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The Portuguese language has considerable weight in the current global scene: it is present in America, Africa, Europe, Asia and has more than two hundred and fifty million speakers as first or second language. On a world-wide scale, it occupies the seventh place (CALVET and CALVET, 2013CALVET, L.-J.; CALVET, A. (2013). Les confettis de Babel. Diversité linguistique et politique des langues. Montreal: Écriture.). The international management of this language has historically been conducted by organizations linked to the governments of Portugal and Brazil, while the other national territories that make up the Community of Portuguese Language Countries have played a modest role (OLIVEIRA and DORNELLES, 2007OLIVEIRA, G. Müller de; DORNELLES, C. (2007). Políticas internacionales del portugués. ARI, n° 135, Real Instituto Elcano. Disponible en: Acceso: 15 jun. 2018.
). Due to its historical position as a metropolis, Portugal has proposed itself as a country that would "legitimately" occupy the center of the idiomatic area. However, in recent years Brazil, taking advantage of its preponderant place in the South American region, has acquired a growing role in the international management of language. This article carries out a bibliographical review that runs through a series of themes of analysis that straddle current research on Lusophony, understood as a language policy of Portuguese aimed at managing the language shared in the space that includes the Community of Portuguese Language Countries. Firstly, we will focus on the evaluation that the considered studies make on the international policies of Portuguese, paying particular attention to the dynamics of forces between national and multilateral actions as well as the role of regional integrations in the aforementioned dynamics. Secondly, we will present different theoretical perspectives on the concept of "Lusophony" and we will review two problems that current policies go through: the interpretation from a (neo)colonizing perspective -or its rejection- of projects and international management actions of the Portuguese or the way they are perceived; and the identification of homogenizing tendencies in certain language policies that seek to impose a dominant reality.

Lusophony; international policy of Portuguese; Community of Portuguese Language Countries

UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil