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Sociodiscursive imaginaries of digital influencers in the writing teaching for the brazilian national secondary education examination (Enem)


Technological advances have given rise to the creation of new spaces for the dissemination of knowledge. Thus, discourses regarding the teaching of writing began to circulate on digital platforms in order to propagate knowledge related to the writing of the Enem essay. Having this in mind, the aim of this study is to delineate the sociodiscursive imaginaries that underpin digital influencers’ teaching of Enem essay writing, considering the offer of the learning process as a cultural commodity. For this purpose, a qualitative and explanatory approach is used, based on Discourse Analysis from French perspective, mostly based on Charaudeau ( 2017 CHARAUDEAU, Patrick. Os estereótipos, muito bem. Os imaginários, ainda melhor. Entrepalavras, v. 7, n. 1, p. 571–591, set. 2017. ISSN 2237-6321. DOI: 10.22168/2237-6321. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 22 dez. 2023.
), with contributions from the concept of Cultural Commodity from Critical Theory. As a corpus, three videos were selected, using as criteria the largest number of views on YouTube and the search keyword "redação Enem" (Enem essay). The analyses point to a movement of expertise-related knowledge that, when woven, mixes the theory on writing discursive texts with the Inep manual, as well as with each influencer’s own experiences with the Enem discursive test. This vague proposal for teaching writing reveals an objectification of the act of writing, transforming it into a product to be marketed to the extent that, from empirical experience, influencers demonstrate their own success in the Enem test.

Sociodiscursive imaginaries; Enem essay; Teaching of writing; Commodity; Digital influencers

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha, Cep: 31270-901, Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais / Brasil, Tel: +55 (31) 3409-6009 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil