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Evolution of product packaging form from the perspective of media evolution and artistic philosophy1 2 School of Art and Design, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin Guangxi, 541004 - China. E-mail: School of Art and Design Guilin University of Electronic Technology Guilin Guangxi 541004 China

Evolução da forma da embalagem do produto sob a perspectiva da evolução da mídia e da filosofia artística


The purpose of this article is to discuss the evolution of commodity packaging forms from the perspective of media evolution and art philosophy. Firstly, the historical evolution of commodity packaging, in the process of media evolution, is analyzed, from handmade to digital design, revealing the changes of packaging media in different periods. Subsequently, from the perspective of art philosophy, the article analyzed the connotation of commodity packaging, as an art form, and discussed the use of artistic elements in packaging design and its role in conveying emotions and concepts. In this context, this paper takes the evolution of media and art philosophy as the entry point to analyze the evolution of commodity packaging forms.

Product Packaging; Media Evolution; Artistic Philosophy; Evolution of Product Packaging Forms


O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a evolução das formas de embalagens de mercadorias sob a perspectiva da evolução da mídia e da filosofia da arte. Primeiramente, analisamos a evolução histórica das embalagens de mercadorias, no processo de evolução dos meios, do design artesanal ao digital, revelando as mudanças dos meios de embalagem em diferentes períodos. Posteriormente, na perspectiva da filosofia da arte, tratamos da conotação da embalagem commodity, como forma de arte, e discutimos o uso de elementos artísticos no design de embalagens e seu papel na transmissão de emoções e conceitos. Neste contexto, adotamos a evolução da filosofia da mídia e da arte como ponto de entrada para analisar a evolução das formas de embalagem de mercadorias.

Palabras clave:
Embalagem do produto; Evolução da mídia; Filosofia Artística; Evolução das formas de embalagem dos productos


The problem and challenge facing packaging design lies in the need to find a balance about environmental protection and sustainability, innovation and differentiation, durability and protection, consumer experience, regulations and standards, and cost control. Designers need to overcome these challenges and continue to innovate to meet market demand, increase brand value and achieve design goals within a reasonable cost. It has both artistic and technological characteristics, and its characteristics are volume, form, hierarchy and integrity. From the perspective of material composition, any product packaging is made using a certain packaging material and using a certain process method, and it has its own unique structure, shape and exterior decoration. Therefore, packaging materials, packaging technology, packaging structure and packaging form are the four main factors of packaging (Popovic; Bossink; Van Der Sijde, 2019POPOVIC, I.; BOSSINK, B. A.; VAN DER SIJDE, P. C. Factors influencing consumers’ decision to purchase food in environmentally friendly packaging: what do we know and where do we go from here? Sustainability, v. 11, n. 24, p. 7197, 2019., p. 7197). In product design, packaging form is an important component of product design, and media evolution and artistic philosophy also play a certain role in the evolution of product packaging form.

New packaging technologies have emerged due to consumers’ desire for convenient processing, which can extend shelf life and maintain quality. The changing trend of lifestyle has led to increasing consumer demand, which poses a huge challenge to the packaging industry (Majid, 2018MAJID, I. Novel food packaging technologies: Innovations and future prospective. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, v. 17, n. 4, p. 454-462, 2018., p. 454). The innovation of packaging systems helps to meet the constantly changing needs of the market, such as consumer preferences for “healthy” and high-quality food, as well as reducing the negative impact of packaging on the environment. The emerging concepts of active and intelligent packaging technology provide many innovative solutions for improving product quality and safety. The development of sustainable or green packaging may reduce the environmental impact of food packaging by using edible or biodegradable materials, plant extracts (Han, 2018HAN, J-W. Food packaging: A comprehensive review and future trends. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, v. 7, n. 4, p. 860-877, 2018., p. 860).

With the aging population becoming the main driving force behind inclusive design, barrier free packaging is receiving increasing attention. As the elderly age, their strength, flexibility and some cognitive functions decrease. Few studies have focused on the relationship between the physical needs of flexibility and how to open packaging (Yoxall, 2019YOXALL, A. As you like it: Understanding the relationship between packing design and accessibility. Packaging technology and science, v. 32, n. 10, p. 496-507, 2019., p. 496). Enterprises are gradually realizing that gaining consumer favor may depend on conducting business in a sustainable manner. In addition, in order to obtain returns from corporate social responsibility investments, some scholars have explored the potential of packaging colors to convey corporate social responsibility to consumers, with a particular focus on consumer packaged goods (Barchiesi; Castellan; Roberta, 2018BARCHIESI, M. A.; CASTELLAN, S.; ROBERTA, C. In the eye of the beholder: Communicating CSR through color in packaging design. Journal of Marketing Communications, v. 24, n. 7, p. 720-733, 2018., p. 720). There is a connection between the basic elements of visual design, namely symmetry and consumers’ inference of brand personality. Contrary to previous work that focused on broad emotional responses, people believe that symmetry plays an additional and subtle role in the dissemination of brand personality (Liu, 2021LIU, W. Research on the application of multimedia elements in visual communication art under the Internet background. Mobile Information Systems, v. 2021, p. 1-10, 2021., p. 1). These findings contribute to an increasing interest in visual design and consumer processing, while also expanding people’s current understanding of brand personality communication (Bajaj; Samuel, 2018BAJAJ, A.; SAMUEL, D. B. Beyond beauty: Design symmetry and brand personality. Journal of Consumer Psychology, v. 28, n. 1, p. 77-98, 2018., p. 77).

Throughout the long process of human evolution, the development and evolution of packaging forms have always been closely related to social change, progress in lifestyle, media evolution and artistic philosophy (Li, 2019LI, Q. On the Application of Text Form in Modern Packaging Form. Grand View of Art, v. 000, n. 007, p. 110-111, 2019., p. 110). Over time, the production of packaging is also constantly evolving. From the earliest simple containers, made of stone tools and natural materials, to today’s complex packaging designs, packaging has become more ingenious and beautiful, driven by the evolution of media and artistic philosophy. This evolution was also reflected in ancient China, where people combined form and function more perfectly. Today’s packaging cannot only protect products, but also become the best publicity and advertising, which plays a vital role in corporate publicity and development.

1 Development process of product packaging from the perspective of media evolution and artistic philosophy

The modern concept of product packaging reflects the characteristics of commodification, handcrafting and production of goods. As a special commodity, product packaging has both value and purpose, and it is also an important way to realize the value and application value of packaged products. The value of the goods, contained in the goods themselves, may not only be compensated when selling them, but may also receive additional compensation due to factors, such as market supply and demand. Product packaging can create considerable economic value, and product packaging is an important part of product production. The vast majority of goods need to be packaged to achieve their production, circulation and consumption.

With the continuous evolution of media, packaging design has also been influenced by various media forms, resulting in changes in design style, creative expression and communication methods. For example, in the era of digital media, packaging design can interact more directly and personally with consumers through various media forms, such as interactive Web pages, social media platforms and mobile applications. Some brands use AR (Augmented Reality) technology to scan the patterns, on the packaging, to present consumers with a virtual experience, increasing the interest and participation of the packaging.

The concept of artistic philosophy is often applied to packaging design, giving packaging a deeper connotation and emotion. For example, packaging design can draw on the expression techniques of abstract art and use symbols and images to make packaging more artistic and arouse the viewer’s thinking space. In addition, packaging design can also be inspired by philosophical ideas. For example, packaging presents the concept of “simplicity first” or “harmonious symbiosis”, emphasizing the harmonious relationship between products and nature, so that consumers can visually get a kind of spiritual pleasure and calmness.

1.1 Packaging forms in the primitive era

The sprout of packaging can be traced back to the humanity’s most primitive era, where some containers for storing food can be seen as a type of packaging, such as shells, bamboo tubes, gourds, banana leaves, wild animal skins, etc., used by primitive humans (Wang, 2007WANG, Z. W. Using the dichotomy to examine the excess and moderation of product packaging. Packaging Engineering, v. 28, n. 1, p. 111-113, 2007., p. 111). However, in people’s minds, the concept of containers and packaging for items is both related and different. Usually, containers for items are not considered packaging. People believe that packaging is usually associated with goods, which is an accessory of the goods and an essential means to achieve the product value and use value of the good. Therefore, the emergence of packaging should be counted from the beginning of commodity exchange in human society. The fact is also that the development of packaging is closely linked to the development of commodity circulation. Generally speaking, the development of product packaging can be divided into three stages (Ncube; Ude; Ogunmuyiwa et al., 2020NCUBE, L. K.; UDE, A. U.; OGUNMUYIWA, E. N. et al. Environmental impact of food packaging materials: A review of contemporary development from conventional plastics to polylactic acid based materials. Materials, v. 13, n. 21, p. 4994, 2020., p. 4994). These three stages are: traditional packaging stage, modern packaging stage and innovative packaging stage.

Traditional packaging stage: this stage usually refers to the early packaging forms in human history, mainly based on natural materials (such as leaves, animal skins, bamboo strips, etc.). Handmade packaging is used to protect and transport commodities. The packaging, at this stage, mainly focuses on practicality, simple appearance and strong functionality.

Modern packaging stage: with the rise of the industrial revolution, packaging materials and production processes have been innovated. At this stage, large-scale production of packaging materials, such as paper, plastic, metal, etc., and the wide application of printing technology have emerged. The packaging began to be more diversified and standardized, and the design was more exquisite, highlighting the brand image, while emphasizing the protection and convenience of the product.

Innovative packaging stage: with the continuous development of science and technology, packaging has entered the stage of innovation. This stage includes the application of digital design technology, the development of intelligent packaging and the widespread use of environmentally friendly materials. Innovative packaging emphasizes personalization, sustainability, intelligence and interactivity. Designers use various new technologies and materials in packaging to meet the continuous improvement of consumers’ brand experience and environmental protection requirements.

1.2 Packaging forms in the era of large packaging

In the initial stage of commodity production and development, to ensure the circulation of goods after the emergence of commodity exchange, the primary condition is the transportation and storage of goods, which means that goods are subject to spatial movement and the time’s influence (Eilert, 2005EILERT, S. J. New packaging technologies for the 21st century. Meat science, v. 71, n. 1, p. 122-127, 2005., p. 122). Therefore, packaging was created and developed. In that era, packaging was generally large, that is, it was transportation packaging, such as boxes, baskets and barrels. In the case of large purchases, retail and distribution, there were, at most, occasional and simple small packaging, and ordinary goods packaging rarely entered the consumers’ sight. The rudiment of the original packaging has appeared as early as the Paleolithic in the Primitive Society. It is similar to shells, leaves, animal skins, fruit shells, etc., and it is used to load and transport food and drinking water. This unprocessed item may not be considered a complete packaging, but it can also be considered in its embryonic state.

Since the mid-19th century, people have been packaging high-end goods, but, at that time, packaging was only used to protect goods. Therefore, the packaging of goods was originally only a safe and simple form of packaging. In the early 19th century, goods entered the market in the form of wholesale and retail, which was an unprecedented prosperity. Therefore, some merchants began to mix fake goods with cheap and unpackaged ones, and this practice quickly led producers to lose their market. Therefore, manufacturers recognize that low-priced products must also have high-quality packaging. Although people had already gained some understanding of packaging at that time, the main purpose of packaging was to protect the goods, which was its original intention. The appearance of packaging was also very monotonous and similar.

1.3 Packaging form of small packaging in the era of beautification

From the late Primitive Society to the slave society and, then, to the feudal one, in the long course of development, packaging is also constantly changing. For example, plant vines are used to weave into grass baskets, mats and backpacks, while natural animal fur fibers are used to sew into bags and fabrics. After a long period of development, pottery, glassware and bronze ware were gradually manufactured, and people began to use methods, such as breathability, transparency, moisture-proof and sealing to facilitate transportation. At this time, packaging had artistic and philosophical value, and forms, such as symmetry, balance, contrast and variation, had emerged, making it not only capable of using, accommodating and protecting goods, but also ornamental and collectible (Tang, 2018TANG, H. Research on cultural characteristics in the packaging form of ceramic products. Popular Literature and Art: Scientific Education Research, v. 000, n. 002, p. 107-107, 2018., p. 107).

With the continuous development of the commodity economy, there are more and more types of products, and the products, produced by various manufacturers, are also different in quality. At the beginning, manufacturers used the characteristics of their products to make customers recognize the products in their factories, and gradually used small packaging to convey this information. In the context of increasingly fierce market competition and the evolution of media and the development of artistic philosophy, small packaging has, in turn, become a tool for “beautifying” and “promoting” goods. During this period, large packaging still focuses on protection, while small packaging mainly distinguishes, beautifies and promotes goods. Because of this small packaging, goods do not need to be distributed in scattered parts, so small packaging is also known as sales packaging. However, goods still need to be introduced and promoted by salespeople. Nowadays, most of the product packaging, in the Chinese market, is small packaging.

