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In continuity with the approaches to teach writing advocated by PCNs, which already mentioned the issue of the insertion of the TDIC in teaching, the National Curricular Common Base - BNCC (BRASIL, 2018BRASIL. (2018) Base Nacional Comum Curricular: Ensino Médio. Brasília: MEC/Secretaria de Educação Básica. Disponível em: (acesso em 08/05/2019)
), whitch is the most recent guiding document of basic education in Brazil, assingns multiliteracy to play the main role of many educational processes. Having said that, this work focuses on the TDIC in writing practices and aims to identify what establishes the BNCC in relation to the digital genres and the insertion of the TDIC into Portuguese Language, and, in this context, teaching and learning of writing. The study analyzes studigram’s profiles posts, takin in consideration multimodality, interaction and authoring process and presents reflections on perspectives and challenges to the writing practices at school, proposing possible strategies usin this social network. The paper is based theoretically on the BNCC’s own precepts in dialogue with authors dealing with multiliteracy and multimodality issues (ROJO, 2013ROJO, R. (2013) Gêneros Discursivos do Círculo de Bakhtin e Multiletramentos. In: ROJO, R. (Org.). Escol@ conectada: os multiletramentos e as TICs. São Paulo: Parábola, p. 13-36.; 2016ROJO, R. (2016). Novos Letramentos, Tecnologias, Gêneros do Discurso. In: SOUZA, S.; SOBRAL, A.. (Orgs.) Gêneros entre o texto e o discurso: questões conceituais e metodológicas. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, p. 127-150.; ROJO; MELO, 2014ROJO, R.; MELO, R. (2014). A arquitetônica bakhtiniana e os multiletramentos. In: NASCIMENTO, E.L.; ROJO, R.H.R. (Orgs.) Gêneros de texto/discurso e os desafios da contemporaneidade. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, (p. 249-272); ROJO; BARBOSA, 2015ROJO, R. H. R.; BARBOSA, J. (2015). Hipermodernidade, multimetramentos e gêneros discursivos. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial.; PIMENTA & BOMFANTE DOS SANTOS, 2017PIMENTA, S.; BOMFANTE DOS SANTOS, Z. (2017). Linguística Textual e a perspectiva sociossemiótica da linguagem: orquestrações multimodais de significados. In: CAPISTRANO JÚNIOR, R.; LINS, M.P.P.; ELIAS, V.M. (Orgs.) Linguística Textual: Diálogos Interdisciplinares. São Paulo: Labrador, p. 387-406.) and writing (COULMAS, 2014COULMAS, F. (2014). Escrita e Sociedade. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial.; FLUSSER, [1989] 2010FLUSSER., V. (2010). A escrita. Há futuro para a escrita? São Paulo: AnnaBlume, [1989].). The analyses indicate that, in their work in social networks, tenages have already mastered multimodal processes of sense production, they assume responsibility for their productions and envisage their readers in their posts. The reflections and the proposals presented point out to the importance of insertion of TDIC as a way to get students involved in writing practices, making them assume tehmselves as curators and authors in writing practices, as advocated by BNCC. Also the reflections indicate the importance of the participation of teachers as coordinators of the processes and their need to be qualified and trained to act in a world that is primarily technological, whose premises and processes students, who are digital natives, master already.

BNCC; multiliteracy; writing

UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil