analysis: comparative analysis of the syllabus models based on the traditional method and on the active methodologies; assessment of the syllabus change based on the use of active methodologies; assessment of professor performance with the use of active methodologies; and student training in the context of the active methodologies. The results indicate that the active methodologies are proposals that may fulfil the wish to promote syllabus changes in the medicine courses in Brazil, even though there still is not a consensus regarding the effectiveness of its use in this field. However, a closer look at the results enabled us to conclude that this process, when based only on the change in teaching method, may present gaps and proves insufficient to change the profile of the medicine graduates. Thus, we recommend the conduction of further researches in this field in order to better understand the uses of the active methodologies in the syllabus dynamics that form the basis of medical training in Brazil.
medical training; learning based on problems; problematization