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This dossier, which emerged as the result of a session organized by Miller and Baines in the AAA/CASCA joint Conference in Vancouver, Canada, in 2019, brings together a collection of articles on Indigenous peoples, tribunals, prisons and legal and public processes, uniting scholars from Canada and Brazil. The dossier was widened to include more Brazilian anthropologists who work on these themes with indigenous peoples in politically engaged research, to introduce international comparative approaches to studies with indigenous peoples, as well as stimulating a broader exchange between social anthropologists in both Brazil and Canada, and examine the specific research issues in this area of studies in which they are involved in different national contexts. The intention is also to present in the English language some current research in these areas which is being carried out in Brazil to a wider international audience.

Key words:
Indigenous peoples; tribunals; prisons; legal and public processes

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) Caixa Postal 04491, 70904-970 Brasília - DF / Brasil, Tel./ Fax 55 61 3307-3754 - Brasília - DF - Brazil