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This article discusses approaches for teacher´s revision in written composition teaching. Based on the dialogic perspective revision assumptions’ (RUIZ, 2010RUIZ, E. D. (2010). Como corrigir redações na escola. São Paulo, Contexto.; POSSATI, 2013POSSATI, J. (2013). A reescrita dialógica. Dissertação de mestrado. Campinas: Unicamp.; MENEGASSI e GASPAROTTO, 2016MENEGASSI, R. J.; GASPAROTTO, D. M. (2016). Revisão textual-interativa: aspectos teórico-metodológicos. DOI: 10.14393/DL23-v10n3a2016-13. Domínios de Linguagem. Uberlândia, v. 10, n. 3, p. 1019-1045.
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), it is presented a didactic proposal to this approach, exemplified and elucidated in a composition from a High School Integrated to Technical Education student. The proposal is based on assumptions of the Discourse Dialogic Analysis (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, [1929] 2009BAKHTIN, M./VOLOCHÍINOV. ([1929] 2009). Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem. Tradução Michel Lahud e Yara Frateschi. 12. ed. São Paulo: Hucitec.; BAKHTIN, [1979] 2010BAKHTIN, M. ([1979] 2010). Estética da criação verbal. 4. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.; BRAIT, 2012BRAIT, B. (2012). Construção coletiva da perspectiva dialógica: história e alcance teórico-metodológico. In: FÍGARO, R. (Org.). Comunicação e análise do discurso. São Paulo: Contexto, v. 1, p. 79-98.), the writing conception as work (GERALDI, 2011GERALDI, J. W. (Org.). ([1984] 2011). O texto na sala de aula. Cascavel: Assoeste.; FIAD e MAYRINK-SABINSON, 1991FIAD, R. S.; MAYRINK-SABINSON, M. L. T. (1991). A escrita como trabalho. In: MARTINS, M. H. (org.). Questões da Linguagem. São Paulo: Contexto, p. 54-63.; MENEGASSI, 2016MENEGASSI, R. J. (2016). A escrita como trabalho na sala de aula. In: JORDÃO, C. M. A Linguística Aplicada no Brasil: rumos e passagens. 1 ed. Campinas: Pontes, p. 193-230.) and on teacher´s textual revision researches (HAYES, 2004HAYES, J. R. What triggers revision?. (2004) In: ALLAL et al. Revision: Cognitive and instructional processes. Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, p.9-20.; ALLAL et al., 2004ALLAL, L. et al. (2004). Revision of written language: cognitive and instructional processes. Boston/Dordrecht, Netherlands/New York: Kluwer.; TRUPPIANO, 2006TRUPPIANO, C. (2006). Best classroom practices. In: HORNING, A.; BECKER, A. (Orgs.). Revision: History, theory and practice. West Lafayette, In: Parlor Press and The WAC Clearinghouse, p. 177-196.). It was aimed to comprehend i) how to make a revision note effectively related to the language in dialogic perspective ii) which linguistic and extra linguistic aspects are implicated in this teacher´s textual production; iii) the making notes alternatives according to the revision aim; iv) the revision beyond the text correction itself, focused on the global student formation concerning to written discourse, in order to comprehend the rewriting quality as part of writing learning by the student. The results showed the teacher´s revision as a textual production to be taken in its totality, as to set relations among revision notes, revision aim, immediate and broader working conditions; dialogic revision note´s fundamental features.

writing; teacher´s revision; dialogism

UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil