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Smart and sustainable cities: perceptions about the city of Curitiba/PR from the 2014 to 2021 multiannual plans


The public planning options for cities materialized in the Multi-Year Plans are often based on urban brandings that do not always reflect social needs and problem solutions, such as reducing vulnerability. In addition to being smart, cities need to be sustainable, and people centered. In this perspective the aim of this study is to analyze whether the Multi-Year Plans proposed by the Municipality of Curitiba/PR for the period 2014 to 2021 reflect the adopted concepts of smart city (smart cities) and sustainable cities. The study is exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach, and appears as a case study of the city of Curitiba/PR in which the multi-year plans and their relationship to the smart city and sustainable city labels are analyzed, reflecting on programs and projects of meet social, economic and environmental needs. The results indicate that Curitiba in the analyzed PPAs is closer to the sustainable city branding, being perceived in 89.47% of the programs, whereas the smart city label includes only three of the 19 programs proposed in the evaluated period.

Smart city; Sustainable cities; Urban brandings; Curitiba/PR. Multi-year plans

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1155. Prédio da Administração - 6°andar, 80215-901 - Curitiba - PR, 55 41 3271-1701 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil