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Literature review of environmental sustainability related to information technology

The aim of this article was to map publications on the issue of Environmental Sustainability Assessment for Information Technology and select a bibliography portfolio of relevant publications according to the perception of authors of this research. For this portfolio the bibliometric analysis aimed at building knowledge on the following most outstanding terms: authors, articles, journals and keywords on the subject. This is an exploratory, descriptive, quantitative, qualitative study using the instrument Knowledge Development Process from a constructivist perspective. As a result, we selected 25 relevant articles and 416 articles cited in the references, which represent the bibliographic portfolio. The bibliometric analysis of articles in the Bibliographic Portfolio and their references revealed that the most frequent terms were as follows: the journal "Association for Computing Machinery Computing Surveys" and "Management Information Systems Quarterly"; the article "Information technology and organizational performance: an integrative model of Information Technology business value" and "Beyond the Business Case for Corporate Sustainability"; the keywords "Information Technology" and "Sustainability"; and the most cited authors were: Marie-Claude Boudreau, Tom Butler, Adela Chen, Jason Dedrick, Robert Sroufe, Richard Watson, and Nigel Melville. These results are singular due to the delimitations established by the authors of the present study and the process used. However, it is general and it can be used by other researchers in this or other fields.

Bibliometric analysis; Performance assessment; Environmental management; Sustainability; Information technology

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Núcleo de Editoração SBI - Campus II - Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n. - Prédio de Odontologia, Jd. Ipaussurama - 13059-900 - Campinas - SP, Tel.: +55 19 3343-6875 - Campinas - SP - Brazil