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The weave of kinship and the ever-mobile fishing village of Barra de Ararapira (Superagüi Island, Guaraqueçaba, Paraná, Brazil)

In Barra de Ararapira fisherman village, kinship operates as a language that allows to realize, think, express and organize a space in constant transformation. The village is undergoing a process of natural erosion, because of this, its residents have been transferring, secularly, residence areas and fishing routes. This natural situation resulted in an own territorial law, oriented by a genealogical content, which differs radically from other forms of space organizing, such as private property or public domain. This conflict materializes with the overlap to the fishermen village of the Superagüi National Park in 1997, a state instrument for protection of natural areas, where human presence is vetoed in order to ensure the conservation objectives.

traditional people and communities; particular territorialities; kinship relations; social and environment conflicts

Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) Caixa Postal 04491, 70904-970 Brasília - DF / Brasil, Tel./ Fax 55 61 3307-3754 - Brasília - DF - Brazil