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A Frente Única Antifascista (FUA) e o antifascismo no Brasil (1933-1934)

In 1933 and 1934 the Brazilian left created organisations to deal with the increasing of fascism in Brazil represented by the Brazilian Integralist Action (Ação Integralista Brasileira). The Communist Party (Partido Comunista) and the "Trotskyte" Communist League (Liga Comunista - LC) disputed the hegemony in this political crusade. In the last months of 1934 the left antifascism had two important moments that created the conditions of its political and geographical enlargement: "The See Square Battle" ("Batalha da Praça da Sé) and the creation of Juridical and Popular Inquiry Commission (Comissão Jurídica e Popular de Inquérito - CJPI). The CJPI agglutinated the different antifascist and progressive political groups and prepared the basis to the formation of a wider political movement, the National Liberator Alliance (Aliança Nacional Libertadora

Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo de São Francisco de Paula, n. 1., CEP 20051-070, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2252-8033 R.202, Fax: (55 21) 2221-0341 R.202 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil