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The inheritance of the ‘red gene’ in students: Chinese communist party’s efforts to preserve their values in the new era


In response to the problem that the red gene inheritance is not professional and deep enough to keep up with the times, this paper studied the college students’ red gene inheritance, so that the red gene can be better inherited. This paper made a detailed study of the value pursuit of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the inheritance of college students’s red gene of college students, introduced the value pursuit of the CPC and explained the importance and necessity of the inheritance of the college students’ red gene. This paper first studied the inheritance of red gene in college students, then expounded the importance and necessity of red gene inheritance in them and probed into the value pursuit of the Communist Party of China. It also studied the inheritance of red genes in college students in the new era, hoping to further promote the inheritance of red genes. Research on the value pursuit of the CPC and the college students’ red gene inheritance can draw their attention to the red gene inheritance and facilitate their understanding of the value pursuit of the CPC, so that the red gene can be better inherited in the new era.

Communist Party of China; Value Pursuit; New Era; Red Gene Inheritance for College Students; Cyber Democracy


Em resposta ao problema de que a herança do gene vermelho não é profissional e profunda o suficiente para acompanhar os tempos, este artigo analisa a herança do gene vermelho dos estudantes universitários, para que ele possa ser mais bem herdado. O artigo oferece um estudo da busca de valor do Partido Comunista da China (PCC) e da herança do gene vermelho dos estudantes universitários, introduz a busca de valor do PCC, bem como explica a importância e a necessidade da herança da faculdade gene vermelho dos alunos. Inicialmente, analisa a herança do gene vermelho em estudantes universitários, depois expõe a importância e a necessidade da herança do gene vermelho neles e investigou a busca de valor do PCC. Ademais, trata da herança dos genes vermelhos em estudantes universitários na nova era, na esperança de promover a sua herança. A pesquisa sobre a busca de valor do PCC e a herança do gene vermelho dos estudantes universitários pode chamar sua atenção para a herança do gene vermelho, facilitando sua compreensão da busca de valor do PCC.

Partido Comunista da China; Busca de valor; Nova era; Herança do gene vermelho para estudantes universitários; Ciberdemocracia


The red gene is the communists’ life code, and the red gene records the road of the communists’ hard work. It contains the Marxist political parties’ nature and purpose, and demonstrates the great power of faith, which is the source of power to achieve the great cause and continue to win. As a record of fine tradition and revolutionary spirit, red resources carry red genes, red traditions and red missions. No matter how the years change and how the world changes, it would always be a huge spiritual driving force that inspires Chinese communists and the Chinese nation to work tirelessly and vigorously. By protecting and utilizing red resources, it can inherit the red tradition, red spirit and red genes, and keep our Party alive and vibrant forever.

Under the new situation, it is necessary to vigorously strengthen the education of Party loyalty, give full play to the advantages of red resources of the central and state organs, improve activities, such as reviewing the oath of membership and the application for Party membership, and form an intra-party political culture with the characteristics of the central and state organs. People should have a deep understanding that the red regime did not come easily, the new China did not come easily, and socialism with Chinese characteristics did not come easily (Horvath, 2011HORVATH, B. For Home and Country: World War I Propaganda on the Home Front. Twentieth Century Literature v. 57, n. 2, p. 264-271, 2011., p. 264). Nowadays, red gene education is particularly important for college students.

The red culture contains the red gene, which embodies the struggle course of the CPC. It witnessed the original aspiration of the CPC, and demonstrated its nature and purpose. To cultivate students through the use of red culture in universities, it is necessary to turn ideological and political classrooms into red classrooms. Universities should fully utilize the red cultural resources on campus to provide ideological and political education for college students (Nie; Nie, 2021NIE, Y. H.; NIE, Z. T. Research on Red Culture Merging into Ideological Work in Colleges and Universities Under the Background of Integration of Culture and Tourism - Taking Red Culture Resources in Wuhan as an Example. Management, v. 9, n. 6, p. 487-489, 2021., p. 487). College students are advanced intellectuals’ representatives. The purpose of carrying out red gene inheritance education in universities is to create a good atmosphere for red gene inheritance education and adhere to the position of red gene inheritance education (Wei, 2020WEI, H. Culture Research under the Background of Red Gene Inheritance Education in China’sColleges and Universities. Frontier of Higher Education, v. 2, n. 4, p. 1-5, 2020., p. 1). Moreover, as cities develop, urban parks, with red revolutionary culture, are gradually acknowledged by people. Red culture can evoke special memories of a period and a city, and can be gradually applied to urban landscape planning (Li; Zhang, 2018LI, H. Q.; ZHANG, C. Y. The Landscape Planning and Design of Urban Park for the Red Revolutionary Culture. Open House International v. 43, n. 1, p. 63-67, 2018., p. 63). In recent years, red tourism has attracted, increasing tourists with its unique cultural connotations. People realize the significance of revolutionary spirit and accept the activity of revolutionary tradition education by visiting revolutionary memorials (Huo; Zhang, 2022HUO, C. Q.; ZHANG, G. T. Research on the construction and application of Chinese-English parallel corpus of red tourism: taking hebei Province as a case. Creative Education, v. 13, n. 2, p. 557-564, 2022., p. 557). At present, with the times’ development, there are new tasks for the inheritance of red genes among college students in the new era.

The CPC has shaped and inherited the great spirit in its great process of party building and hundred years of struggle: holding firmly to the truth, following ideals, realizing the original intention, fulfilling the mission, being not afraid of sacrifice, putting up a heroic fight, being loyal to the party and living in the present, which have inspired the people of the CPC to make great efforts. In recent years, due to the continuous changes in social conditions and mainstream views, the content of moral crises has also changed over time. The CPC plays a central role in shaping China’s moral pattern (Yan, 2021YAN, Y. X. The politics of moral crisis in contemporary China. The China Journal, v. 85, n. 1, p. 96-120, 2021., p. 96). At the same time, as the only ruling party, the CPC plays a vital role in China’s public administration and policy formulation (Gore, 2019GORE, L. L. The Communist Party-dominated governance model of China: Legitimacy, accountability, and meritocracy. Polity, v. 51, n. 1, p. 161-194, 2019., p. 161). In the era of neoliberalism, the rise of new rightists and authoritarian governments, the CPC has improved the average living standard and promoted marketization by promoting the economic policies with the appearance of neoliberalism (Duckett, 2020DUCKETT, J. Neoliberalism, authoritarian politics and social policy in China. Development and Change, v. 51, n. 2, p. 523-539, 2020., p. 523; Chase, 2018CHASE, M. ‘Packed Tightly with the Strong Meat of History and Political Economy’: Mark Hovell and Histories of Chartism. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, v. 94, n. 1, p. 40-54, 2018., p. 40). At the same time, the CPC strictly requires party members to learn and improve themselves. Party members, on average, hold more modern and progressive views than the public on issues, such as gender equality, political pluralism and openness to international exchange (Ji; Jiang, 2020JI, C. Y.; JIANG, J. Y. Enlightened one-party rule? Ideological differences between Chinese communist party members and the mass public. Political Research Quarterly, v. 73, n. 3, p. 651-666, 2020., p. 651). In terms of economy, state-owned enterprises play an essential role in China’s economy and are also the key tools of policies and strategic initiatives of the CPC (Yu, 2019YU, H. Reform of state-owned enterprises in China: The Chinese Communist Party strikes back. Asian Studies Review, v. 43, n. 2, p. 332-351, 2019., p. 332). In terms of culture, the CPC refers to traditional culture and makes itself consistent with the society’s expectations by drawing on traditional virtues (Kubat, 2018KUBAT, A. Morality as legitimacy under Xi Jinping: The political functionality of traditional culture for the Chinese Communist Party. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, v. 47, n. 3, p. 47-86, 2018., p. 47). The CPC serves the people wholeheartedly. The development principle of coming from the people, relying on the people and for the people, is the growth law of the CPC, and is also an essential reason for the success of the CPC.

College students are the country’s future. Young college students should seize the times’ opportunities, set lofty goals, constantly maintain high morale, and hone their character and abilities in practice. They should stand at the time’s forefront to actively participate in the great journey of realizing the Chinese nation’s great rejuvenation, and become young dreamers in the new era. At present, more and more students’ success in universities is measured by retention and graduation rates. The pressure that may arise from various academic and environmental aspects is very common among college students, and uncontrollable pressure can reduce their academic, social, environmental, psychological and physical adaptability (Yikealo; Bereket; Ikali, 2018YIKEALO, D.; BEREKET, Y.; IKALI, K. The level of academic and environmental stress among college students: a case in the college of education. Open Journal of Social Sciences, v. 6, n. 11, p. 40-57, 2018., p. 40). The college students’ academic mindset, academic perseverance, learning strategies, social skills and academic behavior can affect academic success (Farruggia; Cheon-Woo; Bette, 2018FARRUGGIA, S. P.; CHEON-WOO, H.; BETTE, L. B. Noncognitive factors and college student success. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, v. 20, n. 3, p. 308-327, 2018., p. 308). College students are the country’s future, and the inheritance of red genes plays an essential role in the new era.

The current education system focuses on knowledge education, neglects moral education, and pays little attention to revolutionary history and revolutionary heroes. As a result, many young people do not have a deep understanding of the inheritance of the red gene, and it is difficult to truly understand and feel the profound significance contained in it. To solve the problem of insufficient professional depth and keeping up with the times in the inheritance of red genes, among college students, in the new era, this paper explained the importance and necessity of studying the college students’ red gene inheritance in the new era (Wu, 2022WU, Y. Study on the Current Situation of Red Culture Communication and IP Empowerment Enhancement Path in Suwanbei Area. Frontiers in Business, Economics and Management, v. 5, n.1, p. 17-20, 2022., p. 17).

1 Interpretation of the ideological indoctrination of CPC values: red gene inheritance

The pursuit of party value is realized in the process of active interaction between party political strategy and party representation. In a certain sense, the representation of a political party is often in the ordinary people’s eyes and minds, while a political party’s political strategy is often in the outstanding party figures’ thoughts and blueprints. For ordinary people, a political party’s representation is a political party’s external and intuitive image in their eyes, which is often expressed by some specific things, and these contents often belong to the category of “where they come from” and “who they serve”. By understanding the pursuit of the party’s value, the general public can cultivate their emotional identification with the party when their rights and interests are protected and their life ideals are realized. This identity becomes a sign of the party’s legitimacy and a source of strong support for the party. This powerful force is exactly what political parties need to implement political strategies to achieve the pursuit of value.

People-oriented is also called a value concept that takes people as the fundamental. The main objective of all governance is to meet the people’s material and cultural needs, promote their all-round development, and realize their rights and interests. It also refers to the people-oriented values, emphasizing human dignity, individual freedom and individual value. The idea of people-oriented is the ruling concept that the CPC has always pursued, and it is also the basic guarantee for the CPC to face various challenges and win continuously. Strengthening the pursuit of value, within the Party, is not only the fine tradition of the CPC, but also an important magic weapon of the CPC and an unavoidable prerequisite for the great struggle and great project in the new era (Jiang, 2023JIANG, S. H. Evaluation of IMERG, TMPA, ERA5, and CPC precipitation products over mainland China: Spatiotemporal patterns and extremes. Water Science and Engineering, v. 16, n. 1 p. 45-56, 2023., p. 45). The CPC has formed a broad and lofty value orientation, based on the Marxist worldview, outlook on life and values, and on the Chinese working class’s noble moral quality (Yang, 2022YANG, P. An Evidence-driven Research to the Transgressions of Geneva Conventions by the Communist Party of China Led Autocratic Regime. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, v. 13, n. 10, p. 249-266, 2022., p. 249; Hoult, 2011HOULT, E. C. ...And... The Winter’s Tale and Resilient Learners. Critical Survey, v. 23, n. 2, p. 91-105, 2011., p. 91). The basic purpose of the CPC is to make a better life for the people. The basic people-centered position is adhered to, and the people are always placed in the highest position. The CPC leads the people to continuously create a better life. The CPC, shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation, has become the Chinese working class and the entire Chinese people’s pioneer. A political party’s value pursuit refers to the firm value choice and pursuit of a certain theory and its corresponding political ideals, by the party and its organizations and members at all levels. The revolutionary spirit is the value orientation of the CPC. Among these ideas, the Red Boat Spirit has a special role and status, and its emergence stems from the historical process of early efforts of the Chinese Marxism to achieve people’s happiness and national rejuvenation. Since its birth, it has contained the most distinctive value pursuit of the CPC.

The communist ideal is the goal of struggle with the realization of communism as the basic content, and it is the communists’ highest ideal. It absorbs the ideological achievements of utopian socialism through criticism. People can use the scientific world outlook of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to analyze the objective laws of social development, and seriously sum up the practical experience of the workers’ movement to put forward a social ideal. The Communist Manifesto clearly points out that communism is the eternal basic value pursuit of the CPC. Therefore, the lofty communist ideal is not only the basic and eternal value pursuit of the CPC, but also the value gene of a Marxist party. It has the times’ distinctive characteristics and can be inherited from generation to generation. In its Party Constitution, the CPC insists on taking the realization of communism as the highest goal, and puts forward realistic and down-to-earth requirements for every communist party member. Ideals are ideals because of their grandeur, and beliefs are beliefs because of their firmness. For every Communist Party member, especially their leading cadres, ideals and beliefs are their spiritual calcium. Ideals and beliefs are the life’s spiritual pillars. Man’s spiritual world is like a building, the lack of pillars would collapse, and ideals and beliefs are the life’s spiritual pillars. In real life, when people encounter special difficulties or major shocks, and sometimes even fall into desperate situations, if there is no strength to support themselves, people would collapse. It is in such a place and time that ideals and beliefs play the role of spiritual support. If they lack ideals and beliefs, or if their ideals and beliefs are not firm, it is equivalent to a lack of calcium in their spirit, which would bring great harm to them. The collapse of ideals and beliefs is the most dangerous shaking. The fundamental problem that arises in the actual political life, within the party, is that the “ballast stone” of the party members and cadres’ ideals and beliefs has been shaken, and the “main switch” of the three values, outlook on life and values has become loose.

After New China’s founding, after the initial recovery of the national economy, the Communist Party issued the call that the Chinese nation and people must achieve national industrialization if they are to be completely liberated, and formulated the general line of “One modernization and three reforms” for the transition to socialism. It has successfully blazed a path suitable for China’s characteristics to gradually realize socialist industrialization and socialist transformation of agriculture, handicraft industry, capitalist industry and commerce, and established a brand new socialist system in China, which can realize the most extensive and profound social transformation in the Chinese nation’s history (Lieber, 1976LIEBER, M. D. Riddles, Cultural Categories, and World View. Journal of American Folklore, v. 89, n. 352, p. 255-265, 1976., p. 255). The Party’s political character and value orientation determine its spiritual outlook. In the continuous self-revolution, the CPC has summed up the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, forged a unique revolutionary spirit and formed a fine style of work. It also has cultivated a new party culture and demonstrated the spirit of high spirited and enterprising, pragmatic and honest, which has had a tremendous impact on the entire Chinese nation’s spiritual outlook. At the dawn of a new era, the CPC stood on the times’ trend and assumes historical responsibility. They insisted on innovation and kept moving forward, adding new era connotation to the spirit of the CPC. Emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts are important components of the national spirit. The strategies, decisions and measures for governing the country are all based on in-depth investigation and research of China’s national conditions, and have the characteristics of foresight and practicality. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, liberating the mind and seeking truth from facts have always been organically combined. It has deeply grasped the times’ pulse, listened to the voice of practice, and guided the CPC on the path of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has realized theoretical innovation on the basis of practice, thus creating a new road of sinicization of Marxism.

The CPC has the courage to explore, open up new roads and bridge difficulties. China is in a critical period of development. The reform has entered a deep-water area. The road ahead is full of difficulties and obstacles. The CPC has led China to achieve historic changes and historic success. The sense of anxiety is not only an important strategic thinking feature of the CPC, but also the Chinese people’s strategic thinking. In the new era, college students should be good at using the bottom line thinking. “Being prepared for danger in times of peace”, “saving for a rainy day”, “all rivers run into sea” and “keeping pace with the times” are spirits of learning. College students need to create a good environment throughout the Party that is good at learning and brave in practice to build a marxist learning oriented political party better, and to build a strong learning country better. College students should regard learning as a pursuit, a hobby, a lifestyle habit, a conscious, proactive and lifelong learning. This type of learning should be comprehensive, systematic, and have a spirit of exploration. While studying Marxism, history, the Party’s and the country’s rules and regulations, the CPC has an open mind to explore the economy, politics, culture, society, ecology, science and technology, military, diplomacy and other fields, and is good at absorbing and digesting all beneficial achievements, knowledge and experience of civilization, created by mankind.

The CPC did not become satisfied with its current victory because of its victory, nor did it stagnate because of its victory. Instead, it kept striving and advancing. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people are in a new century and have begun a new era. In the coming days, the CPC can adhere to the development, as the primary task, and the people oriented development concept. The CPC firmly holds high the banner of socialism and constantly promotes the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. The CPC adheres to and develops socialism with Chinese characteristics, and makes more contributions to the pursuit of better social life. College students must uphold the correctness of history and the justice of humanity, take human development as our responsibility and build a better world as our responsibility. The CPC has unswervingly carried out self-revolution, constantly strengthened its progressiveness and purity, constantly improved its leadership and ruling ability, and constantly strengthened its ability to resist corruption, prevent change and resist risks. On the new journey, the CPC and the Chinese people should be united more closely to strive for a better tomorrow.

2 Connotation of red gene inheritance among college students in the new era

College students are the backbone of social development and can play a significant role in inheriting and promoting the red gene. Their ideology and morality are closely related to the country’s future development direction. Therefore, in the context of reform and strong advocacy for new policies, various universities have conducted a series of beneficial studies aimed at strengthening the inheritance of the red gene among college students. College students inheriting the red gene should firmly establish their cultural beliefs, shape their spiritual personality and undertake their revolutionary mission. The red gene is a precious spiritual resource and the Party and the people’s essential character. General Secretary Xi Jinping has more than once stressed the need to pass on the red gene, and also to let it pass on (Xi, 2022XI, J. P. Speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China. Australian Marxist Review, v. 7, n. 2, p. 1-6, 2022., p. 1). Therefore, in the process of inheriting the red gene, college students, in the new era, should not only establish a correct ideology, but also establish a scientific worldview, outlook on life and values. In universities, it is important to minimize the inheritance of college students’ red genes and implement them in the most basic work. This is of great significance for college students to familiarize themselves with the Party’s and the country’s history, and to enhance their cultural awareness. The inheritance and education of the red gene among college students, in universities, are not overnight achievement. It is necessary to establish clear goals and directions for struggle, cultivate the inheritance of the red gene among college students from different perspectives, that is, enrich their understanding of the red gene culture, deepen their understanding of the red gene spirit and promote their conscious inheritance of the red gene. In educational practice, college students should adhere to and implement the principles of ideological orientation and diversified methods, providing methodological guidance for the inheritance of red genes in universities. In addition, measures, such as establishing bilingual red culture promotion teams in universities, promoting red tourism and comprehensively promoting red gene culture through new media, from multiple perspectives, can be taken to enhance college students’ understanding of red gene culture, remembering the revolutionary spirit, enhancing cultural confidence and leading red culture to go global (Liu; Lou; Cao, 2022LIU, Y. T.; LOU, L. L.; CAO, B. N. The Dissemination of Zhejiang Red Culture from the Perspective of New Media. Open Access Library Journal, v. 9, n. 5, p. 1-9, 2022., p. 1). The red gene genetic poster is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 -
Red genetic poster

The red gene is an excellent quality and precious spiritual wealth created by the Party’s leadership and people through long-term hard work. It is a concentrated reflection of the ideology, spiritual outlook, moral quality and good style of the CPC and the revolutionary predecessors’ one, a life code in the Chinese people’s blood and an important magic weapon for building socialism. Under the new historical conditions, college students are organized to carry out red gene inheritance, which helps them better understand the development history of the CPC. It is not only a political party’s history, but also the history of national independence, liberation and the people’s prosperity. The red gene embodies the wisdom of Communist Party members’ generations. It is a valuable experience in governing the Party and the country, and is also a vivid historical textbook. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to integrate red culture into the socialist core values of universities. It is necessary to explore effective ways to integrate red culture into the education of socialist core values in universities, based on the current reality (Chen, 2019CHEN, Y. Research on the Education Path of Red Culture Integrating into the Core Values of Chinese Socialism in Colleges and Universities. Open Journal of Social Sciences, v. 8, n. 1, p. 295-302, 2019., p. 295). Through the inheritance of the red gene, college students can better understand the history of the development of the CPC and the party’s and the people’s brilliant achievements in modern society, so as to better play the role of learning from history and educating people, which is of great significance to cultivating the college students’ correct values. At present, universities should play a key role in the inheritance of the red gene, among college students, and strive to impart the red gene to students, so that they can better understand the Party’s great revolutionary history and red culture. On the basis of perceiving and identifying with the red gene, they firmly adhere to their ideals and beliefs, and establish a correct worldview, outlook on life and values. In order to achieve the goal of inheriting red genes among college students, in the new era, universities must optimize the means and methods of inheriting red genes, create a strong atmosphere of red gene inheritance and deepen college students’ understanding of red gene inheritance, enabling them to identify with red genes, strengthen their belief in red gene inheritance and establish correct ideological concepts. This helps to solve the ideological confusion of today’s college students and faces the future, which has important practical significance for the college students’ education and plays a positive role.

The foundation of establishing a university is to cultivate virtue and cultivate people. Therefore, universities should not only provide students with comprehensive academic knowledge, but also provide them with good ideological and moral qualities, so that they can always maintain a positive and upward attitude. The red gene is an important factor in red culture and a promising and positive cultural factor. It can correct the college students’ ideological concepts and improve their ideological awareness, which is a good educational resource. Through authentic and trustworthy red textbooks, their subjective world and ideological consciousness can be changed, providing spiritual motivation for their life development. In the new era, college students should not only master the knowledge of classroom red education, but also seize new positions on the Internet to inherit the red gene. Social practice activities have been actively carried out to strengthen the college students’ red education. The Internet is conducive to changing the college students’ learning style and enriching their learning resources. Therefore, college students can use the Internet, as a platform for learning red genes, and enhance their infectivity. The inheritance method of red genes has been updated, and the creation of a red culture network platform and a red culture learning group has been strengthened. Only by updating the content and form of red culture education, red genes can be truly integrated into students’ ideological and political education work. To ensure the inheritance of the red gene from generation to generation, it is necessary to regard red education, as the main way to inherit the red gene, and red tourism, as an essential way to inherit the red gene. Attention should be paid to the design and innovation of systems, and a mechanism for inheriting the red gene should be established. Figure 2 shows the red tourist attractions.

Figure 2 -
Red tourist attractions

3 Inheritance of red genes, among college students, in the new era

The red gene is the Chinese nation’s precious spiritual treasure. Inheriting the red gene is an inevitable choice for college students in the new era, which can help them strengthen their ideals and beliefs, improve their moral standards, better understand the Party’s and the country’s history, and enhance their cultural confidence. Therefore, in order to inherit the red gene, it is necessary to strive to practice the basic methods of moral education in ideological and political theory courses, and integrate red resource education into the entire process of theoretical courses. It is necessary to create a scientific and effective education evaluation system, build a red resource network to comprehensively plan, organize and coordinate red resources, and create conditions for the inheritance of red genes. In addition, it is possible to develop red tourism and organize red gene activities, such as singing red songs, reading red books, watching red movies, telling red stories and reading Chinese classical literature aloud, all of which contribute to the inheritance of red genes. In the process of inheriting the red gene, college students should combine their ideals with China’s great rejuvenation, making it their guide for action, source of strength and spiritual pillar.

From its inception to the present, the CPC has formed its own unique attribute and feature, namely red gene, through continuous growth and development. The red gene is the source of the development of the CPC and the basic requirement for realizing its value pursuit, lofty ideals and revolutionary beliefs. The CPC attaches great importance to inheriting and carrying forward the red gene. From the very beginning of its establishment, the CPC has raised a red flag. With the establishment of revolutionary bases, the red gene was also born. For example, Yan’an, the Long March, and Jinggangshan were all important periods for the Party to inherit and develop the red gene. The red gene is the source of strengthening the Party’s innovation ability and improving the Party’s struggle effectiveness in the new century. It is the foundation for the Party’s cause to be passed down from generation to generation, and the inheritance of blood lies in the inheritance of the red gene. Universities not only shoulder the basic task of moral education for students, but also bear the responsibility of guiding intellectuals, cultivating builders and successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the new era, facing an extremely complex social environment, the Party’s work is very challenging. Therefore, it is very important for universities to effectively inherit the red gene in this process. After the reform and opening up, due to the influence of various ideologies, different cultures have had a significant impact on the college students’ ideological life, which makes it difficult for them to distinguish right from wrong, and even leads to incorrect ideological concepts. Therefore, carrying out red gene education, in universities, is of great significance in providing ideological and moral education for college students.

The inheritance of the red gene is of great significance for the formation of ideal beliefs among college students. The red gene is a great spiritual quality that can not only help college students establish correct ideological concepts, but also help them fight against bad ideas and cultivate socialist core values. It can also serve as a spiritual pillar for college students to correct their ideological attitudes, strengthen their cultural confidence and consciously undertake their historical tasks. It is not only a product of a special historical period, but also has the value of keeping pace with the times. In the current information age and multicultural situation, college students are facing a new ideology: cyber democracy. Generally, Internet nationalism can be divided into two types: rational and extreme. Generally speaking, Chinese Internet nationalism refers to the implicit and explicit expression of nationalist emotions and thoughts by Chinese people on the Internet, short messages or other modern media, the dissemination and production of nationalist emotions and remarks, and the speech and behavior of destroying and attacking other countries’ websites, based on nationalist mentality (McVey, 2009MCVEY, C. Ethnic Modernism. Twentieth Century Literature, v. 55, n. 3, p. 401-408, 2022., p. 401). It is a social and political phenomenon that emerged in China in the mid to late 1990s. It is an ideology that includes ethnic, racial and national identity, advocating that ethnic groups should be the human life’s “basic wooden unit”, as the ideological basis for shaping specific cultural and political views. It is a new ideology, spreading through the Internet. In the continuous development of networking, measures and countermeasures can be adopted according to local conditions. It can not only consolidate the status of mainstream ideology, but also make continuous breakthroughs and innovations to make some new ideologies serve the mainstream, and play a role in strengthening the rationality of government governance, reshaping the inspiration and cohesion of national spirit, so as to regulate the social operation. College students, as the reserve force of national construction, correctly understand these are not only conducive to their own development, but also very conducive to the development of the country’s mainstream ideology.

In addition to improving their own ideological and moral cultivation, under the complex trend of college students’ correct cognition network, the state should also grasp the direction and core of mainstream ideological education. In the face of Western countries using the Internet to launch an offensive against our ideology, people should actively respond and take the initiative. It is necessary to sing the main melody of socialist ideology on the Internet, build the main position of socialist ideology on the Internet and gradually gain the power to compete with the Western information dissemination. They should actively disseminate all kinds of information favorable to socialist ideology on the Internet, enrich the information resources about Marxism on the Internet, and expand the coverage and influence of the network. It must strengthen the control of network information, attach great importance to the influence of Internet media on public opinion, accurately grasp the development trend of network media, strengthen the supervision and management of network use, and strengthen the security guarantee of national information ideology.

To enable them to establish the common ideal of socialism, with Chinese characteristics, and the correct three values under the new historical conditions, it is necessary to achieve this through the inheritance of the red gene. In the new era, college students have not lived their predecessors’ difficult lives, so they have not left a deep impression on the past life of hard struggle, nor have they had too many feelings. At the same time, in the daily education process for college students, red education has been severely weakened or even absent, and a considerable number of college students have insufficient understanding of the Chinese nation’s excellent and revolutionary traditions. Therefore, college students need to inherit the red gene and realize the revolutionary heroes’ spirit, facing difficulties and striving to achieve the great dream of building a socialist new China under extremely scarce materials and extremely difficult environmental conditions. This allows the vast number of students to truly feel the profound ideological connotations and noble moral sentiments contained in red culture, and allows them to be subtly infected and uncontrollably influenced.

In ideological and political education in universities, red gene education is an indispensable part. It is not only a social practice activity, but also a spiritual education activity. In the practice of inheriting the red gene, universities should transform people’s thinking, enhance their self-awareness and build their spiritual home through education, in order to achieve the goal of promoting the college students’ spiritual maturity. Learning and inheriting the red gene are an important task to help college students establish correct ideological concepts, and they are also a long-term battle to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and promote the college students’ spiritual growth. Universities need to do a good job in inheritance work and achieve the purpose of inheritance. This requires college students to understand and learn about the red history, great red figures emerging, glorious red deeds, recorded by the Party, and the people in the process of revolution, construction and reform. This enables college students to have a deep understanding and identification with the red spirit, traditions and genes that the Party and the country have condensed in the process of development. This also requires college students to actively participate in the inheritance practice of the red gene. College students should continuously improve their ideological realm, cultivate their healthy personalities and promote their spiritual growth in the process of learning and practice.


The red gene is the spiritual code that people have accumulated through hardships and hard work, which contains the fine quality of traditional culture and has enduring inheritance value. Entering the new era, the state proposed to rely on education to vigorously carry forward the red traditional culture, inherit the red gene and continue the red spiritual blood. Many universities actively respond to this call in the ideological and political education work. They actively develop red cultural resources and increase the proportion of red gene education. This can lay an educational foundation for college students to continue the red gene, open up a new way for cultivating new people in the era, and have a positive role in promoting red culture, ideological and political education, and talent cultivation.

This article first interpreted the Communist Party’s values and understood that, through understanding the pursuit of the Party’s values, the public can cultivate the Party’s emotional identity, under the condition that the rights and interests are protected and the life ideal was realized. The Manifesto of the Communist Party of China clearly states that communism was the eternal fundamental value pursuit of the CPC. Then, the paper introduced that in a critical period of development, and the road ahead was full of difficulties and obstacles. It leads to the need for college students to create a good environment for learning and practicing courage in the party, better build a Marxist learning-oriented party and better build a strong learning country.

The following, are the measures, proposed in this paper, for college students to inherit red genes: to study Party history seriously. Party history is a vivid teaching material, Party history is college students’ important content. Therefore, college students should study Party history well. College students must have a strong will and the spirit of being able to endure hardships, which is the basic requirement for contemporary college students. College students must set up the correct ideal and, in order to realize the ideal, they must work hard and strive to make progress. College students should not only fear their own life, but also have a sense of justice. At all times, they must accept the choice of the motherland and the people’s one, and uphold justice at all times.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 May 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 July 2023
  • Accepted
    29 Aug 2023
  • Published
    03 May 2024
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