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Notes on the University and the Concept of Formation (Bildung) in Max Horkheimer

This text sets itself two main tasks. First, it offers a limited evaluation of Horkheimer's reflections, especially in the period directly after the end of the Second World War, on the problem of the university and how it relates to the concept of formation (Bildung), a concept fundamental to the tradition of the modern German university. Second, the role exercised by socialization in this viewpoint is examined. The objective is to elaborate reflections on contemporaneity that benefit from the focus conceded to the problem in the singular situation in which Horkheimer's thinking was formulated.

Critical theory of society; Max Horkheimer; University; Formation (Bildung); Reason (Vernunft)

Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia Av.Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737, 17525-900 Marília-São Paulo/Brasil, Tel.: 55 (14) 3402-1306, Fax: 55 (14) 3402-1302 - Marília - SP - Brazil