1.4 Packaging forms in the era of silent salesmen

The rise of self-service marketing models has pushed product packaging to a new level. The product packaging, at this stage, presents the following characteristics. Small packaging has truly become an indispensable part of goods and a major way to obtain additional profits, playing an increasingly important role in production, sales and consumption processes. At the same time, large packaging has shifted from simple protection to how to improve the efficiency of transportation and loading and unloading. At present, the packaging of many goods is guided by this. At this stage, product packaging is called modern product packaging, which has two basic characteristics: one is the attribute, and the other is the commodity nature.

In modern commodity production, goods increasingly rely on packaging, which is indispensable in various aspects, such as production, circulation, sales and even consumption. Without it, it is difficult to achieve a good social production cycle. Therefore, although there are more and more types of product packaging, more and more functions, and an increasing proportion of cost, packaging is still an accessory to the inner goods, and the development of packaging is still limited by the goods. The characteristics and changes of the inner goods are the most basic factors affecting the development of packaging (Wang; Zhang, 2021WANG, Z. P.; ZHANG, H. M. Research on the Innovation of Hainan Tourism Product Packaging Form Based on Biomimetic Technology. Design, v. 034, n. 013, p. 25-27, 2021., p. 25). In addition, in the production process of modern goods, the product attributes of packaging itself are increasingly prominent. This indicates that, in the development process of product packaging, although the dependence of goods on packaging has increased, the dependence of packaging production on commodity one has decreased, which means its relative independence has increased. Modern product packaging has become a specific social product, and it has become a major industrial sector. Like other necessary labor products in society, it has a commercial nature and it is the object of transactions among various departments.

Nowadays, the importance of e-commerce product packaging is becoming more and more prominent in the modern business environment. Product packaging is the first point of contact for customers when shopping online. Attractive packaging design can arouse the potential customers’ interest and increase their likelihood of clicking on product links. Good packaging design can attract attention and guide customers to learn more about the product. Product packaging is also a marketing method. Through packaging, e-commerce platforms can carry out holiday promotions, limited-time discounts and other promotions to attract more customers to buy. Unique packaging design can also become the added value of the product, improving the price and market competitiveness of the product.

2 The impact of new media on the evolution of packaging form

2.1 Evolution of media forms

The media is a tool for humans to obtain information and understand the world, and the emergence and development of new media reflect the times’ development. The evolution of media forms follows a path from single element dissemination (text: paper media, sound: broadcasting) to diverse dissemination (text, image: television) and, then, to comprehensive element dissemination (text, voice, image: network). In the era of networked communication, the communication characteristics of media have changed, presenting a one-way and two-way communication state. With the evolution of media forms, the amount of information that people can accept increases geometrically, and the emergence of the Internet and mobile internet has transformed information dissemination from a unidirectional mode to a bidirectional one. People are no longer simply receiving information, but they can upload their personal feedback to online media in a timely manner. With the emergence of popular self-media, such as Weibo and WeChat, every audience can become a self-media. Within the scope allowed by law, people can freely and conveniently access information and make comments, which breaks the one-way flow of traditional media. With the free flow of information, the packaging form of goods has also undergone changes.

In the new media environment, the design methods, ideas and forms of product packaging form are unprecedented. The digitization of software allows the patterns of packaging form to present different shapes, colors and a large number of changes, which are like constantly changing brushes, colorful color combinations and countless art boards (Yousefi, 2019YOUSEFI, H. Intelligent food packaging: A review of smart sensing technologies for monitoring food quality. ACS sensors, v. 4, n. 4, p. 808-821, 2019., p. 808). The variety of packaging forms and styles makes the packaging form fast and efficient, the production simple and clear, and easy to observe, rather than blurring the impression. All of this greatly stimulates the packaging designers’ creativity and passion, and also facilitates communication between designers and consumers. In this new media era of information explosion, packaging form should pay attention to the transmission of information itself, and summarize and refine the essence of design, so as to better convey the design idea of enterprise brand image and the content of packaging objects.

2.2 Promotion of packaging form development by new media

The application of new media, in packaging forms, gives it a certain visual impact. It is the most sensitive visual element and can trigger psychological and emotional changes in consumers in a relatively short period of time. Fully utilizing new media in packaging forms can, to some extent, enhance customer attention and promote product promotion. Different media can make consumers feel huge differences, bringing them different emotional experiences and conveying product information to people. New media can evoke associations among customers of different ages and genders, creating a strong impression on them in an instant, thereby resonating and stimulating their purchasing desire. For example, in terms of shape, color, line and movement, finding sensations and transforming abstract things into concrete ones are a big process. For a product, packaging itself is the best way to increase sales. Therefore, the packaging of a product must have a strong personality. It not only expresses the characteristics, taste and connotation of the product, but also presents a diversified development trend in the innovative expression and application of illustrations in modern media. The expressive space and tension of illustrations add more adaptability to the packaging form.

For example, packaging is the most direct way to communicate with customers of canned yellow peaches, with various flavors, from Dangshan County. In the context of new media, the extraction, modification and application of elements, such as colors and patterns, have become more diverse. “Hundred Fruit Flavor” canned yellow peaches, from Dangshan County, use exaggerated illustrations and proportions in product packaging, dividing the yellow peaches into two and turning them into a playground for children. A group of children are playing the game of losing handkerchiefs, and the children’s hair, in the illustrations, is based on the image of the yellow peaches, using rough combination methods. The illustrations, on the side of the box, depict the yellow peaches in a beautiful environment, as well as the happy and friendly scenes among them, using personification techniques. On the front of the packaging box, children playing with lost handkerchiefs have different facial expressions and behavioral movements.

Through changes in their facial expressions and body movements, such as laughter, eyebrow movements and emotional mouth ones, the entertainment of illustrations is enhanced and used to express children’s inner happiness. When playing games, their happiness is also mixed with tense fun. Illustration is hand drawn, using digital technology. In terms of color usage, its colors are relatively bright and bold, and complementary colors are used. The color matching of cold and warm contrast and saturation contrast has been expanded, with yellow as the main color, giving the entire image a warm tone, and using colors to express the exact product information of Huangtao. In the work, points, lines and surfaces are used as the basic elements, creating a sense of hierarchy through “comparison” and a balanced and harmonious atmosphere through “harmony”, which is extremely interesting. The children, in the picture, can evoke the pure and warm feeling of childhood, make people forget their age and have a strong impact on customers, thus better conveying the storytelling of the brand. This left a deep impression on customers among the numerous fast selling products, thus achieving the goal of making customers purchase.

2.3 Mutual promotion between packaging forms and new media

Under the new media, the evolution of painting tools has had a certain impact on painting skills. Many illustrators use digital boards or digital screens to create paintings, which makes the creative environment of digital painting closer to the creative environment created by using solid painting tools. The way of thinking in design is also significantly different from traditional painting methods. Through digital painting, multiple modifications can be made, making the coherence of the painting less important. In terms of color matching, previous color designs had to give more consideration, while today’s color designs are free to choose. According to the way products enter the market, the use of colors is innovative and fast, which enables designers to better serve society when using new media. Color psychology is the most critical. In the language of color, it is actually from the perspective of color blocks, the first thing to choose is what color, what shape to choose and, then, how to use shape and color to describe these things, which is an overall layout.

Packaging can arouse people’s purchasing interest. In the early days, purchasing behavior mainly occurred in barter, markets, small shops, supply and marketing cooperatives, and stores. They were completed through face-to-face direct transactions, and all goods were placed on the ground, counters, etc. (Wassiliwizky; Winfried, 2021WASSILIWIZKY, E.; WINFRIED, M. Why and how should cognitive science care about aesthetics? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, v. 25, n. 6, p. 437-449. 2021., p. 437). If people want to purchase a product, they need to ask the store owner, salesperson, who is the main intermediary between the product and the consumer, and they deliver the product that the consumer needs to the consumer. However, even so, store salespeople cannot know everything about the product like a real supplier. The production of food and the market for goods are also like this. For a long time, the mode of the store was constantly changing, until it was very close to the various large shopping malls and small supermarkets that people are now accustomed to. The classification of product packaging is becoming increasingly detailed, and the number of samples is also increasing. People can browse various products they like online and, then, choose products without anyone’s help (Regelski, 2019REGELSKI, T. A. Resisting aesthetic autonomy: A “critical philosophy” of art and music education advocacy. Journal of Aesthetic Education, v. 53, n. 2, p. 79-101, 2019., p. 79).

Nowadays, the number of salespeople is constantly decreasing. In this situation, packaging has become the most direct bridge and hub between manufacturers and consumers, shouldering the important task of promoting products. Therefore, in terms of packaging, the main product information, product content, product quality, processing methods, production dates and other contents are all simple and easy to understand. Only by adding a description of the product on the packaging, people can understand what the product is, how it is used and its purpose. In recent years, with the changes in people’s dietary structure, in order to pursue a healthier life, people have paid more attention to food. They prefer natural, healthy, organic and green foods, seeking the most primitive methods of food processing and commercialization. Therefore, packaging has returned to the visual trajectory of the original illustration form, and the symbolic nature of the illustration graphics cannot only represent the world as it is, but also the world that people see, better demonstrating the symbolic significance of information.

Packaging forms have undergone tremendous changes in the past few decades, mainly affected by technology, design innovation and consumer demand. Traditional packaging forms are usually mainly boxes, bags, bottles, etc. But, with the progress of technology, the application of new materials and new technologies has made packaging forms more diverse and innovative. For example, the wide application of flexible packaging materials makes product packaging lighter, easier to store and transport, and also reduces material waste. In addition, the rise of sustainable packaging has promoted the use of biodegradable and recyclable materials, bringing new possibilities for environmentally friendly packaging forms.

In the future, packaging forms may continue to develop in a more environmentally friendly, intelligent and personalized direction. On the one hand, the widespread application of biodegradable and recyclable materials will become mainstream to reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment. On the other hand, with the development of Internet of Things technology, smart packaging will become a trend. For example, smart labels and sensor technology can help consumers understand the source, quality and safety information of products, and improve the convenience and safety of shopping.

3 Embodiment of Chinese artistic philosophy in modern packaging forms

In the context of the prevalence of contemporary artistic philosophy, the influence of traditional artistic philosophy on the form of product packaging is becoming increasingly evident, and traditional artistic philosophy has been re-recognized by people in this era. The aesthetic trend of postmodernism came into being under the influence of artistic philosophy, which has a great impact on the thinking of product packaging form, making the traditional aesthetic concept of packaging form appear in people’s thinking with a typical image of idealism. After colliding with postmodern culture influenced by contemporary artistic philosophy, the conflict between idealistic ideologies and cultures has become increasingly intense, even seen as two opposing theoretical frameworks.

Chinese art philosophy focuses on the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature. In modern packaging design, natural elements, such as flowers, landscapes, animals and plants, are often used to integrate into the packaging form. This kind of natural design inspiration not only echoes the concept of nature in traditional Chinese culture, but also emphasizes the harmonious relationship between people and the environment. In addition, modern packaging design not only pursues practicality, but also emphasizes visual beauty and tactile experience. Through exquisite craftsmanship and unique design, packaging not only becomes the shell of the product, but also a kind of work of art, guiding consumers to resonate in aesthetic enjoyment, thereby enhancing the added value of the product.

Chinese art philosophy embodies rich and diverse characteristics in modern packaging forms, which not only gives packaging design a deeper cultural connotation, but also prompts designers to find a balance between tradition and modernity, creating packaging forms that have both traditional characteristics and modern aesthetics.

3.1 Graphic expression in packaging form under artistic philosophy

Graphics are the most important visual communication method and have a wide range of applications worldwide. Therefore, in packaging form, graphics are an indispensable part and also the main carrier of packaging information. On packaging, people can discover various shapes, and the meanings contained in different shapes are also different. It can create a concise and clear shape, as well as a shape with complex meanings. Different graphics can express different meanings, and the resulting effects are also vastly different. Some packaging designs are hand drawn, which look more artistic and more complex than those drawn with photos. The artistic effects that different graphics can produce are also different. Therefore, designers must strengthen their research on graphics and express the philosophical culture, contained in them, in a graphical manner, so that the graphics, in the packaging form, can express more emotions.

3.2 Color transmission in packaging forms under the artistic philosophy

Color has a strong expressive power and plays an irreplaceable role in packaging form. It can directly reflect the style of packaging and is the most direct and powerful way of expression. Different colors can express different emotional tones and also play a significant role in the promotion of enterprises. People have a high sensitivity to color and can easily distinguish colors. Therefore, different colors can exhibit different effects. At the same time, the appropriate use of colors can also showcase the unique style of packaging form, allowing people to distinguish different packaging from colors. Moreover, the transition between warm and cool colors plays an important role in packaging form, as they can create a positive impression on people through the emotions expressed by different colors. For example, Coca Cola, with Chinese red as the main color, has left a deep impression on people.

3.3 Texture expression in packaging form under artistic philosophy

Another important factor in packaging form is the selection of packaging materials. A good product packaging cannot only effectively protect the item, but also pursue beauty in appearance. Therefore, in the packaging form, it is necessary to choose good materials (Wang, 2022WANG, Y. Q. Research on the Identification Standards for the Infringement of Geographical Indication Proof Trademarks in Product Packaging. Chinese Packaging, v. 42, n. 10, p. 13-16, 2022., p. 13). There are various types of materials, but not all of them can be applied to products. This is why people need to study products, identify their characteristics and use certain materials to design packaging forms. In addition, the texture of the material has an impact on its use, so reasonable use of the material can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Just as the design of the perfume bag ingeniously uses herbs to the extreme, it also strengthens the performance effect of the packaging form in the original product (Drakakis, 2018DRAKAKIS, J. Shakespeare, Reciprocity and Exchange. Critical Survey, v. 30, n. 3, p. 1-19, 2018., p. 1). Under the guidance of artistic philosophy, the visual communication forms in packaging are not unique, but they should become an organic and unified whole. When designing packaging forms, designers should comprehensively consider the design of the packaging, combining objective things with inner emotions, so that the visual effects of artistic philosophy can truly impress people.

Under the philosophy of art, packaging forms combine multiple senses, greatly improving the effectiveness of communication and giving people a new understanding of products. At the same time, it has also had a profound impact on packaging form, bringing infinite creativity to packaging form. Design is both rational and emotional, because the purpose of design is to give people a better feeling and provide the audience with a sense of beauty, based on limited concepts. This is the ultimate goal of conveying artistic philosophy (Gong; Sun, 2022GONG, X. Y.; SUN, Y. K. Analyzing the design aesthetic significance of commodity packaging -- taking tea packaging as an example. Art technology, v. 35, n. 2, p. 133-135, 2022., p. 133).

4 Future development of packaging forms

4.1 Media evolution and future changes in product packaging forms

The arrival of new media has brought tremendous impact to various aspects of life, such as packaging form (Janjarasskul; Suppakul, 2018JANJARASSKUL, T.; SUPPAKUL, P. Active and intelligent packaging: The indication of quality and safety. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, v. 58, n. 5, p. 808-831, 2018., p. 808). Under the influence of new media, the content and style of packaging have undergone significant changes. However, no matter how the packaging changes, its ultimate goal is to promote. In the past, some packaging designs were mainly focused on simplicity, economy and applicability, while also for the convenience of transportation. Therefore, little consideration was given to aesthetic design factors, mainly reflected in practicality. With the development of social economy and the times’ changes, people’s aesthetic level is also gradually improving, especially with the development of e-commerce in recent years. When people shop online, products with beautiful and novel appearances are more likely to win the consumers’ favor. Therefore, enterprises have become increasingly concerned about packaging design. While improving product quality, they have also made changes to product packaging and other aspects, making it more attractive. At the same time, packaging can also reflect a company’s image and brand. Therefore, companies are increasingly paying attention to packaging design. An excellent packaging design, solely based on its appearance, can make customers attractive enough to attract customers regardless of product quality. Therefore, the aesthetic characteristics of the packaging must be enhanced. In current packaging design, in addition to highlighting brand characteristics and helping enterprises better promote and disseminate, more attention should also be paid to the form of packaging, so that packaging design can keep up with the times’ trend. This is also more conducive to packaging design to play a better role and is helpful for enterprise marketing.

In the era of new media, the patterns in packaging form can have a certain impact on its effectiveness. Due to the development of brands today, the demand for patterns in packaging design is also increasing. For example, it is required that the designed patterns not only be applied to offline paper flyers and posters, but also to online marketing, such as various online advertisements, which puts higher demands on the design of patterns.

4.2 Future changes of artistic philosophy in the form of product packaging

The concept of “harmony between heaven and man” is to some extent consistent with the concept of “green packaging”. The two viewpoints of Chinese artistic philosophy are “the coexistence of existence and nothingness” and “the combination of emptiness and reality”. The reason why “existence” provides convenience to people is because “nothingness” has played its role. The combination of emptiness and reality, for the beauty of concrete imagery, advocates that things have birth and death, and that there are emptiness and reality, which is a constantly changing process. The entire field of art in China is influenced by it, which combines virtual and real movements and static, resulting in an inherent characteristic.

Chinese art philosophy emphasizes the pursuit of aesthetic experience. In packaging design, designers can use traditional Chinese aesthetic standards, such as “harmony”, “simplicity”, “balance”, etc., to create fascinating visual effects. Through the aesthetic design of packaging, consumers will have a sense of pleasure when using the product, which increases the added value of the product. Chinese philosophy and art not only give packaging a deeper cultural connotation in product packaging design, but also provide the possibility for brands to convey unique emotions and concepts. By integrating elements of Chinese philosophy and art, product packaging can better resonate with consumers, and enhance brand image and product market competitiveness.

For example, environmentally friendly packaging is used to inform customers that the product does not contain any harmful substances, which directly conveys the basic information and characteristics of the product to customers (Al-Saber, 2016AL-SABER, S. Beyond Colonial Tropes: Two Productions of a Midsummer Night’s Dream in Palestine, Critical Survey, v. 28, n. 3, p. 27-46, 2016., p. 27). At the same time, there are also some differentiated colors and patterns displayed on the packaging. For example, green can give people a sense of environmental protection and freshness in this product, while red can give people a lively and strong feeling. Therefore, various humanized designs can enable people to better select products in their daily lives and appreciate the artistic and philosophical beauty that products bring to them. Most customers make purchasing decisions due to the packaging of a product, and promotion is the most functional concept in packaging form (Qi; Li; Wei, 2021QI, W. Q.; LI, S.; WEI, Y. T. On the Humanistic Care of Packaging Design of Online Products in the Aging Society. Packaging Engineering, v. 42, n. 14, p. 256-262, 2021., p. 256). When designing product packaging, it is important to ensure that the box structure has a reasonable proportion, rigorous structure and exquisite shape. Emphasis should be placed on the comparison and coordination of box shapes, as well as different cultural connotations, striving to make the packaging have complete functionality and exquisite appearance to meet the needs of production, sales and even use.

In the future, the development of packaging forms will move towards more interactive, personalized design and environmental sustainability. Interactive packaging will interact with consumers through intelligent technology and provide customized information and experiences. Personalized design will meet the different consumers’ needs, customized packaging, and enhance the emotional connection between brands and consumers. Environmentally friendly design will advocate sustainable materials and production processes, reduce packaging waste and emphasize environmental responsibility. The development of this future packaging form will not only enhance the interactive experience between products and consumers, but will also promote the in-depth application of environmental awareness in packaging design, and promote the development of the packaging industry in a more sustainable, innovative and personalized direction.


Chinese philosophy and art play a profound influence in packaging design. Inspired by traditional philosophy, modern packaging design is not only the outer packaging of products, but also a kind of cultural inheritance and innovation. The concepts of nature and humanities are often integrated into packaging design in the form of natural elements and cultural symbols, emphasizing the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature, and injecting vitality and emotion into the product. In addition, Chinese philosophy and art also emphasize aesthetic experience. Through the careful matching of packaging colors, shapes and materials, designers create a sense of visual pleasure and enhance consumers’ aesthetic enjoyment. The concept of the integration of cultural inheritance and innovation makes packaging design not only influenced by traditional cultural elements, but also has the characteristics of modern fashion and innovation, making packaging adapt to the contemporary consumers’ needs of while inheriting culture. Therefore, Chinese philosophy and art are not only a design concept in packaging design, but also a kind of cultural inheritance. It gives packaging a deeper connotation, making packaging no longer just the outer packaging of the product, but also a kind of art that can arouse the viewer’s resonance and deep thinking.


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  • 1
    This work was sponsored in part by “A Project of Training Thousands of Young and Middle-aged Teachers in Guangxi Higher Education, Research on Design Semantics and User Information Behavior in the Context of Visual Communication in Digital Age (Grant nº 2021QGRW038)”.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 May 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    06 Sept 2023
  • Accepted
    15 Nov 2023
  • Published
    03 May 2024
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia Av.Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737, 17525-900 Marília-São Paulo/Brasil, Tel.: 55 (14) 3402-1306, Fax: 55 (14) 3402-1302 - Marília - SP - Brazil