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More on the Mesopotamian-Yungas disjunction in subtropical and temperate Argentina: Bioclimatic distribution models of the harvestman Discocyrtus dilatatus (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae)


In this paper, the potential distribution of the Mesopotamian harvestman Discocyrtus dilatatus Sørensen, 1884 is modeled, and the species' bioclimatic profile is described. Models were built with the presence-only methods Maxent and Bioclim, using 85 unique records (of which 49 are new) and 11 non-correlated bioclimatic variables as predictors. Both Maxent and Bioclim supported the Mesopotamian-Yungas disjunct pattern observed in D. dilatatus, and confirmed the hypothesis that the sub-xeric Dry Chaco is an effective barrier for the two portions of the range. Similarly to results of previous studies on other Mesopotamian harvestmen, temperature variables proved more relevant than precipitation variables in the final models. In the combined overall score obtained with Maxent, bc4-temperature seasonality ranked as the most relevant, and only one precipitation variable (bc18-precipitation of warmest quarter, in second place) ranked among the top five. In the Most Limiting Factor analysis, which identifies the relevant variables in a local scale, temperature variables were again more determining than precipitation variables in most of the range. One single variable, bc5-maximal temperature of warmest month, proved critical near the boundaries of the modeled range and the Dry Chaco, suggesting that extremely high temperatures (and not the supposed aridity) are responsible for the 450 km distribution gap.

Bioclim; bioclimatic profile; Maxent; most limiting factor; species distribution models

Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3266-6823 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil