Task interactions and actions of Charlie with peers, teacher, and resources |
1. T: I want you to choose as a group one favorite Pat Hutchins story that everyone likes. You will have to compromise when you pick. I want you to do a story map as a group. Just like we did story maps of "Jack and the Beanstalk", except these will be done as a group. Now, I'll tell you what I am looking for. I'm not looking for beautiful finished product. I'm looking for good group work. I'm looking for co-operation. I'm looking for pleasant words, and a good time, and I'm looking for words. I'm looking to see who has understood the story. |
2. Ch: [arriving at the task at Station 3] I hope we don't have to do Pat Hutchins. |
3. The group ignores Charlie as various children simultaneously and randomly pull books off Station 3's shelves, asking each time, "Who wants to do this book?" |
4. No clear choice of a book emerges. |
5. Joanne initiates a voting system, distributing blank pieces of paper to each group member to record their choices. |
6. Ch: [disgruntled] We'll probably get "Rosie's Walk" |
7. The result was "Changes, Changes" by Pat Hutchins, voted by a majority of two over other titles that had one vote each - the two votes being made by group members who were close friends. |
8. Ch: No! Remember we had to choose it as a group. It's just you and Joanne. That's not fair! |
9. The group ignores Charlie and proceeds with "Changes Changes" as they begin work on their story map. |
10. Ch: That wasn't decided as a group! |
11. Ro: Uh-huh. We just put the most one. |
12. Children begin drawing on the map. |
13. Ca: You can draw. I'm not going to draw! |
14. Jo: I remember the story map from "Jack and the Beanstalk." |
15. Ch: I'm not doing anything! That wasn't decided as a group. That was just you and Joy! |
16. Children continue with the map. |
17. Charlie approaches the teacher about his complaint. |
18. Teacher intervenes and talks to group about their voting process and compromise. |
19. Group start sthe deciding process over. |
20. Ch: You can't do "Changes, Changes"! |
21. Group chooses "Where's the baby?" |
22. Group begins talking through the mapping task. |
23. Ki: We got to copy this book. |
24. Ch: First you put "Where's the baby? by Group Two." |
25. Joanne writes the map's title as Charlie suggested. |
26. Ch: Now let's go through and see pictures we want. |
27. Jo: Let's do nine circles. [Joanne begins to draw circles in a purple pen.] |
28. Ch: No, ten! |
29. Jo: It's supposed to go in a line like this [tracing her route of purple circles on the chart paper], not there [pointing to Charlie's blue line that detours form Joanne's route]. |
30. Ch: Well, we can draw arrows. |
31. Jo: We need a plan. I want to do it myself! |
32. Joanne completes the map's formatting on her own. |
33. Children decide and take turns for drawing in each circle, discussing the pictures as they do so. |
34. Charlie does his drawing in very realistic detail. |
35. Teacher approaches. |
36. Ch: We've got a problem. |
37. T: What's that, Charlie? |
38. Ch: Our map's only got ten circles and there's more than ten pictures in the book. |
39. T: OK. How did you decide to do the circles? Do they have something to do with the story? |
40. Children nod a little vaguely. |
41. T: Did you do the circles before or after you looked at the book just now? |
42.Jo: After. |
43. Ch: No! Before we looked at the book! |
44. Jo: We don't have to do all the pictures |
45. Teacher agrees and suggests the children choose the key pictures of the book. |
46. Teacher leaves |
47. Children number their circles one to ten. |
48. Classroom lights go out, signaling it was time for the groups to rotate to the next station. 49. [Group did not get opportunity to return to the task to complete it another day.] |
50. Children pack their materials up, tidy the table for the next group, and await the awarding of points. |