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Precariousness and inequalities amidst daily uncertainty: life and hope during the Covid-19 Pandemic


This article examines two themes that intersect in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. I consider how the production of precariousness and the overlapping inequalities are inscribed in everyday life and I reflect on narratives of hope as a way to sustain life in the present. Relationships between precariousness and hope are traced, from an ethnographic point of view, from the ways in which life is portrayed by social actors in critical reflections on everyday life. The analysis of the articulation between the extraordinariness of the pandemic and the ordinary course of life is conducted through an integrated view of innumerable social inequalities. Hope is understood as a way to manage uncertainty in a daily life marked by the continuous production of precariousness.

Key words:
Inequalities; Hope; Uncertainty; Pandemic; Precariousness; Life;

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