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Planning and developing didactic activities for teaching French in a virtual learning environment: teaching textual genres and developing language capacities


The aim of this article is to present and describe part of the process of developing didactic material for an online course aimed at teaching French as a foreign language using the Moodle virtual environment. The asynchronous course was developed over the course of a year as part of a pedagogical and linguistic training program for French trainees, with the participation of two trainee students from an extension center at a Brazilian federal university. To this end, the research is based on the theoretical-methodological framework of Sociodiscursive Interactionism ( Bronckart, 1999BRONCKART, Jean-Paul. Atividade de linguagem, textos e discursos. Por um interacionismo sócio-discursivo. Tradução: A. R. Machado. São Paulo: EDUC, 1999. , 2021BRONCKART, Jean-Paul. Teorias da linguagem: nova introdução crítica. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2021. ) and especially regarding the use of textual genres in the teaching and learning of languages ( Dolz; Schneuwly, 1998DOLZ, Joaquim; SCHNEUWLY, Bernard. Pour un enseignement de l´oral : initiation aux genres formels à l´école. Paris: ESF, 1998. ; Schneuwly; Dolz, 2004SCHNEUWLY, Bernard; DOLZ, Joaquim. Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004. ). The material proposes activities on the Moodle platform aimed at contributing to the development of students’ language capacities ( Schneuwly; Dolz, 2004SCHNEUWLY, Bernard; DOLZ, Joaquim. Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004. ; Stutz; Cristovão, 2011STUTZ, Lidia; CRISTOVÃO, Vera Lúcia Lopes. A Construção de uma Sequência Didática na Formação Docente Inicial de Língua Inglesa. SIGNUM: Estud. Ling., v. 14, n. 1, p. 569–589, jun. 2011. ), possibly transferable to other genres. The results point to the effectiveness of the Moodle virtual environment for language teaching and the respective development of interactional activities that make it possible to act in a foreign language, due to the variety of resources offered by the platform, which can meet the demands and diverse learning styles.

Textual genres; Language capacities; Moodle virtual learning environment; French as a foreign language

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha, Cep: 31270-901, Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais / Brasil, Tel: +55 (31) 3409-6009 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil