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"Entre las cosas cotidianas": el aparecer del mundo sensible desde la fenomenologia temprana1 1 Artículo elaborado en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt Regular nº. 1150034, del cual el autor es Investigador Responsable.


This paper aims to describe the mode of appearance of the sensible world, understood as the first basis on which human life is effectively placed among concrete things. We will try to distinguish the level of immediate daily presence of the outside world from the way the outside world has traditionally been conceived, namely, as a mere "objective" manifestation. In this context, we will draw upon phenomenological descriptions of perception which appear mainly in philosophical and psychological works of early 20th century, and which were influenced by Edmund Husserl's studies on perception. On this basis, we inquire how the sensible world appears in daily life without the character of "epistemic truth". Our purpose thus is to understand the outside world in an intimate relationship with a vital situation in which life itself opens its own basis for living.

Perception; Sensory quality; Outside world; Everyday life; Early phenomenology

Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia Av.Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737, 17525-900 Marília-São Paulo/Brasil, Tel.: 55 (14) 3402-1306, Fax: 55 (14) 3402-1302 - Marília - SP - Brazil