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"Constantemente derrubo lágrimas": o drama de uma liderança negra no cárcere do governo Vargas

The aim of this article is to focus the drama lived by Isaltino Veiga dos Santos (one of the most important leaderships of the Brazilian black movement in the 1930´s decade) in the prisons of Vargas´s government. Besides being in jail in the Delegacia de Ordem Política e Social (Deops) under the accusation of performing subversive activities, Veiga dos Santos strongly denied being communist. So, the central question to be answered here is: Was he really communist or had there been any kind of mistake coming from the repression organs of Vargas´s government?

black people; social movements; black movement; Vargas´s political system.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo de São Francisco de Paula, n. 1., CEP 20051-070, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2252-8033 R.202, Fax: (55 21) 2221-0341 R.202 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil